02 September 2010

for GWTW buffs

Cammie King died yesterday. as a child she playd Bonnie Blue Butler in the 1939 classic.

to mark the 50th anniversary of the film some friends & I went to Cadiz -- birthplace of Clark Gable -- to attend a celebration of the movie. several of the cast memebrs were there. in this photo King on the right is being interviewd for a local tv station. that's me on the left. my friends & I spent more time with her cute son Matt who was beginning an acting career of his own.

01 September 2010

how we change

my last post got me thinking abt my experiences with autographs. I think the first celebrity I askd was film star Denise Darcel when I was 12. later that same year I also got the signatures of Keefe Brasselle & Duke Ellington when they visitd Elyria. & I remember being disappointd when Carl Sandburg refusd to sign.

early trips to Manhattan had me at stage doors. I waitd what seemd forever for Geraldine Page who expressd shock that I was still there.

I never considerd the psychology of autograph hunting & won't here. but like so many things in life its appeal simply went away. as someone who once held autographs in esteem it tickles me now when someone asks for mine. it doesn't happen with any regularity but sometimes at readings (which in themselves don't happen to me with regularity). it brings back so many memories.

31 August 2010

Scott Caan's first autograph

watching "American Outlaws" last nite it was tough to take my eyes off Colin Farrell as Jesse James. but when I did it was to look at Scott Caan as Cole Younger. this beefy little guy has a certain swagger that the camera likes.

& as I watchd Caan I rememberd meeting him 15 years ago. it was at the Taos Talking Picture Festival after a screening of his first film "A Boy Called Hate." he seemd a bit nervous. I askd him to sign my program. he told me it was the first time he'd ever been askd for an autograph.

the signatures beneath his are those of co-star Adam Beach & their director Mitch Marcus.

30 August 2010

serial dreaming

I don't think this has ever happend to me before.

2 nites ago I dreamt I was assisting in organizing the holdings of painter Bernique Longley after her death. last nite the narrative continued exactly where it left off in her attic.

when I was young I had a recurring nitemare but I don't recall this sort of thing happening in my dreamlife.

29 August 2010

Places I will never see again

because they will never be again

high school homeroom
college dorm
first Manhattan hotel
all torn down
Jean-Claude's barn
burnd down

& places like
house in Twin Lakes
David's livingroom
shells remain
but interiors alive
only in photographs
& memory

& how long
will memory last

so I make
a reservation
for a place
I've never been
where I will meet
someone I don't know
to write
a new chapter

26 August 2010


the ones in the clay pots are from Billy. they remaind alive in plastic bags for a couple of nites at Coral Sands. the cuttings in water are from Mom & await roots before being plantd outdoors.

24 August 2010

23 August 2010

Culver City

unfortunately Billy's in partial shadow. but Emma looks good. & so does the new water feature in his backyard.

back from LA

Billy got me this new t-shirt. we both found it odd that surfboards are mentiond with Culver City since it isn't on the ocean. but later Craig sd that surfboards are manufacturd in CC.

I'm holding a fig fresh pickd from Billy's tree. as soon as the picture was taken I enjoyd eating the fig.

19 August 2010

Gorky in LA

the first painting of his I ever saw was "The Plough and the Song" (1947) at Allen Memorial Art Museum. now it's in the excellent retrospective at MOCA.

18 August 2010

musical summers

Wang at noon. then the evening begins with film actor Gary Farmer & his band on the plaza.

17 August 2010

Yuja Wang

this is the 5th summer in a row I've heard this exciting young pianist. always a thrill.

16 August 2010

when you're gone.... you're gone

Sheila Smith casually mentiond in an e-mail that Kent State has a new dean of libraries.

I've been retired for some time now so I suppose no one left at Kent remembers me. I long ago gave up thinking my opinion abt Special Collections wd ever be askd.

but it does feel odd after so many years of service to be so out of the loop.

14 August 2010

last nite
a great meal & fun opera

salad & a disappointing movie

12 August 2010

"Film Fun" (May 1922)

found this photo of May McAvoy & Lois Wilson online:

& here they are 53 years later with me:

11 August 2010

thx Montgomery. an honor to be read by you & to share this video with all those bright young poets.

10 August 2010

in the air

this morning I wrote a poem in which Greg Bautzer has a central role.

this afternoon Sitemeter reveald that someone found an old post abt him I'd completely forgotten in a search & clickd on it at the same time I was putting the poem online.

08 August 2010

Sylvia Sidney (1910-1999)

the centennial of one of my favorite actresses

with Miss Sidney at my house in Twin Lakes in 1974

07 August 2010

Zuill Bailey
calls his cello

Markham Arms

yesterday was Lucille Ball's 99th birthday & Stephen Rutledge postd this video in tribute:

at the beginning when Lucy arrives in Chelsea we see the pub I mentiond recently behind her. again it was a thrill to see it as it was when I drank there.

          for Tom Beckett

"Deleuze & Foucault
go to the movies"
Woody Allen
Milton Berle
while setting up
a low-angle shot

interrupts Uncle Miltie
"I left a lit cigar
in Ilona Massey's
dressing room
40 years ago"

06 August 2010

exactly 41 years ago

I threw a party for the guest artists of the Blossom Kent Art Program. one was Wayne Thiebaud. I liked his work then & still do.

Thiebaud -- who turns 90 in a few months -- continues to paint vigorously. he's in town for a show of current work (mostly mountains) with a sprinkle of older signature pieces (a dessert & some ties). he's still a gracious man (claiming to actually remember my party).

or was it in
a Joan Woodbury western?

the thing abt those of us
who spend so much time
in the dark
is that the stories blend

bios of our demigods
overlap with their scripts
so after seeing Stevens
on screen with Lila Lee
I close my eyes
& picture them
sharing a flask on set

those of us
who spend so much time
in the dark
know the catechism
by heart
so if Onslow Stevens never
walkd naked down Sunset Blvd
we know he walkd naked
where other people don't
& when we tell that story
it trips memories
of him filling screens
opposite Lois Wilson & Audrey Totter

for us
the font of holy water
is a bowl of chili
at Chasen's
& the shadow behind us
is Onslow Stevens
wearing only a moustache

05 August 2010

lightning strikes twice

when I put the DVD in last nite the weather seemd fine. but suddenly during "House of Danger" there was lightning on screen that was a key element of the script at the exact moment that there was lightning outside. that overlap was startling.

it was the minorest of movies & its star Onslow Stevens is largely forgotten today. he came from a show biz family & was a nudist. late in life he sufferd from alcoholism & died a mysterious death which some think was murder. in another overlap he made "House of Danger" in 1934 -- the same year he did 2 quickie pictures with leading lady Lila Lee who I was featuring here.

01 August 2010

Coach & Horses (1937-2010)

this famous Hollywood bar servd its last beer last nite.

in the 24 years I was a regular at Chateau Marmont I walkd past this Sunset Blvd establishment hundreds of times. it was a watering hole for scores of film celebs -- from Alfred Hitchcock to Barbara Payton. some scenes for "Pulp Fiction" were written in its red naugahyde booths.

the space is ownd by neighbor Samuel French Books which raisd the rent so high the owner sd nix.

29 July 2010


from rubble
of General Industries

to Dad's grave
in Amherst

"Dad's Last Garden"

& on his 92nd birthday
I place
this brick
on one
with our name
in Cathedral Park

28 July 2010

R. B. Sprague (1937-2010)

this is Roger in his prime on Fire Island 39 years ago.

one of his paintings was the first illustration I postd on this blog. Roger participatd in the Century Dimes. "Butch Series" (2002) was a piece which used his work. he photographd my most popular video in his studio. & he took that polaroid that Richard Lopez recently postd on his blog. its reception promptd the ailing R. B. to quip that perhaps he had a future as a photographer.

Roger found the humor in everything & was able to make me laugh till my sides hurt. I miss him already.


Gary Hrusch just sent me this picture he took last week at the glorious bakery in Amherst. I was having a difficult time deciding what to purchase since there were so many goodies. I got a nut roll for Mom & a cherry turnover for myself.


Andrew Oleksiuk (who participatd in my "Tie One On") curated this show at Stamp Art Museum.

27 July 2010

my reading

thx to John Burroughs & Diane Borsenik for allowing me to read in Lakewood last week.

we three spent the day among the dead. & John video'd me reading "All in the Eye" in front of Terminal Tower.

to mark the 80th anniversary of that great structure I read the Cleveland section of Ohio Triangle that nite at Bela Dubby. when I read "All in the Eye" I brought out the antique souvenir of Terminal Tower Mom found at a sale years ago.

"Dead Poets Day"

1.     d. a. levy

on his gravestone
instead of
Terminal Tower

2.     Hart Crane

his statue
at Case Western Reserve
behind the library
but Hart
doesn't mind
he gazes
at Museum of Art
Gehry building
& that field
where anything
can happen at nite

3.     Daniel Thompson

I walk from
Terminal Tower
down Daniel's Way
that Cleveland
names its alleys
for poets

26 July 2010

always sweet

to spend time with Mom (seen here with Bill Berger mail art). but the week in Ohio was a challenge because of the weather. heat wave which producd hideous humidity. of course this morning as Mom & I waitd on the porch for my cousin Sal it was lovely.

my second flight home took off at DFW just before a big storm. & I got to ABQ just before a storm there.

19 July 2010


Sitemeter allows me some information abt those who come here. I find that the most international visitors seem to be interestd in handsome men. my postings on Ben Barnes & Robert Drivas continue to be popular.

not many who visit leave comments. even when they sting I leave them -- unless they are in a language which I can't read. I presume the preponderance of Chinese comments are spam. those I delete.

the comment by Rondell on my last post is curious. I don't know this person so I don't know if her comment is meant to be wit. I was thinking of deleting it -- in case the distinguishd comnposer mite find it here. but then I figure that anyone in the public eye becomes used to all manner of commentary.

so Rondell -- welcome. perhaps if you look around here you may enjoy some Drivas booty or Capello biceps or the twinkle in Buddy Guy's eye. & if none of that appeals you'll have to make do with a poem.

18 July 2010

17 July 2010

the longer I live

the stranger the synchronicities.

when I was a kid I loved the ice skating shows that came to Cleveland Arena. Mom & Dad & I often went to see the annual spectaculars put on by Ice Capades & Ice Follies. I came to know & love certain skaters as much as I did movie stars.

not long after arriving in Santa Fe I learnd that a woman who workd out beside me at the gym was Frances Dorsey who had been in Ice Follies. I checkd my old programs & discoverd that a couple of months before my 13th birthday I'd seen her featurd in the production number "Pueblo Ceremonial."

I thot it was strange indeed that all those years after seeing her skate in that particular number I shd be lifting weights beside her in this country of pueblos.

we never became friends & she eventually stoppd going to my gym. & in recent years I hadn't seen her around town. but then just the other day as I was walking to the gym the name Frances Dorsey jumpd into my head & shortly after out again.

in today's paper I read her obituary. she died the day before her name suddenly came to me. now this sort of thing has happend before but usually with people who were close. I literally hadn't thot of her in some time nor discussd her with anyone.

16 July 2010


I love the way movies can capture a time & bring it back. last nite I watchd a British film of little note. but there was a moment of the Markham Arms. on my first visit to London I spent several nites in that pub. met a handsome chap there by the name of Ian Grimshaw (who later moved to Hollywood).

when the movie was over I googld Markham Arms & was shockd to learn that it is now a bank.

15 July 2010

Cow Appreciation Day

PeeWee Herman informs us of this "holiday."

it immediately brought to mind 2 events a decade apart.

this is my best friend from high school T. R. Queen at a 1961 picnic

& I remember getting off the elevator at the Whitney in 1971 for the Warhol exhibition & seeing all those cows on his wallpaper.

14 July 2010

a couple of swells

is the centenial of
the New Mexican
who was half of Hanna-Barbera
& the voice of Tom the Cat

the 80th birthday of
who continues
to perform

12 July 2010

Harvey Pekar (1939-2010)

one reason

for my decision to move to Santa Fe is the rich cultural life. it's yearlong but in summer one becomes nearly frantic trying to keep up with music & art events.

this weekend has been especially busy. yesterday neighbor Rita & I took in the annual international folk art market.

every summer artists from around the globe descend on Santa Fe to sell their wares in a weekend extravaganza.

with basketmaker Nurse Thembeni Mdluli from Swaziland

11 July 2010

nite out

can't remember the last time I was in a bar at midnite. but last nite I went with neighbor Phil to Evangelo's to hear Ryan McGarvey.

after a great set Ryan told us stories abt hanging with Jeff Beck at Crossroads. besides his vast talent he's a good person. I'm so happy that he's on the cusp of stardom.

as we left I spottd Cody Sanderson & Pat Pruitt in front of Santa Fe's most famous bar. I thankd them for the SOFA panel & we had a pleasant chat which included passing some jewelry around.

filmmaker Eames Demetrios came to town for a talk abt his grandparents. among the things I didn't know: Charles & Ray Eames came to New Mexico to visit their friend Billy Wilder while he was shooting "Ace in the Hole." & afterward they did a handmade book for him featuring photos they took of the visit.

09 July 2010

Joya Sherrill (1927-2010)

she's best known for her work with Duke Ellington but when I heard her in 1957 she was crooning with Teddy Wilson.

07 July 2010

06 July 2010

my life = my art

I woke in awe.

I'd been dreaming abt creating a piece out of my daily activities. I'd gatherd together a group of friends who were going to cross a bridge. we met so that I cd instruct them how to document the journey across the bridge & where we wd meet so that I cd collect that documentation for the work.

I woke glowing.

05 July 2010

gluttony isn't patriotic

every holiday has its own set of traditions. the one abt the 4th which I've never understood is the hot dog eating contest on Coney Island. like so many "traditions" this one was inventd to sell a product.

but it's also one of the most disgusting events out there. first of all -- the hot dog isn't a healthy meal. then the notion of anyone trying to gorge on them is sickening. to treat the "winner" as any kind of hero is ridiculous.

03 July 2010

the list

is central to my work.

I spoke a bit abt it as a literary form in the interview with Tom Beckett. but it's also vital vocabulary for my visual work (see examples here).

altho lists continually come to me it's fun to be askd to do one. so when I heard from Bree abt her newest project -- "Cleveland's Favorite Songs" -- I was happy to write something.

so this is progress?

call me old-fashiond..... or just call me old

but I quite dislike the new look of Wonder Woman.

I admit that I'm a few years younger than the original WW but that she was one of my fave comic books when I was a boy. & that look will always be what I think of when I think of her.

I no longer follow any comics or that scene so I don't know how today's youth will react.... if at all.

but this old coot is shaking his head.