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Poster: hgoodall Date: Jan 7, 2010 8:40am
Forum: bookmobile Subject: It had come to my attention

I had scanned several books and uploaded them to archive. There is a fellow that had downloaded, printed the book and is selling these books on I think that should know about it. The one I noticed reprinted was Burke's Complete Cocktail And Tastybite Recipes. This was a book I scanned. The lines of his copy match up with the lines of my copy. They are exactly the same distance apart.

I just thought that Archive is being used by amazon for profit.

Reply [edit]

Poster: t120 Date: Mar 13, 2011 9:06am
Forum: bookmobile Subject: Re: It had come to my attention

Well, if the book was public domain, there's nothing to stop whoever printed it out from selling it. You /are/ legally allowed to sell public domain works.

BUT I thank you for notifying the Archive. If you want it to get seen by a Staff member (not me!) they most likely will not see it here. I always have had luck posting it here: