Showing posts with label Creating Christmas Link Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creating Christmas Link Party. Show all posts

Monday, December 7, 2015

time to simply enjoy Christmas . . .

I have reached that point in my decorating when I can simply enjoy Christmas.

Lulu thinks I spent way too much time decorating and is quite happy that I am now finished.

Spotting this sign on My Sweet Savannah the other day made me smile because shopping is not part of our Christmas at all this year.

Farolitos on Canyon Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico - 2010

Our family began vacationing for Christmas in 2003, but this year is different because we all agreed to NO PRESENTS.

Homewood, Lake Tahoe - 2009

Time together 

Canyon Road, Christmas Eve - 2010

is our gift to and from one another.

North Star, Lake Tahoe - 2008

And this year, there will be 6 of us instead of 4 - we leave for Kauai in 10 days !!!!

With no need to hit the stores or shop on-line, there has been a lot of tweaking the decorations and using up supplies.

This quilt I made 35 years ago has seen better days and it was cut up for projects inspired by all the Christmas ideas on Pinterest, blogs and Instagram.

I have always wanted to make stockings out of old quilts

and now I have finally done so.

Little stockings are hanging here and there around the house

and tucked into a little tree in the entry.

The last bits of drop cloth 

were sewn into ornaments that will be mailed off tomorrow to a friend.

The making is done - the sewing machine is put away until 2016.

Decorating is complete 

and now I just need to take pictures for the Creating Christmas Link Party hosted by Jann of Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson.

Check out Day 1 of the link party at 

Day 2 is hosted by Cecilia of My Thrift Store Addiction.

Cozy Little House Holiday Party
..  ..  ..  ..  ..  .. .. ..  ..  ..  

I posted the pic of Lulu with her ball on Facebook

and my neighbor altered it a bit!

Friday, December 12, 2014

it's a million tiny little things . . .

Welcome to our home, the fifth and final home on the Creating Christmas link party at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson.

You were invited to a White Christmas at Lynn's home, a Rustic Christmas at Alice's home, a Thrifted Christmas at Cecilia's home, a Vintage Christmas at Jann's home and now a Sweet & Simple Christmas at my home.

As I took pictures for this post, I thought about why I love Christmas and a line from Sleepless In Seattle came to mind.

Tom Hanks' character is explaining what was so special about his wife and he said, "It was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant that we were supposed to be together . . . "

Christmas to me is "a million tiny little things" . . .

it's my grandmother's school slate from the late 1800's-  the slate is always out at our house with a seasonal message written on it . . .

it's the cross stitch I worked on in the hospital for 5 days while my father was dying at Thanksgiving 18 years ago - I finished it and hung it on the wall in his memory that first Christmas, and every year since . . .

it's favorite books including a copy of "Christmas Is Love" given to me 50 years ago by girlfriends for my birthday - those same friends visited us for a little reunion last June . . .

it's the different Advent calendars I lovingly create each year even though my children are now adults . . .

it's decorating the mantel with stockings I knitted for the family 10 years ago . . .

it's a 1927 edition of "A Christmas Carol" - it belonged to my Aunt Kay as a child and she gave it to me because I was to be my mother's Christmas Carol - I arrived a month early! . . .

it's the Maileg toys I have coveted for a few years and finally found to decorate our house this year . . .

it's a live Christmas tree (we hope will grow a little each year) decorated with ornaments collected over the 45 Christmases Steve and I have shared . . .

and it's a primitive little stocking I made the other night - I try to create a few new items each Christmas.

So, come on in and try to spot some of the "million little things" that make Christmas special for the Cooks.

This year we went with an artificial "pencil" tree because we wanted tall and skinny.

I love the view of the tree looking from the living room through the dining room.

In past years I have draped greenery all over the house, but in keeping it simple, the dining room is the only spot with greenery on the window.

This shot really shows the contrast between the dining room that just got a fresh coat of white paint and the living room that is still waiting for its makeover from yellow to white.

The living room is simply decorated this year and doesn't look overcrowded now that we put the tree in the entryway.

Because we essentially live in an art gallery, the art work doesn't represent Christmas - Steve offered to change the painting over the fireplace, but I love it and I don't care that it isn't "Christmasy".

In past years, every flat surface in the living room was covered with Christmas decor

and it actually started out that way this year, but I took a lot of stuff back up to the attic opting for a sparser look.

Our little cottage is simply decorated with little things we love and now we can focus on the fun of Christmas - parties, goodies, family . . .

Now it is your turn to share.

Please link up your Simple Christmas or one of those "million little things" that makes Christmas special at your house.

The link party will remain open until December 19 and don't forget to link up at all the other homes too!

And, regarding the word verification that is now appearing on so many blogs, I was just informed that you can just ignore it and hit publish- good to know.

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