So it is true! We found out what our twins are! It looks like the survey poll in just one week got it right: BOY AND GIRL!
I went in about two weeks ago for my 14 week appointment for just the usual check up. The office gives me an ultra sound every appointment in order to measure each baby as well as distinguish how each babies heart beat is doing.
The technician was doing the ultra sound and she was really fun because she was bouncing back and forth between each twin and showing me their different body parts. Like their fingers, spinal cords, toes, arms, legs...etc... She was also showing me that they were waving their arms and kicking their legs. She spent a long time doing this with me and I was loving it. Then all of the sudden she quit talking and was just doing the ultra sound smiling. She was pushing a little harder and it seemed like she was trying really hard for the ultra sound. I was really oblivious to what she was doing and just enjoyed watching it with her and thought she was equally enjoying the twins.
Then all of the sudden she stopped and looked at me and was like "do you want my gender guess?" I was like "what do you mean" (dumb question). She said "well, 14 weeks is really early to tell for sure so it is a guess, but I have some very clear shots and could tell you what I think you are having." I was like "OH MY GOSH HECK YEA I WANT TO KNOW!"
So she put the ultra sound on "twin b" on my left side and said "this one is a boy because you can see in an almost perfect position that he has a little something here in between his legs." I was giggling and so happy. I really wanted a boy because all of my nephews have been so much fun. Then she went to the right side to "twin a" and suddenly I realized there was only one baby left and I really wanted a girl too and I got nervous. She said "now, as you can see here in another perfect position, this baby looks totally different and we have a very distinct shot of just 3 little dots and nothing inbetween the legs and it is a girl." I was so happy and not surprised because I never imagined it any other way. The technician said it was a guess but she told me at the end that they really were in the perfect position and that they looked absolutely different!
Right after that I called Vicente and I was like "love I just found out the gender do you want me to tell you now or when you get home." He said so quickly and so energetically "RIGHT NOW!" I told him and he was so happy.
All day I was day dreaming and extatic. That day I went to wal mart to look at baby clothes and I just checked the clearance aisle but I found the cutest little boy shorts that are like identical to the some that Vicente has. Plus, they were only one dollar, so I bought it. When Vicente got home I showed the shorts to him and he loved them and then all of the sudden he said "what did you get for the girl?" I was like "well, nothing because I just found these and they were like an awesome deal." He said totally seriously and a little upset "April, no, you are already playing favorites, you have to buy her something everytime too. Let's go now and find her something." I just laughed and told him we had pleanty of time and that this early we can just find good deals and that I am sure one day I will find something for a girl and nothing that I like for a boy.
Anyway, the joys already!
I felt the boy move two days after the appointment actually. The doctor told me I would feel it any day because with twins you feel it quite a bit earlier. After that, I recognized it when it happend and realized I had probably been feeling it all along without knowing what it was.
I have pictures of this ultra sound, but I am waiting to go to a scanner for a clearer picture to post.
We are excited! I will leave the survey open in case someone still want to vote before they read this!
Friday, November 09, 2007
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