Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Our Baby Book \ Diary

Last Night, we went to NBS to buy a baby book. We also bought some scrapbooking stuffs for the soon-to-be-baby album. Almost everything is complete but the waiting game is testing our patience. Hehehe.

Monday, January 26, 2009

More Gifts Coming IN

Last Sunday, our little baby received another batch of gifts. This time, they are from Ariel's sisters. Thanks!

Preggy Diary - Week 38 (Add'l Update)

We had our weekly pre-natal check-up last Saturday.

Some Good News:
    - No weight gain for me.
    - Last Weeks BPS- ok
    - Baby's Heartbeat - ok
    - Dilation improved - now at 2cm
    - OB already issued admitting orders

Not So Good News:
    - Although I am 2cm dilated, my cervix is not yet that ripe. It's already soft compared last week but it is still thick.

From LDPH, we had our BPS in OB-GYN because the Sonologist in LPDH is currently on ML. The cost of the BPS in Festival Mall is 30% higher compared to LPDH but we have no other choice. My OB wants to have my BPS that day for more accurate comparison.

BPS Result:
Score: 8/8 = GOOD
Baby's Weight: Increased from 3030 to 3239 grams = Not so GOOD
Amniotic Fluid: Increased from 18.9 to 20.8cm = BAD

I texted the result to my OB and she said that I really need to give birth soon to avoid having a CS delivery. She doesn't want it for me because of my GDM.

After the BPS, I had my 4th Pre-natal Session. It was really relaxing especially for my aching back.

Now, I feel that I really want to give birth soon. My backache is really killing me. Also, I felt some kind of fear last night because of the mucous coming out of me. I had texted my OB and she said that It might have been caused by her IE. Well, I hope that this is already a sign of labor.

Need your prayers for my safe delivery soon. I hope it would be soon.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Aching Back

I am complaining about it for quite some time already. Maybe this is
cause by our little girl who is getting heavier and my scoliosis. I
believe it is not yet a contraction because it stops or it lessen when I
change position. However, this is really affecting my mood. Huhuhu.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Year 2008 RECAP

2009 had already started and the 1st month is ending soon. Let me just list down all the blessings we received and trials we faced last 2008.

Highlights (Let's count our Blessings.)

Hubby and I had a beginning of year Bonding Moment (Jan2-3) in Los Banos Laguna. Went to Visit UPLB.
Few Weeks after the year started, I was given a new assignment with a good career opportunity.
We're able to start our investment with Philam.
Birth of my 1st Nephew.
3rd Year Wedding Anniversary which we spent in Punta de Fabian in Baras Rizal.
My sister graduated in HS with honor.
Had a 3rd Gimik with hubby for the year - spent a night in Coffee Farmhouse.
Hubby got his promotion and was moved to another group.
Before the middle of the year, another project was assigned to me.
Able to meet with hubby's College Friends (Wilson visited Phils. after one year of migrating to OZ)
Fully Paid our Pag-ibig Housing Loan.
Ariel had another blessing.
Home Improvements ( Dirty Kitchen - roofing and turned it to a real kitchen plus kitchen cabinet)
We are still employed!

Lowlights (Trials):

Learned some bad new from about one of my sister.
Death of Daddy Tony (My Dad's 2nd dad).
Our 1st househelp left us after more than a year of service. She decided to finally settle down in their province. Good thing that we had a new one before she left.
I was advised by my OB to have a month of bedrest due to low lying placenta.
Our 2nd househelp left us. But this is also a good thing because she had some attitudes that we don't like.
RIF (Reduction in Force) in our Company.
Learned about my GDM (Gestational Diabetes).

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Preggy Diary - Week 38

Yesterday, we went to visit my Endoc to consult about the change in my sugar level. She said that it is just normal and gave us the targets to follow.

Pre-Breakfast = 80 to 94
Post Meal = 85 to 120

She also advised me that if my pre-breakfast will go below 80 then I may need to reduce my insulin intake by 2 units. I also told her about the dizziness I am feeling lately. She said that I may be anemic but after she checked my eyes and said that it looks normal. She just advised me to tell it to my OB.

When we got home, I texted my OB and told her what the Endoc told me. She replied with a sigh. Hehehe. She told me that I'll just follow what she instructed my last Saturday. The target that we will be using is 90 for post meals.

Now, we're kinda confuse. But we still pray that everything is REALLY normal and everything will continue to be Normal until I give Birth.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Preggy Diary - Week 37

We had our weekly pre-natal check-up last Saturday. As per my OB, my last week's BPS is still ok. My IE showed no difference compared to last week. I need to do more walking. She gave me another medicine to help in my dilation. She also checked my blood monitoring result. She said that my recent sugar level is low and may need to decrease my insulin intake from 8units to 6units. She also suggested that I continue to go to work. This will help in my dilation.

We just had our lunch in the hospital while waiting for my BPS. We're 3rd in the list. It was just good that the 1st two patients didn't take long inside the room. However, our little girl was in a deep sleep during the BPS. It took us a long time wake her up. The result of the BPS is not so good. We are expecting my water to decrease but it increased from 12 to 18. I texted my OB and she advised me to lessen my water intake but never to dehydrate myself. Sigh. Hope everything will be fine soon. Actually, hubby and I were thinking about the BPS result. The sonologist used a new machine that day. We don't know if it was already correlated with the old machine. Hmmm. We have to wait and check next week.

From the hospital, we went to Festival Mall to buy some nursing bra and do some walking while waiting for the time to pass by. I have a scheduled pre-natal massage in Rebirth Spa at 5:30pm. After the walk, hubby and I had a little PM snacks in Shakeys. I just ordered the Salad Chix Pizza. It comes with 2 pc of Mojos but I gave them to hubby to reduce my carbohydrate intake. We're done eating at 5pm and arrived in Asian at exactly 5:30pm. Just in time for my massage. It really relaxed me. It's good that I still have 2 more sessions.

Right now, we are worried about my blood sugar level. It is getting lower and lower. We will need to consult my endoc soon.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Another Pasalubong

Some people may think that I am poor but I believe that I am rich because my wealth is the relationship I have with my friends and family.

If you would see, I have blogged a lot about gifts from friends. True friends are hard to find these days and we are happy to know that we have a lot. Below is another evidence that we have lots of friends around.

Thanks to Tita Chu for this Pasalubong! We really love the color. It fits our table and we are now using it!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Preggy Diary - Week 35 and Week 36

Week 35 - Jan. 03
Returned to my endoc. She read my blood monitoring diary and said that everything looks good. She just need a new blood test from me - TSH and HBA1C. I have them done in Healthway ATC where she holds clinic. We just had lunch and then went to LPDH to have my weekly ultrasound (BPS - Biophysical Profile Scanning). The doctor arrived late and I was 3rd on the list. Baby didn't cooperated at first. She was sleeping. I needed to get up of the bed and eat a little to make her move.After I have eaten a hotdog from the hospital's canteen and got back to the ultrasound table, the doctor already saw an acceptable movement from our little girl. From Las Pinas, we drove back to Alabang to have my 2nd session of pre-natal massage in Rebirth Spa in Asian Hospital. It was so relaxing since I've been having a lot of backaches recently.

Week 36 - Jan. 10
9:45 am in LPDH for my pre-natal check-up. As per my OB, the BPS result is normal and good. She noticed that I lose some weight because of my GDM. I almost can't eat anything. She also did an IE on me. It kinda hurt. She said that I am 1cm dilated however my cervix/uterus is still thick. I may give birth in 2 to 3 weeks. She also told me that there is a big chance that I can give a normal birth. She also gave some instructions to us for the preparation of my birth giving then she again gave me a request for my next ultrasound. She also prescribed a lactation medicine - Natalac which I need to take once a day.

12nn in Healthway ATC for my endoc check-up. All my blood test results are normal. However, my blood sugar level before breakfast for the last 2 days are above 94. She told me to increase the dose of my insulin by 2units if it will not go below 95 tomorrow. I need to see her again next week.

Hubby and I just had our lunch inside the car.because we need to be back to LPDH at 1pm for my BPS. Unfortunately, the doctor arrived at 2pm. The only good thing is that I am the 1st in the list. According to the doctor, everything is normal including the cord. Our little baby didn't cooperate again during the movement monitoring but she started to move when hubby played some music thru our cellphone. Thanks God.

After our check-up, we went to SM Southmall to buy some more baby stuffs, home stuffs and did some grocery shopping. So far, here are the additional items we bought for our little girl.

I feel in love with the socks. They are cute, right?


We had welcome 2009 with a blast and a little drama. Hehehe. We didn't had any fireworks. We just listened and watched our neighbor's fireworks. Actually, we really don't spend money on fireworks. This is for our safety and our way of being money smart. Anyway, below are some of the foods we had prepared for our Media Noche.

We love all the yummy foods.

We also played some games after eating like darts, picture frame and bingo.

We enjoyed the night. We also hope that 2009 will be prosperous for all of us!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

More Baby Shopping

Last Sunday, after attending our friend's daughter's Christening, we went to SM dasma to buy more baby stuffs. Below are the items that we bought. Do you think we are excited?

Pahabol na Xmas Gift

Yesterday, we received another gift for our little baby from our friend
Shirley who just came back from Taiwan. They are so cute. Thanks!!!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


We started to get busy for Christmas by the end of September. Our little Christmas tree was already standing by that time. However, we started shopping for gifts end of November. This was because of the recession that was happening in the US. And since we are an American company, there are cost cutting measures that our company made. There was a reduction in force. We lost 2 engineers from our department. Ariel's department lost 7. We just hope and pray that they were still able to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.

Anyway, below are some of our gimiks.

Started our Christmas Shopping in St. James Bazaar.

Divisoria shopping.

Shopped for add'l xmas gifts in AAVA Bazaar.

Ebay Shopping for Hubby and my parents.

It was the NPD PE Party. It was fun. Our theme was Animated Musical Play. Our group was assigned to do the Naruto or Madagascar. We chose to do the later. The other groups do 2 animated movies. It was a stressful preparation because some of the members doesn't want to cooperate. I was just supposed to be the director by I ended up also performing and dancing. Anyway, all our efforts paid off. We are only after the last prize (4th place) but we ended up winning the 2nd place. It was really a good feeling aside from the fact that we also won a cash prize of 7K instead of 2K.

Shopped in Market2.

Started wrapping gifts for our direct reports.

Started giving gifts.
Shopped in ATC after my check-up with the Endoc.

Hubby's group Christmas Party.

Shopped in Rockwell Tent.
Meeting with Ariel's Friend from Australia.

Completed the wrapping of gifts.

Fetched my family from Pasig. They will spend Christmas in our Home.

Done giving gifts to friends and inaanaks in the office.

We're already on leave but hubby is still getting calls from office.We attended Misa de Galo at 8:30pm. My mom and dad are the ones who prepared our Noche Buena. I only prepared the salad (which unfortunately is not good for me).

Noche Buena Special.

Gift giving with my family. We're all laughing when we saw that my nephew was scared of our Pop-up sun Gift. Hehehe.

We slept at 2am. We all woke up at 8am. We 1st visited my dad's relatives in Antipolo - my grandma and Tita Aida's Family. Then my Mom's relative (Auntie Fe in Taytay and Mama Linda in Pasig). Then we dropped my family in my parents house. We just left our gifts for my inaanaks and other cousins.

Hubby and I then went to SM Hypermart in Pasig to buy Shirts for the Jorge-lypics (His family's yearly xmas reunion) because we both don't have the required colored shirt. I need to wear green while hubby need to wear yellow. We arrived in Filinvest Antipolo at 6:30pm. The party was supposed to start at 6pm but unfortunately, the guests are not yet there. The party started at 8pm instead. The worst part was when it started to rain. The party was outdoor and we only have 2 big tents. We only have a limited space but it still looks like that everybody had fun. After the program and the gift giving, we left the place at passed 1am. We still fetched my dad from their home in Pasig because he will be doing some carpentry in our house. He'll be doing us a double deck bed.

Woke up late. Opened all the gifts we received. And here are all of them! Thanks!!!


Hubby and my Dad went to Farmers in Cubao to buy some seafoods that we will be preparing for our Media Noche. They were able to buy Crabs, Shrimps and Lapu-lapu. My dad will be cooking all of them. Yummy! I am now excited for the media noche!

Blogging while waiting for the New Year. Will blog soon about our Media Noche!!!


Preggy Diary - Week35

I was not able to provide a preggy update lately because our last few weeks was like a roller coaster ride.

From my last update, I had my 2nd OGTT last Nov.16. But I was only able to get the result on the 13th of December during my OB visit. It was higher compared to my 1st. As per my OB, I needed to consult an endocrinologist. We both felt bad about it. However, we felt excited when we had our 4D ultrasound and saw the features of our baby. She has a very shubby cheeks.Cute!


We went to Heathway in ATC to visit the endorsed Endoc by my OB. She told us that my readings are really high and I need to start monitoring my blood sugar but I need first to undergo a Diabetes Education in Our Lady of Perpetual Help Medical Center asap.

Attended the Diabetes Educ in OLPHMC. Unfortunately, the Dietician was sick and not around. It was only the nurse who conducted the class and just advised me of the recommended diet. We bought a new gadget - a glucose monitor meter. This is expensive. But I am more concerned of the pricking and the sight of blood. Sigh.

Follow-up check up with my Endoc. Accoding to my glucose Monitoring Book, my glucose after meal is within limit but the fasting is not. I needed to inject 4units of insulin everyday 0.5H before dinner. If after 2 days, my reading won't change, I need to change it to 6units. Another bad news. Sigh.

My not so nice new Gadgets.

From ATC, we went to SM Sucat to wait for my OB. She has no clinic in LPDH (The OPD is close until 01/02). While waiting, we shopped for some baby stuffs. It was fun and exciting.

We made our reservation with my OB at 5pm. Her sched starts at 6pm. I was 4th in the list. I should have reserved earlier. My OB was not happy with my glucose issue. She said that I'll be needing to have a weekly ultrasound to check for baby's size and I really need to give birth on my 38th week because the baby might get bigger as a side effect of my GDM. She said that I need to take more care of my diet. I also had my last dose of Tetanus Toxiod.

Now, I already had 4 dose of insulin as advised by my Endoc. The last 3 days was good. It was lower than 100. But this morning, it went up again to 99. I don't know why. My sugar after breakfast was also high (130). Good thing that my after lunch is lower (104).

Diabetes Mgmt Diary

We hope that my blood sugar level especially the fasting will be corrected as soon as possible so that I won't need to increase the dose of my insulin intake. We are also worried about our little girl.

Please help pray for us.

RECAP: 122008 7th BF/GF Anni & Gimik with Friends from Australia

Last December 20 was our 7th anniversary as BF/GF but instead of having a date, we celebrated it with Ariel's College Buddies.

We started the day in Rockwell Tent, we just bought some stuffs for friends and for Christmas gifts. We had lunch in Jollibee. Then moved to Glorietta 1 to pick up some items from Matus. Our date with Ariel's friends was late in the afternoon. While waiting for them, we windowed shop and took some rest in Food Choices. Hubby had his Banana Split while I had my sugar free Cheesecake.

His friends started to arrive at 3pm. Ariel and his wife came 1st, then Peter and Marose. We waited for Wilson and Hannah ( who visited the Philippines after migrating to Australia last June'07) in Greenbelt 3. We had our pm snacks in Cafe Breton. It was a very good bonding moment.

After some time, we went back to Glorietta1 to have dinner in Dencio's. Everybody had a good time.

It was a very nice day. Looking forward to our next meeting!

RECAP: 112808 - Our 1st Xmas Themed Throw Pillowcases and Curtains

Last November 28, I had my monthly pre-natal check-up. My OB had an Emergency and advised us that she will be late for our appointment in Prima Medica SM Sucat.

While waiting for her, I went to home section of SM Sucat and saw that their curtains are on sale. I bought these curtains and throw pillowcases. These are the 1st xmas themed items we bought for our home.

They are simple yet I love them!

Pasalubong from my Friend Tere

My Friend got back from her Bangkok 1-month assignment last December 15. It was good that she was able to arrive safe even with Bangkok's government issues.

She brought all the clothes below for our little girl. Daddy and Mom also got our pasalubongs.

Thanks for the early xmas gift!

Happy Holidays!!!!

I know. I know. This is quite late for Christmas. I really have gone very very busy.
Anyway, I hope everybody had a good Christmas and we wish that we'll all have a prosperous 2009!

Happy New Year to All!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

AAVA Bazaar and New Baby Stuffs

We had a busy day today. We're in AAVA Bazaar this morning at 9:30am. We're able to buy some stuffs for the holiday like exhange gift for our PE Group Party, other gift items for our inaanaks and firends, a couple of polo for hubby, some shirts for me and of course another onesies for our little baby. We're done shopping at 11:30am.

Some Stuffs from AAVA Bazaar

We then went to cubao to visit ariel's sisters. Daddy is also fixing some pipe leaking in their place. When dad was done, we went to my parents house. My mom handed me some baby stuffs from my sister, most of them are pink and so cute.

From Ditse & Mom

We finally got home at 8pm. Right now ,I'm taking some time to rest before sleeping.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Long Weekend & Some Preggy Update: ww30

We had a very stressful week last week. We had appointments that we needed to cancel because of some urgent office stuffs. The RIF in our group was completed last Thursday. Thanks God that Hubby and I were not included and we pray that those identified will be back on their feet soon. The other groups are still not done and needed to complete it last Friday. We asked permission from our director for a day-off because I need to visit my OB last Friday. He already allowed me because we're already done with the RIF.

We just try to complete all the things we need last Thursday and able to leave the office at 8pm. We're already hungry and so we opted to have our dinner in a nearby Chinese restaurant.

My appointment was 1:30pm in PDH. We decided to go to ATC first to pick up my repaired "NEW" phone. Finally, it's already working properly. They have replaced the whole mother board and it's now like a new phone - the IMEI # was changed. After I got my phone, my OB texted me that she have an emergency and will just meet me in SM sucat at 4pm.

From ATC, we went to Festival Mall to have a 2D Ultrasound and found out that we are having a baby Girl. We're both glad that the OB told us that everything looks normal. After having our lunch, we went to SM Sucat.

Hubby had his massage because his complaining about his back from some day already. I just did some window shopping. Actually, I checked some of the baby stuffs as well as the crib prices.We're torn if we're getting a wooden crib or not. When I got to the home section, I saw a 2-panel curtain for only P350. I bought 2 designs. Hubby was done with the massage at 4pm. However, I received another text from my OB. Her patient has not delivered yet and advised me to just go to the clinic at 6pm. Hubby and I just decided to take a PM snacks in Greenwich and spend only 25 pesos for a baked mac meal, a Hawaiian madness meal and a fit and right juice because we have a BPI charged slip with a reward/perks.

We've decided to wait in the clinic at 5:30pm. Good thing that my OB was already there. However, we are already the 3rd in the list. We should have reserved our slot before going somewhere else. Anyway, as per my OB, everything looks fine. I had my 2nd dose of Tetanus Toxoid. She also advised me to have my dose of steroid for the safety of the baby in case I'll have a pre-term labor. We're so tired that day and just had our dinner at home.

Another tiring day. We're in Metro South Hospital at 7am for my 1st dose of steroid. Never thought that it will be painful compared to the Tetanus Toxoid. However, it is still tolerable. From the hospital, we went to AA for this annual St. James Bazaar. We're there at 8:30am. The other sellers we're still setting up. Hubby and I we're able to buy gift items from the sellers that we also saw last year. We also bought some baby stuffs (onesies, mittens, booties and baby books). We're also able to buy some stuffs for our home and for ourselves. Hehehe. We had our early lunch there because baby and mommy were already hungry. We're done shopping at 1pm when we saw my manager with his family who are also shopping there. St. James Bazaar was indeed a good bazaar! We'll definitely go back there next year if budget permits.

Some Stuffs bought for our Little Girl from St. James Bazaar

Some Stuffs we bought from St. James Bazaar

When we got home, we're hungry again and had our PM snacks. Then hubby left to meet with his sisters in Gateway Mall to do some errands. I just stayed at home and had some rest. At 5pm, I went to SM Molino with our help to do some grocery shopping. We're supposed to wait for hubby there but he told me that he'll be late. Hubby got home at 9pm. We went to the hospital for my 2nd and last dose of Steroid. Again, it was painful.

Divisoria Day. We woke up at 5am and left home at 5:45am. We're supposed to be in 168 Mall at 7am but we're caught in traffic in CCP because of the ongoing Milo Race Event. We arrived there at 7:15am and still lucky to have a parking slot near the mall which eventually opened at 7:30am. We met with my mom, dad, sister and his BF there. They went first to Divi Mall. I didn't plan to go there because of the distance and the crowd. I don't want my baby to feel the pressure. We're done shopping at 12nn. We just had our lunch in Jollibee near Nueve de Pebrero because the Food Court was so crowded.

At my parents house, hubby and I had our regular Manicure and Pedicure then we left to fix some errand in Edsa Shang. We got back in my parents home to pick up the materials needed for our temporary kitchen gate and the materials needed by dad for the cabinet of my neighbor. My dad and bro will be staying with us while they are working on my neighbor's kitchen cabinet. When we got home, we left again to attend a Mass in St. Jerome's Parish in Alabang. Unluckily, it was raining hard and we can't leave the car. We just open our window slightly so we can still hear what's happening inside the church. When we got home, we just ate dinner and fixed some things before going to bed.

A rest day. We woke up at 8am. We're still sleepy but baby is already hungry. I did nothing but rest, eat and sleep. After dinner, we fixed our things for work before sleeping.

We had a very tiring week but we're still lucky to have some bonding time together and with our families. We're even given a day of rest before going back to work. Bottomline, it was all worth it.

Got My 1st Xmas Gift

A friend gave me this book this morning. She said that it is her Christmas gift for me and she knows that I can really use all the things written in the book.

Thanks Ate Bona! Mwah!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tiring yet Relaxing

Last Friday, hubby and I left the office early, we're supposed to do some malling but my body didn't participate. I got an aching tummy and back after an hour. We just had dinner before going home.

However, we continue our bonding moment last Saturday. We went to Festival Mall to check on some stuffs. We're able to buy some baby stuffs, curtains at 70% off , a printer and some other things. We also had lunch in Serye - their boneless crispy pata was good and a must try. We're already tired at around 4pm but instead of going home. Hubby brought me to Asian Hospital. I was surprised that he scheduled me for a pre-natal massage. I been missing having a massage because we usually have it every month when I'm not yet pregnant. I was happy, relaxed and rebirth after the session. It was a tiring yet relaxing Saturday! Thanks to my dear hubby.

Btw, Did I mention that he availed the discounted price for 5 sessions?

Little by Little

Little by little, we are buying baby stuffs. We already checked and counted the gifts we received and found that we still need some stuffs for our baby's first few days. And so we started buying stuffs last week. And this weekend, we will ask my mom to buy more in Divi to avail of the low cost if we buy in bulk.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Recession and RIF

Today, we had an All Employees Emergency Meeting. Our Executive VP came here from the US to give us the news. The recession is inevitable. According to him, he talked to the Wall Street guys and the assumption for the length of recession is 5 to 6 years. And because the business is not doing good, we need to do a RIF (Reduction in Force). The reduction will be about 10% to 15%. We will just know who are included in the list tomorrow. The procedure will take 2 days. The RIF package is already generous compared to what the Labor Code requires. The 1Yr extension of the HMO enrollment is already a good offer by our company. RIF identified employees were selected based on redundancy and performance. It was not LIFO (last in - first out).

The meeting lasted for less than an hour and a lot of employees were speechless after it. Worries are evident on their faces. Faces of Recession.

We just hope that the market and the business will recover soon.

We have a new Brother

Our 2yo 3in1 HP printer broke down few months ago. As per the repair center, we need to replace some parts. Hubby and I thought that it would be better to buy a new one because the cost of the replacement parts is almost equal to half the price of a brand new printer.

We've been scouting for a printer for months now. We've been delaying our purchase because of some priorities. However, last Saturday, we decided to buy a new one on 0% installment for 6 months. We bought a Brother Printer because it met all the features and functions we're looking for. It was not able to meet the dimension that I want but we think we can live with it. Also, it comes with a free 2G USB flash drive.We already tried it last weekend and last night and so far we are satisfied with it. We just hope that it will last a long time.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Preggy Diary - Week29

Last Nov. 16, I had my 2nd OGTT. I had a normal sugar level from my 1st which was done few months ago. This is just to check if there has been any changes. We're in the hospital @ 6am and completed the whole process at 9:15am. Everything was normal. We even visited a friend living close to the hospital and went to World Trade Center to check on the Grand Kapamilya Negosyo Fair.

We're home at 3pm. Hubby and I had siesta and when I woke up I was dizzy. I even don't have appetite during dinner.

Came Monday Morning, I was supposed to go to office but I was not feeling well. Hubby advised me to just stay at home. I just slept the whole day. My dizziness come and go. My OB advised me to have my BP monitored.

Hubby got home at almost 7pm. We went to the hospital near our place and my BP was at 135/90. It was not normal because I used to have a BP of 110/80. They also said that I have vertigo but I don't believe them. I don't know why. My OB just advised me to double my intake of Iron. It may be caused by the increase of blood that the baby needs.

I was able to go back to work the next day. I am still feeling some dizziness but it was already tolerable. I also had my BP monitored. For two days, it was at 110/80. My OB said that it was normal. Just need to visit her on the 27th for my 2nd dose of Tetanus Toxoid.

I'm kinda excited for my next OB visit. Hope everything will be fine and finally have my 4D ultrasound.


Did I mention that the kicks are stronger now?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

St. James Bazaar 2008

I finally knew the date from this blog. It will be on Novemeber 29,30 and December 1.

I 'm really looking forward for this bazaar because there are lots of unique stuffs that you can find there. It makes me excited. See you there!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

First Stuff bought for our Baby

This is our 1st purchase of baby stuffs. A friend bought them for us in US. We don't know when are we going to buy the next items. Maybe, we'll postponed them until after Christmas.

Preggy Diary - Week25

We had our monthly pre-natal check-up last Saturday. We are thankful that everything is doing good. I just gained 3 lbs since my last check-up.My weight is still normal. Baby's heartbeat is at ~140bpm. Size is @ 24cm. I also had my 1st shot of Tetanus Toxoid.

My OB advised us to:
- continue my vitamins
- check my skin color every time. If my skin starts to turn yellow, we need to advise her so she can increase my Iron intake.
- have my 2nd OGTT prior my next check-up.
- have a congenital scan (but not required since I didn't have any major complication during my pregnancy).
- just have my 4D Ultrasound after my next check-up.

So far everything is good. And we're now getting excited. Almost 3 months to go.

More RAK from some Friend in the US

Got this from the Dela Cruz Family. Thanks po!!!!

First Xmas Shopping for 2008

I did my 1st Christmas shopping for this year last Saturday. I bought some shirts for kids.Bought them online and just met up with the seller to see the actual items. I love them all but can't post them because I want it to be a surprise. We just hope that they will also like them.

This is just the start. There will be more.

Another Gift for our Baby

An officemate just got back to work after his 3 months OJT in our San Jose Main Office. He handed me a bag from one of our Filipino friends there and it contains these cute onesies and burp pad. Love them!

Thanks to the Suaverdez Family!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

New Slippers for Me

Hubby bought me slippers last Sunday. My old slippers are now not comfy to wear especially now that I have gained some weight brought by mypregnancy.

I like it very much. It's so comfy. Actually, I liked it the 1st time I say it but Rustan's doesn't have my size. They don't even have my size in any of their branches. But thanks to the saleslady. She asked us to check BASS. They are not connected and she doesn't know if they have my size. We're just lucky that they have size. I was choosing between black and brown. But hubby liked the brown better. Another good news it that it was on SALE. We got a 25% discount. Is it not nice?!

101808 RECAP: A Very Long Saturday

It was a very long saturday for us. Hubby got a call from his director at 6am. He started getting calls from different people. And so my sleep was disturbed. We ate breakfast and he continue working. We left home at 10am and went to Cuenca in AAV to buy some pasalubong/padala for his cousins and their betterhalves in Canada as well as gifts to Tito Ben and Tita Ghie. We had lunch in Asian because I was so hungry. We also claimed the result of my breast ultrasound. It was good that the mass didn't grow bigger after 3 months. Thanks GOD!

Then we dropped my mom and Ethan to my parents house in Pasig. We're supposed to go to Megamall to check their 3-day sale and look for some baby things but we decided not to go because of the traffic. We just went to Market Market to buy gifts for my friends son Christening and birthday gift for Ariel's sister and brother in law. We had snacks in Pancake House before going to Domestic Cargo to pick up the Lechon from Cagayan. This is for Ariel and his sister Angel's advance bday celebration. They have the same birthday. The dinner was great. We had lechon, dinuguan, pancit malabon and Pixies' Sinugbang Boneless Bangus.

After dinner, we went to a Magnolia Ice Cream parlor near St. Paul QC for dessert. The presentation of the ice creams were really nice but the money smart in me is saying that it is expensive. Hehehe.Nevertheless, hubby had fun and it was his intention to bring me there because it was my 1st time. Left the place at 10pm but able to got home at 11:45. The traffic in SLEX really made me mad. From 3 lanes, they made it single lane so what will you expect?! I was able to sleep, wake up, sleep again, wake up again and we haven't moved much. We haven't reach the Sucat exit. Grrr. I was so tired and my back is already aching. Huhuhu. When we got home, we just had some talk with my dad who was still watching TV before going to sleep. It was good that I love the new paint of our bathroom. It eases some of my tiredness. I was able to go to bed few minutes past 12mn. Sigh.

Early Baby Shower Gift

We received an early baby shower gift from Tito Ben and Tita Ghie last saturday. They just visited the Philippines for 1month and they'll be returning to Canada on the 25th.

Again, Thanks po and Von Voyage!

Gifts are coming in and so we can't decide if we need to start buying baby stuffs now or just postponed it until after Christmas. My EDD is still on Feb04'09. What do you think?

Hubby's 31st Bday

Hubby was so busy yesterday that he can't afford to take his birthday leave and to even go home early. We left the office at 7:40pm and went to SM Dasma to buy a cake (Goldilocks) and Crispy Noddles (Flavors of China). We just ate them at home. It was just a simple celebration compared to what he had last year but he's happy and that is more important.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Happy BDAY to my Dear Hubby!

Today is hubby's 31st Bday. We're supposed to go on a date but work calls. He had an urgent issue that needs to attend to.

The pix above was my gift. I had it made by someone I found thru the web. Di nya masyado kamukha pero ok lang. He appreciated it.

I didn't do any scrapbook project for him because I want something different. Some infos about the pix - these are the things he likes. He likes swimming, watching dragon ball and eating steaks and ice creams.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Attended a Wedding

Last saturday, Ariel and I attended his cousins wedding. She was married to Paolo Santos. Unfortunately, we were not able to witness the bridal march - my favorite part of a wedding ceremony. Blame it all to Saturday traffic.The mass was already starting when we arrived in NSDG Church. There were lots of guests. The church was almost full. It was also nice to meet some friends. We're able to talk about lots of stuffs.

The reception was held in Bagaberde in Roxas Boulevard. The place was nice and dressed up for the event. The foods were also good. I really love the pastries section because of their cakes. The drinks were also overflowing. We can drink anything as long as the bar has them. It was just bad that I can't drink any alcoholic drink.I just drink fruit juice and lots of water. Hehehe. The reception program is not the typical type of reception that we had attended. There were bands playing in the background while eating dinner. There were also some raffle wherein the prizes were funny yet practical like coffee, toothpaste, toothpick and fruit cocktail. The major prize was a 2kg of rice. What we like very much about the reception was the studio booth where you can pose for pictures and have the copy in just a few seconds. It was so cool. Hubby and I went to the booth twice. Below are our pix.

We left the reception at 10pm. The jamming was just starting. Sabado Boys just finished their 1st song. I was just so tired and feeling sleepy. I think it was brought by my pregnancy. Too bad for me. I even heard that the party ended at 1pm. We just wished that the newly wed will have a blessed marriage and that they'll live happily ever after.

Pix taken from Niceprint's Blog.

Preggy Diary - Week23

I was feeling better on my 2nd trimester. But not last week and the week before that. I got colds. I started having a runny nose. My nose was so itchy but I am feeling fine.

We even went to Asian last Oct. 4 for my repeat breast ultrasound. I had my 1st when our little baby is still 6 weeks old. See details here. I still haven't got the result but based from what I saw from the monitor, it grew bigger but still not bigger that 3cm. I still need to show the result to my Surgeon for our peace of mind.

From the hospital, we went to Cuenca in AAV to check their October Bazaar. There's not much to see yet although some are already great buys for the holidays. However, after 30mins of looking into the things inside, I felt really dizzy and needed to go home. At home, I slept and just woke up when hubby brought me some hotcakes for pm snacks. I am still not feeling well then.

Sunday Morning, after attending a 9am mass, hubby got a call from his sister inviting us for lunch in Dampa sa Libis for her husband's Bday Treat. We decided to go but we still needed to go to Nokia - CARE to return my new Phone which I just got from them 2 weeks ago after a month of repair. It was a back job. The issue is still there. Sigh.

We're in Dampa at 12nn. There were lots of food like Shrimp in oyster sauce, sauteed tulya, tempura, calamares, grilled liempo, onion ring, sweet and sour lapu-lapu and steamed lapu-lapu. I saw them enjoying the lunch but I didn't. I got dizzy and had no appetite. Maybe it was because of my colds. I was just able to eat some grilled liempo, tempura, steamed lapu-lapu and tulya. Sayang pero wala talaga akong gana.

From Dampa, we went to their house in Cubao to wait for dinner. We need to go to Hubby's Uncle's House for their fiesta. There were lots of foods also, but still I was not able to eat well. I still don't have the appetite. Last Monday, our breakfast was cheesedog and ham. My tastebuds are still not functioning. I even used ketchup to add some taste to my foods but it is still bland. My colds didn't continue but I had cough and needed to drink a cough syrup recommended by my OB. It was good that it was finally gone and I felt better last Friday. However, I just checked my weight. It didn't change for the last 3 weeks. I don't know yet if this is good or bad. I still need to know next week from my OB. We hope that everything is fine.

Btw, did I mention that we are now felling the little kicks?!

Monday, October 13, 2008

New Brads

I got new gifts from the Tandingan Family. Thanks again. I really
appreciate it!

1st Day of October Layout

I did this LO as a Bday Gift for my Sis' BF. Hope he liked it. I tried hard to finish this in 1 hour.

CS, PPS (IP and DCWV), HS Corner Stamp, inkpad, Diecut, 7 Gyp Rubon, Alphas (CE Chipboard, AC and HS), MM Paint, ribbon, RM flower, button.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Let's Get it ON

Last Saturday, I already set-up our 3' Christmas Tree. It was a little late compared to the date when I did it last year.

Last year our decors are mostly in the shade of orange. This year, I changed them into red. The balls became smaller but they are many now. The ponsentias were gone and replaced by other shaped decors. I like it better now. Hope you like it too.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Flowers and Chocolates

Last Sunday, we went to ATC to claim my phone and our printer from Nokia and Compuserve. We're there at around 10:30am. I asked hubby to get 1st the printer while I'm waiting for my number to be served. After claiming, he brought it to our car and when he got back to NOKIA, he gave me a long stem pink rose. It was so sweet of him.

That time, the counter is still serving #101. I just asked him to buy the Palmer's lotion from Personal Care. To my surprise again, when he got back, he was bringing me my favorite chocolate. I was so happy. It removed all my irritations with all the waiting time I am having in NOKIA.

I really love my husband for being sweet. Btw, he gave me all of this in celebration of our BF/GF and Wedding monthsary which falls on 20 and 19 respectively.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Preggy Diary: Week 20.4

I thought I'll done with my Preggy Diary for Week20. I was wrong because I got scared again this morning. There was another bloody show.

After bfast and while I was fixing some things, I felt that I needed to pee. I was shocked to see a blood on my undies. It was not deep red but brownish red. The color was almost black. I texted my OB and she told me to observe because it may be caused by my constipation this week. It didn't gave me peace of mind. Hubby was also worried about our baby so we decided to go to my OB this afternoon. She told us that she will be in the SM Sucat clinic from 6-8pm.

Hubby told me that it might be another occurence of UTI. We asked for a repeat urinalysis when we got to the clinic. It was all normal. My OB IE'd me and she found a polip from my uterus. She said that it was aggrevated by my pregnancy. We don't need to remove it now because it can cause trauma in my cervix which in turn can cause contractions. She said that I don't need to be worried. My cervix is close and no blood was seen from there. The blood I saw was an old blood. Bleeding may continue in a month. But if I will feel any contraction, I need to inform her right away. She also prescribed me DUVADILAN. But she told me to inform her first before I take it.

Our fear subside after our OB consultation. My wieight gain is normal as well as my blood pressure (110/80). Baby's heartbeat is @ 140-150bpm. Thanks GOD!

Friday, September 19, 2008

BE PE Bonding in LUVZ Resort , LB Laguna

Last Sept. 29'08, Ariel's Group (BE PE) had their bonding in LUVZ Resort, LB Laguna. It was a nice resort although the water is not hot.

All of them had fun. It was nice to see them playing our old time games like patentero, tumbang preso, hula-hoop and the nut relay. The only issue they encountered was the rules and the mechanics they know. Some of them are from the North, South and NCR and each location have different rules. There were lots of debate on the rules before they could start with the games but overall it was fun.

Some of the pix are here.

Preggy Diary: Week 20

Since I entered my 2nd trimester, I felt a little better. Morning sickness is not as frequent as my 1st trimester. Although at times, I still feel very sleepy. Now, I can work like before but I get really tired at night.

However, two unpleasant things happened to me in the last two weeks. I've been constipated twice. The 1st one was last friday and the 2nd one was yesterday. I've been taking lots of fuids like water, fresh buko juice and grape juice. I am also taking COGEL VCO twice a day as per my OB's prescription but it is still happening to me. I don't know what seems to be the problem.

The 2nd one was the leg cramps that I'd experienced yesterday morning. It was not tolerable. I even woke up hubby to help me out but the impatient in me strikes again and I just told him to stop. I just sat beside our bed and lay my foot flat on the floor. Good thing that the pain subside. When I woke up in the morning, I felt fine. However, last night until today, it is still aching. It is tolerable but I don't feel normal.

Sigh. My OB check-up would still be next week. Hope everything would still be fine. For the meantime, I'll wait for the text reply of my OB within the day.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Our Mom's Bday was last Sept.03. But we were only able to celebrate it last Sunday. My dad just cooked some foods. I brought some fruit salad and my sister bought a cake. We enjoyed the foods, the wentuhan, asaran and the kulitan. It was a fun family bonding.

Hubby is Sick Today

Hubby is asleep. He is not feeling well since yesterday morning but he still insisted to go to work. But in the middle of the day, he really felt weak so we decided to go home earlier. We left the office at 3:30pm.

At home, we called the massage parlor for a home service. He felt better after the massage and it was a blessing in disguise that our cable connection got loss because of heavy rain last night. We were forced to sleep early.

This morning, we woke up early to eat breaskfast and for him to drink his medicines. Unfortunately, he's still not feeling well.He's not ready for work. And now, he is sleeping. Hope he get well soon.