Thursday, December 11, 2008

What we have been up too!

We went up to see the lights on Temple Square. It was a lot of effort and a lot of traffic, but we made it and did it. Me met up with Marcie, Josh, Liam, and Layla.

Here we are hanging out at home with the babies. The babies sit up now, so they are very happy with this extra freedom.

Bryce with the my mom and Paul on Thanksgiving day.

We took the babies to the Thanksgiving Point farm. They really did have fun, it was cute. I think their favorite was the carriage ride.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

We had quite the halloween. I have to tell you about the irony of the night. For halloween Kathryn was a toothfairy and Bryce was a tooth. Now for the ironic part: Bryce was crying all night because he is getting a tooth. Low and behold the screaming pictures of Bryce.

I made Kathryn's costume and my mom's made Bryce's costume. They are so cute!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

More Pictures

I know I am suddenly some serious blogger. But, we just uploaded like 600 pictures from our camera to the computer (Shows you how busy we are), so now I just keep finding more that I want to post. These are some of my most recent favorites!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Most recent pics!

You have to look at the post below as well. I just realized that the pictures are over a month old, so I wanted to put up some more recent pictures as well!

Bryce with his cousin Liam! They are great pals
Me and Kathryn hanging out.
Kathryn in her chair!
Bryce in his swing.

A funny picture of Bryce! I am just amazed with their eye color! REMINDE: These babies are half hispanic.

Starting to Eat and the cruise

The babies have been eating solids. It is nice because they don't take formula very well, and I am starting to feel really drained from nursing two 7 month old babies!

We went to the Bahamas on a cruise, here we are with the babies!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Cute Videos

Here are some cute videos of the twins. I actually just put some really cute videos and pictures on earlier today, so be sure to scroll down and look at those as well.
Here is Kathryn with Daddy. The other video is of the twins during their exercoses.

Finally I have posted!

We spent the week in Montrose with my mom and Paul. We had such a relaxing time (as always). I haven't posted forever, so I am going to overload this page with pictures and videos.

Here is me in montrose with the babies. I know my hair looks flat and terrible!

Kathryn and Bryce love to just rest their feet up on the stroller bar.This picture is blurry, but I love Kathryn's smile. Here is a less blurry one.This picturs is true. They always hold hands when they are near one another. They also like to reach out and just touch each other. They smile at each other and frown or cry when the other one is sad. They know each other and care about each other.
Ready for bed.

Grandma making Bryce laugh. The twins love her!

Grandma with Bryce part 2

Kathryn loves to talk now, and we have tried to get it on camera, but she gets very focused on the camera everytime and gets quiet.

Kathryn part 2

Saturday, July 26, 2008

All Smiles!

The twins are really smiley babies. They are so cute!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Life with the twins

Life is getting much easier with Kathryn and Bryce. I feel in control now and like I will actually survive. They are doing so well and they are 10 weeks now. They each weigh about 11 pounds.

We still don't sleep because between the two of them odds are that one of them will wake up. But, we can usually get a about a 4 hour stretch of sleep before one of them gets up. When one eats, I wake the other one up to eat to keep them on the same schedule.

I just love these two little babies so much that I can't contain myself. I just catch myself gazing at them all the time. I am so lucky to have them, plus they are such good babies. I love being a mom. I love watching Vicente as a Dad. He is super dad, I AM SO GLAD I MARRIED HIM. I was always grateful for him before we had the twins, but I must admit that I thank Heavenly Father for him many times a day. He does so much to help me. With twins I would describe it as being as busy as a single parent because we each have to take on a full time role without a break. I think God knew he could trust us with twins because he knew how helpful and great Vicente would be.
Here is a Video of Bryce with the hiccups:

Here are some somewhat recent pictures of them:

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The kissing deal

Vicente decided that he is going to pay our kids 10,000 bucks if they don't kiss until they are 21. I had to call Vicente at work and let him know that his deal was already off. :)

Here are some cute individual pictures of the twins!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Kathryn and Bryce at home

Here is Bryce Relaxing in bed.
Kathryn and Bryce getting ready to leave the hospital in their new outfits.
Kathryn and Bryce getting ready to leave the hospital.
Kathryn and Bryce relaxing in bed at home.

Kathryn and Bryce trying out their car seats.
Kathryn passed out on mommies tummy.
Cuddle time with the twins just like they were in the womb. They fell asleep automatically in this position..

Daddy, the proudest parent!