Thursday, June 21, 2012

Beach Scenes by Liana Yarckin

Pelican Sunbathing

 Pelican Sunbathing

Photo by Ophelia Kehoe

I started this painting in March and then had some real fun with it this past Tuesday!  The painting is inspired by the photo which was taken by my Aunt.  It is a pelican on a boat in Corpus Christi.

I was kind of uninterested with how my first wash came out.  I knew I needed to get darker behind the pelican.  I liked the reflections in the water, too.  I do not know how it entered my head but, I turned the painting sideways and started dripping various shades of blue paint onto the painting.  I had wax paper over the pelican to protect it from the running paint.  This was so much fun!  I like the way it came out. I truly felt like I was playing.  I like the cropped version.  The beauty of framing, you can have the mat cut to show whatever you want.

Thank you for all of your comments and emails for the last post on the water lily.  I have started a drawing for another painting inspired by a newspaper ad.  It has a boat in a marsh, however, I am adding lilly pads!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Water Lily by Artist Liana Yarckin

Water Lily I

Every time I see water lilies, I stop and take photos for a painting one day.  Well, here is the first watercolor I do from my photos.  This came about from Pat Kochan's class.  We were approaching abstracts  by applying a grid or some other type of pattern to our painting.  I created a random grid and one of my water lily photos.  I did not paint in the water because at the moment, I really like the white of the paper.  The painting is very bright in person compared to how it looks on my computer screen.

Let me hear from you.  Do you have any thoughts on this painting - done or should I paint the water?  What are you painting?

Hope you are staying cool where you are.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Liana Yarckin - Cafe Series

Lunch at Angel Tube Stop

It has been busy, busy, busy with the kids out of school for summer.  Fun, but, busy with little time to paint, much less keep up with all of the business side promoting one's art.

Here is number 11 in the Cafe Series.  I am really liking the color mingling going on in the right corner of the picture.  By doing this series, I am getting less afraid of painting crowds of people.  The photo that inspired this painting is from 2001.  I have stacks of photos of cafe scenes, street scenes and crowds of people that I have been saving for the day I had the courage to paint them.

I will mention that I have been frustrated with the quality of my images on the computer.  I am using the same camera, but, I switched to a Mac in December.  I feel like iPhoto is not keeping accurate color or sharpness that is the actual photo.  When I look at my posts before December, I feel that the quality of the pictures is so much closer to the real life image.  Does anyone have thoughts or advice on this?

Stay cool and please check back to see a new subject I just finished painting - it is NOT a cafe scene!

p.s.  I am exhibiting in 2 shows right now:  One Gallery and Manske Library.  These are group shows and the collections are quiet interesting.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Give a Liana Yarckin Original for Father's Day

 Buy Amen Corner

Buy Covered Bridge

 Buy Sailboats  Framed.

 Buy Jagged Beach

 Buy Sunset Sail

Buy Strong Waves

Buy Stoli Doli and Friends

or Commission your very own original

The painting above was commissioned by the daughter, the painting is of her father and her two brothers.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Excuses at the Cafe


First, I am thrilled to let you know that I was interviewed by Carrie Waller.  Please go to her blog to read it.  I do enjoy reading her interviews because I learn interesting tid-bits about artists I follow.  Carrie's art is amazing.  My words cannot even begin to explain her unique style.  Carrie, a big thank you for interviewing me, I am honored.

Sometimes, you just don't know what is going on when you are trying to take photos of your favorite cafe discreetly.  This is Neighborhood Services on Henderson in Dallas.  I love how they have a white rose arbor over the patio area.  I was trying to take photos of this gorgeous arbor quickly since my family already left me behind headed to the car.  After I upload the photos to my computer I saw this couple in the photos.  Maybe he was late, again, or who knows.  I could just see that she was not happy with his explanation.  Originally, I was not going to paint them in my "cheerful" cafe scene, but, then I thought, why not.  Life is full of disappointments.  Sometimes we are disappointed by someone in our life.  I like the body language and wanted to recognize that life is not always made of only good moments.  Whatever happens with this pair, we know that they will encounter many more good times and bad together or not.

Today is our last day of school.  Have a happy summer everyone!  Hopefully, I will still get to paint and blog.  Oh, before I forget, I have some work on exhibit at Gallery One at Highland Park Presbyterian Church for the summer.  Another exhibit will be at the Richardson Library starting on June 2nd.

p.s. on the interview - 5 things hope to achieve, I forgot to mention camp in the Grand Canyon with my family and visit the Pyramids!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Paris Cafe

This is number 9 in the cafe series.  By doing these cafe scenes I have been able to focus on letting the colors mingle to imply the crowds and the details versus painting every tiny detail.  I have noticed that I really like painting in several washes, layer over layer.

Should I title this "Morning Coffee" or "Table for One"?  Table for One sounds lonely, but, I don't think he is lonely at all.  In fact, I would love to be him, sitting there sipping my coffee and watching everyone go off to work.  He is just enjoying his coffee and not in a rush.  Ironically, the rush is coming to an end with the school year ending and I am finding it hard to down shift out of the fast pace.  I was able to paint most of the day yesterday which is good, but, just weird adjusting to quiet and not rushing around.

Have a great week.   Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Celebrate - Watercolors by Liana Yarckin

The Party

I was so lucky to go to a fantastic party in an amazing garden.  I felt like Alice in Wonderland when she was the tiny "weed" in the garden of giant flowers.  Live oaks with large canopies were overhead and tall azalea bushes, over 5' tall, lined pathways and cozy spaces to gather.  The weather could not have been more perfect.  Japanese lanterns glowed in the night sky and the house curved around like an arm hugging you.

Thus, my inspiration to paint "The Party".  Painted from memory, this is what I saw and felt.  Of course, there were people all about, but, I decided to keep the people in the covered structures for this painting.  I painted this when it was fresh in my mind, starting with yellow paint to sketch out the shapes of the structures and then layering in light washes, building up the color.

Thanks for visiting.  Your comments make my day!
To purchase, press here.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Home Portrait for a Gift

Good news, Shirly Cohn of Allie Beth Allman just picked this home portrait up for her client. She is going to give it to them as a closing gift.  Her client is moving back to South America so now they will have this painting to always remember their time in Dallas.  

This home was built in 1937 in true Dilbeck style. It is featured in the book, "Great American Suburbs". Shirly was very proud that it sold before making it to market above market value.

I thoroughly enjoyed painting this unique home with the wonderful landscaping.  Yes, I did embellish the flowers a little.  

Thanks for visiting me!  Say hi to me on Facebook, Liana Yarckin Watercolors.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Day of Giving

This past weekend was a busy one.  Saturday I worked with my son's Cub Scout troop on getting their Art pin.  They were required to talk to a local artist about the different occupations in the art field as well as do a variety of art projects.  I had watercolors, watercolor pencils, colored pencils, oil pastels and clay for them to use with the different projects.  Some of the boys couldn't wait to paint at an easel while others wanted to do the clay first.  We lucked out with great weather and did the whole project outside.

Then after the Cub Scouts left, I headed over to Northpark Mall for The Great Adventure Hunt benefiting Childcaregroup of Dallas.  It was a scavenger hunt in the mall.  The theme was Paris.  Childcaregroup had 4 artists painting on easels at the water/information stations.  It was a great experience.  I worked on the two above paintings.  One, a street cafe to go into my cafe series and the other with the Eiffel Tower.  As you can see, they are still stapled to the boards, I need add the finishing touches.  This would be my first time to paint in public as a "feature" so to speak.  At first, I was uncomfortable with the thought of people watching me paint and what it would be like.  But, it turned out to be just fine.  Everyone was interested and the children especially made me very comfortable.  I am pleased with how the street cafe painting is coming out.  The setting of stopping to answer observers questions and having my focus divided made my painting more spontaneous and loose - you know, what I am always striving for.

Thank you for visiting.  I just posted several commissions I am working on on my Liana Yarckin Watercolors Facebook page.  Home portraits in the pencil phase and several watercolors of other subjects.  They all have May deadlines so I need to get to work!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Digital Editing & Watercolor

Many of you know that my first solo show held at City Cafe was more than I ever imagined or expected.  Michele, Karim and the entire staff at City Cafe were just wonderful and I felt like I was part of the City Cafe Family.   I wanted to thank them and express my deepest appreciation.  Michele had mentioned that he wanted to talk to me about a painting of City Cafe because he had seen my Home Portraits.  I thought I would surprise him with a painting of City Cafe as a thank you gift.

The photos of City Cafe are above.  I wanted to capture the essence of "City Cafe", not document the location of their lease.  Knowing Michele, I knew that he would be okay with me using my artistic license.  Using Corel Photopaint, I merged, cut and paste, erased several photos to get an image that showed the front door to City Cafe with the outdoor seating.  I moved the valet stand over, too, because when I am driving by on Lover's Lane, that valet umbrella grabs my eye and says, "We are open".  I basically removed the things that were not "City Cafe" like the giant columns and the staircase going to the businesses above.

I hope you like the way I interpreted the photos.  Of course, City Cafe was very gracious when I presented them with the painting.

If I did not already mention in a previous post, consider showing your work in a restaurant or coffee shop.  The exposure and experience has been great.  Make sure to have cards with contact information available, too.

Have a good week!  Please visit me on Facebook for the latest pictures!

p.s.  I had a nice little surprise last week. Cardsdirect contacted me to buy the license for the last painting I posted!  I didn't even know they read my blog.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Amen Corner

Amen Corner a.k.a. 12th Hole

I couldn't wait to post this with the Masters just happening this past weekend.  For Pat's Monday class, we  could paint a golf course if we wanted.  Not being a golfer, I had no interest, but, then catching a glimpse of the Masters on the T.V., I changed my mind.  The images they were showing of Augusta golf course were just amazing.  My poor husband, while he was trying to enjoy to tournament, I would rewind, pause and take pictures of the scenery.  This is an image I caught on T.V.  I used my artistic license to embellish the azaleas which had bloomed early this year.  What I was most interested in were the reflections in the water.  The sun is right behind the trees to the right of the bridge.  I am just now noticing that the blue sky is not showing up as I thought.  I will go back and look at the original now and see if I need to correct that.  The blue in the water is true to how the sky looked.

Hope everyone had a great Easter / Passover.  Thank you for taking the time to email me or comment.  I truly appreciate it!

To purchase, press here.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Call for Cafes from Around the World

The Place to Be
11x14 watercolor

This is number 5 or 6 in my Cafe Series.  I am telling you, the umbrellas do happen to be red/orange this season.  The original photo was taken in Austin, Texas on a perfect, glorious weather day on Sunday at about noon.  The sun was shining, the temperature in the high 70's and everyone was out enjoying this gorgeous day.

My ideal moments spent is sitting outside at a cafe with friends enjoying our time together and the sunshine.  I would love it if you have a favorite outdoor cafe spot in your part of the world if you would post it to my Facebook page or email it to me!  I would love to paint it and add it to my collection.  Of course, I will credit you and link back to your blog or website.  Wouldn't that be great to see the cafes from around the world!

I can't wait to see your photos!!!!!  Thanks for visiting!
To purchase, press here.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Continuing with canvas

Summer at the Vineyard
16 x 20 watermedia on canvas

Murphy's Law played a joke on me.  After hanging 25+ paintings and then taking new paintings up to City Cafe to replace the ones that sold, I thought, why can't these be canvases instead of heavy frames with glass!  Not to mention the expense of framing.  So I painted a detail from "Summer Has Arrived" with watercolor and matte medium on a canvas.  How liberating was this compared to watercolor on paper.  I am able to wipe paint off and I didn't have to "save my white".  There is no white paint in watercolor and I am a firm believer that white acrylic, gouache etc. will just ruin the luminosity of transparent watercolor, so all of the whites in my watercolors are the white of the paper.  This means I "saved" them by painting around or using masking fluid.  I still handled the whites / lights similarly.  But, if I lost some of the railing or other lights, I could easily lift it out.

Oh, so here is where Murphy came in.  I single handedly skipped in to hang this painting practically dangling on one finger because it was so light, there was no glass to break, no frame that would get chipped.  Well, a buyer called.  He wanted me to come down on the price.  I told him this was my latest work and I was happy for it to come home with me, plus I have "friendly" prices.  A few days  passed, the buyer called again.  He pointed out that all of my other paintings were framed, but, this one and that he would buy it at my asking price if I put a frame on it.  I explained the reason, but, he won.  So here I painted on canvas to avoid framing and my buyer wanted it with a frame.  Thanks, Murphy.  I do have to add, after I put it in the frame, I think I would have felt comfortable asking for 3 times the original price.  The frame made a huge difference.

What do you think?  Do you prefer watercolor on paper?  Watercolor on canvas?

Thanks for visiting!  Have a great week!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Stretching paper over canvas

Sails at Luxembourg Gardens
16x20 watercolor stretched on canvas

In Pat Kochan's class we stretched watercolor paper over canvas.  She wanted to teach us this technique for instances when your client doesn't want or cannot have glass.  It is pretty easy, but, takes more time or effort than I care for unless, of course I am requested to do it.  Just like stretching your watercolor on a board, you wet the paper on both sides, simply wrap the canvas and staple the paper down as you would on board.  You will have to use a staple gun.  Be sure to treat the corners as if you were wrapping a present by just folding them in.  When it dries, you will have a tightly wrapped canvas.  Once your painting is complete, you must protect your painting with a spray varnish.

I finally got my courage up to paint this from a photo I took in 1998.  This was a very hot day.  So hot that everyone was just sitting around the pond, nobody sailing one of these toy boats.  Well, there was no wind, either.  I took several different photos of this man and his cart.  Another painting I did from these photos was Sailing in Luxembourg Gardens, Paris, France, which is of the children sailing the boats.  I heard that they took the ferris wheel down recently.  Does anyone know if that is permanent or do they take it down every year?

Happy painting!  Have a great week and thank you so much for reading my blog!
p.s.  If you have a favorite cafe scene and you would like to loan it to me for my cafe series, by all means, please email it to me or post it on my Facebook wall.

To purchase, press here.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Portrait II

Little Sister
11x14 watercolor

Custom Home Portrait
8x10 pen & ink

How is everyone doing?  We have been having amazingly gorgeous weather here.  That has cut into my painting time a little.  I have also been working on various commissions.  Two are above.

The little girl is the sister to the boy I painted recently.  I may have done too much shading under her cheek, but, believe it or not, it was the lightest wash of Winsor Blue and some Cad. orange on top.  A little Winsor Blue goes a long way.

The second is a rendering of a home.  A realtor commissioned this rendering as a closing gift for her client.  This is the home they are moving from so it will make a nice memento for the receiver.

GOOD NEWS!!! My show at City Cafe has been extended until March 22!!!!!  I am thrilled about this.  I have sold 9 paintings so far.  I keep taking other paintings up there to replace the ones that have sold, so please visit again if you want to see the latest paintings.

Last, Facebook has made it so easy and efficient for mobile uploads that it seems I take a photo with my phone and upload right to my page - Liana Yarckin Watercolors.  For the latest paintings and news, please visit my Facebook page.

Thanks of for visiting!  Have a great week.  And thanks for all of your comments and emails.  I really like hearing what you think!  :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunny Days Remembered

 in progress

 in progress

 Summer has Arrived

a clean desk!

Hello all.  Again, a big thank you for all of your congratulations on my art show.  It has been a great success and I could not be more thrilled and encouraged!  The paintings are still hanging at City Cafe To Go if you want to take a look.  Please make sure to tell Michele and Karim that I sent you there way.

In the meantime, look at these fun works in progress and my clean desk!  I had to take a picture of my desk because I couldn't believe how nice and inviting it can look.  It is usually a huge mess with photos, clippings from magazines, tubes of paint everywhere, stacks of paintings in progress, etc.

Continuing with the Cafe series, I have the above works in progress on one completed painting.  It looks like the Cafe series is taking a turn to anything with umbrellas present.  I used a pouring technique as an under painting for the painting on top.  It was very windy and the umbrellas were flapping in the wind.  I like how the umbrellas look with this under painting, but, more work is needed.

Can you believe that "Summer has Arrived" was as light as the painting above it?  I took the photo of this scene when leaving Martha's Vineyard by ferry.  There was so much attraction on the dock and I loved the patterns the shadows made both in the foreground and at the buildings with white railing in the background.

I will continue on layering in transparent paint on the second painting to establish a path for the viewer's eye.  It looks like we have a possible "snow" day tomorrow in Dallas.  I hope so and then I can paint, paint, paint all day!!!!!!!

Thanks for visiting.  Your emails and comments keep me going.

"Share" my watercolors on Liana Yarckin Watercolors Facebook if you like what you see.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Celebrations selected my painting for their online promo!

Hello dear friends.  My week last week started and ended great.  First, I received a promo email from featuring my painting!!!!  When you press the link it takes you to the Cardsdirect web pages featuring my artwork.  Thanks Cardsdirect!

Thank you to everyone who came to the reception for my art show on Wednesday night.  You made it a great celebration.  Having everyone's support and smiling faces made it a success.  Above the first picture is of two inspiring, passionate go-getter friends.  My Latvian friend brought me flowers, a Latvian tradition.  My husband, is in the picture below, without his support and encouragement I would not be painting at all.  The last photo is of Michele of City Cafe.  He has been so wonderful to work with and so supportive.  To see more photos of the night and many more wonderful supporters, please visit my Facebook page.

Thank you to City Cafe, you did a beautiful job hosting, the food was yummy, champagne flowing and just a wonderful atmosphere.  The night started great with 2 paintings selling two hours before show time!  Three more paintings sold during the reception.  After Love Wins (below) sold, 2 other people tried to purchase it for Valentine's Day gifts.  I wish I had giclees of it on hand.  The next day my sweet and wonderful husband said he wanted to buy it for me for Valentine's Day, too.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Alfresco with Friends

February 1, 6-8 at City Cafe, looking forward to seeing you!

The first in a new series of paintings - Cafe Scenes.  I have been wanting to paint these cafe scenes for probably 10 years now, but, I have always been intimidated.  The thought of painting each and every person in the scene has been so overwhelming to me.  Finally, in Pat Kochan's class, (a studio class where you can work on whatever you want or apply what she is teaching to your painting), she gave me both encouragement and some tips to get me to paint the photo of the above.

Breaking the photo down into a very simple value sketch and then only focusing on values and large shapes of value, I was half way through the painting before I knew it.

I am working on my second cafe scene.  I attempted pouring techniques.  So far, no good.  We will see how it comes out.  Here I used juicy paint wet onto dry quickly over the large middle value shape.  I like how the colors mingled into one another creating new colors and just implying what is going on.

This painting is framed and hanging in my show at City Cafe.  I hope to see you at the reception!  Please bring your smiling face and friends!