Tuesday, January 28, 2025

• 2025 •

And the year has only begun… 

Wishing all, who visited this post, great possibilities for an artful year ahead! 

What I am currently craving for 2025:

• paint more!

• implement oil pastels into my paintings

• use up art materials I already have

• put myself out into the universe & sell art pieces


Artwork is to be shown, NOT tucked away; 

Each art piece, creation, book journals all have a voice; a visual expression someone needs to hold tight to. Something they identify with. 

YES! art is personal. 

Yet, it will speak to someone… 

REMEMBER there is nothing to speak of, when they are tucked away!

** fingers crossed ** 🤞 

I be mindful of this, practice it cautiously in 2025.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Thankful For The Day...

Thankful For The Day

by Catherine Pulsifer

Once a year, every year it comes
Marching in drum by drum.
One year ends and another begins
Often time it brings a grin.

Some people are glad to see the old year go
But others feel time has gone to slow.
Some people wish time would stand still
But a thought like that gives me a chill.

You see an opportunity exists each year
To help others and bring good cheer.
Our attitude towards our time
Can be worth a dollar or just a dime.

This coming year live each day
Keep negative thoughts at bay.
Life is too short to live with regrets
Life is too short to live with big debts.

Appreciate and be content
Do not spend your time in lament.
Awake each day and always pray
Be thankful for another day.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Nutcracker & Angel Ornaments

An invitation... behind the scenes! 


Welcome to my creative mess. 

The beginning layers. 

Putting the final touches on these wonderful art pieces.

Next up, angel ornaments. 

I couldn't image Christmas without creating a few. 


If you haven't had a chance to see/shop for these
"limited addition"  ornaments, here is the link to my Studio Gallery.


Saturday, December 18, 2021

Ho Ho Ho

 Santa has arrived!!
Well, in craft form anyways. 

Our Holiday Program is in full swing for 

my grade-school kiddos. 

Excitement fills the classroom… 

as many know it is ONLY a short time before 

Santa arrives to fulfill their Christmas wishes. 

Kiddos were very eager to dive right into 
the art project, crafting a Santa. 
Many giggles surrounded the art table… 
Once kiddos started gluing down their handprints 
for Santa’s beard!

What a magical time. 

After writing/structuring a curriculum 
that implements a “theme” like this one. 
I go back and organizing (in thoughts) 
“how” this will be orchestrated in the classroom. 
In my mind… 
I might be thinking, “this is an amazing program!” 
Yet, it MUST contain a continuous flow of activities 
with open ended projects, and minimal prep/cleanup. 
A lot of “behind the scenes” takes place 
before the program is finalized. 
There are some projects/activities that just don’t make it. Budget plays a HUGE factor in this decision.
Adequate staff.
Time limitations. 
These are just a few, to give you a general idea. 

At the end of the day… 
A “successful” program is the greatest reward!!

Friday, December 17, 2021

Paper-Towel Christmas Tree


Just a few simple supplies can turn…
“ordinary” craft into an “extraordinary” craft! 

There is just something so “magical” about the process!

Card-stock paper 
Christmas tree (template)
Paper towel roll
Scrap painted paper (cut small circles)
Acrylic paints