Thursday, August 22, 2019

First Ever Art SALE

My first ever SALE is happening right now!

22x30 watercolor with gold leaf 
framed with a mat and modern white frame
28x36 finished size

Find something to give, to give to your spouse, your parent, your bestie who lives far away, your aunt & uncle's anniversary, your friend who has a beach house and hosted you, your child who is moving into their first apartment or dorm!  Give art!!!!

I did not get to photograph everything.  There were just too many pieces.  But, to see the collection that I put together on the website, pleased me.  I have several pieces that together, can make up a gallery wall.  Even if you are not in the market for art, take a look at the collection.  Oh, if you see something you like, I may have a piece to go with it.  I didn't get several of my aspen tree paintings on the website.

Thank you to those that participated in the early access portion of the sale.  I was thrilled to have new collectors who found me on social media as well as my always loyal regulars visit and find a special piece that sung to them!!!  All of those pieces have been wrapped and shipped to their new homes. 

 If you are sending someone off to college, take a look at my prints here.  Perfect for the dorm, printed on canvas or metal in any size at affordable prices.  I was elated that my son asked if he could have one for his dorm!!!!!

Some of my prints have been printed on pillows and sent as a surprise gift! The dragonfly was printed on a pillow along with the butterfly on this site for a pair of pillows. The "Texas Star" has been printed on metal and pillows and shipped to schools around the country.  

Thanks for reading my blog and being a subscriber!!!  

Catch the SALE before it ends!

Saturday, July 27, 2019

End of Summer Art Sale

Happy Summer!!!!  I never thought that I would EVER have a sale.  I had heard on one of the Artists Helping Artists by Leslie Saeta interviews that art does not need to go on sale.  It is not like art goes out of style.  And I have also been influenced by the decluttering trend, recently, too.  One of my friends told me she likes to bless someone else with the clothes she no longer wants and to make room in her closet for new pieces.  

That last idea combined with my latest instagram post (July 27, 2019) made me want to have a sale and put as much of my art out there into the world.  Make room in my studio for new inventory, new paintings, maybe even in a different style.  I am not sure about another medium as I just LOVE the experience of painting in watercolor.  My latest instagram post made me have an epiphany that I am sooooooo excited about.  

While it had seemed that I had gone off into the scarf business and making jackets and not painting, it turns out that my paintings are out in the world being displayed on the backs of my collectors!!!  Without seeming arrogant, this makes me so happy to know that my two love paintings, in particular, are being seen by so many people.  I hope when people see these jackets with "love" painted that maybe it will influence them to be loving to their fellow brother and sister and act with grace.  Of course, I absolutely love my other scarf designs on the jackets, too.  Hopefully, those images bring a smile and some beauty to those that see them.  From the pink peony painting to the dogwood tree painting and then customizing each jacket with my collectors wishes, each jacket is a unique piece of art.

That inspired me to share my works on paper at a sale price so that they can go out into the world and be seen by others and even given as gifts. If you want to have early viewing of the sale items, please send me your email address.  I don't sell or share my contacts and I only send out 2 emails a year, plus this one about the sale.  

Butterfly Kaliedoscope VII
Original watercolor

Love Jacket & Butterfly Kaliedoscope VII
Jacket walking around in Taos

New One & Only
Hope Butterfly Jacket 

If anyone is out there reading this, let me know by commenting here or via my facebook or instagram site.  I am always surprised to find out who reads my blog.  Sometimes it is a friend of a friend or someone from the other side of the world!

P.S. Don't forget to let me know if you want early viewing of sale items.  I will email the special code 2 days in advance of posting on my social media. Send me your email address here.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Summer Watercolor Update

Texas Visual Arts Show

Happy Summer!!! Hope you are spending your time doing the things you never get to do during the busy school year.  Whether you have kids or not, I think summer just slows down in general.  I can tell when I drive on the roads, there is less traffic, if I go into a store, less people and in Dallas, the heat probably keeps everyone inside!  

I intend to use my time exploring by doing an art journal.  My idea is to start every morning with a 20 minute art journaling exercise.  Using mixed media and a small size, I am going to literally just play with different mediums and see what happens.  I may post some on instagram, but, I really don’t want to have that pressure on me when I am trying to be open and truly explore without judging or criticizing myself.  

The big news - to my very big surprise, my painting, “Another Day in Delhi,” came in 2nd place in the Texas Visual Arts Members Show.  I truly was stunned and it was a great surprise. Can’t wait to spend my prize money on new art supplies!!! 

More big news - I am so looking forward to being at Bandana Aspen during the Aspen Art Festival!!! Make sure to come see me if you are there or send your friends to say hello!

San Miguel Scarf

My latest scarf design was created by the influence of my travel mates!  On a recent trip to San Miguel, my travel mates noticed me sketching.  Three of them suggested I make a scarf from my sketches. The design includes 5 iconic San Miguel images.  All can be seen on my instagram.

Where to Shop Liana Yarckin Watercolors

Rutherford’s on Lovers Lane
All of my scarves plus swimsuit cover-ups! 

Body Bar - 4514Travis Walk
Love themed art and gift items 

The Interior on Inwood
Original art 

Cerulean Gallery
Original art 

Direct on my website or Contact me

The most fulfilling part of my craft as an artist is my connection with you! Whether it is a comment, a purchase or a commission, my interaction with you completes my artistic being. Let’s work together on your one of a kind piece!

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Addicted to Dogwoods & Flowers!

8x10 poppies

Addicted to Dogwoods

Happy Spring!!!  I hope you were greeted with fabulous blossoms and the bright green of new growth, not to mention the glow of the Japanese maples.

Someone who just met me said that I should be proud of starting a career at my age.  She had just learned about my scarves and shows that I was doing.  But, I know I wouldn't be doing these shows if it was not for all of you.  Some of you have known me when I just started painting and the thought of selling a painting was not even in my head.  Now at age 51, I find that painting and doing shows makes me feel alive!!!  When I got my gig at Stanley Korshak, I felt like I was out of college landing the best job ever.  I will tell you that high lasted months!!!  And what keeps me going is my relationship with all of you.  I am touched when I hear the different ways my art has had an effect on you. Having my shows and being surrounded by people that are happy for me and giving off good vibes is how I want to spend my time. The shows & social media take me out of the studio, out of solitude and puts me in the world. 

With that said, I am honored that Elizabeth W and Texas Madre want to host me!!!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Get your LOVE on!!!!

Celebrate yourself, your honey, your bestie with LOVE!!!  

I am continuing with my "Walking in Love" series.  Newest to the collection are the "Loves Me" scarves which debuted at Stanley Korshak.  I came to the "Loves me" scarf design when working on a painting of loves me, loves me not flowers.  I had painted "loves me all over the page and now it was time to paint "loves me not." I could not bring myself to paint those words.  I put the painting aside for days. I thought and thought about getting the courage to do the next step, which was write "love me not."  I remembered being young and picking the petals off of the flower, counting ahead to see what was the outcome going to be.  How could I change it so that the game would end with "loves me." And then that is when it occurred to me, that this painting was my game.  I had the license to make the game the way I wanted.  So it was a "loves me" painting.  

We all have the license to choose what kind of day we are going to have, what kind of life we are going to have.  I choose to find love and joy in myself, in others and even in the things around me. It has become such a habit that sometimes I surprise myself when I can say a positive thing about an overcast day!  I hope you can choose and experience love and joy.  And if you want to spread the love and joy with a gift or need a Valentine gift...

Quality Prints

Which one is the original? 
I am so pleased with the quality of this art print. Many times my clients need a print(s) of the original.  Prints are affordable and great for gifts. You can get them in any size and on just about anything from paper to canvas to even a phone case. My most popular watercolors and the "Love" paintings are available in prints on my website at great prices! 

Exciting News! My silk scarves are at: 

Brenda Schoenfeld Now
3911 Oaklawn Avenue

Check out her showroom, it is full of new and unique gifts!
Brenda is crazy about my "Loves Me" scarves!

This Saturday come see me at: 

4514 Travis St.
Travis Walk

I will have a collection of shelf size originals, scarves and gift cards.

 The Liana Yarckin "Loves Me" scarves available in 3 colors
because every petal on your flower is a "loves me" petal!
These are perfect for yourself or for your galentine!

For the love of your life, what about a custom watercolor of your home, vacation home, his boat, your ranch, your favorite ski spot, the place you proposed....
to see more samples like this, click here

Get the original "Loves Me" painting or another painting from the "Walking in Love" series at Cerulean Gallery.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Thankful for You!

Feeling quite thankful right now.  I could not have dreamed of anything better than the amazing turn out for my trunk show at Stanley Korshak.  It is truly thanks to you, to everyone that came out and supported me in every way. Last year at this time I was crying and thinking I had nothing to look forward to as I was about to turn 50 and my kids are leaving to college. Now, after preparing for and doing this show, the Adrenalin rush had me feeling like I was 25 and I can do anything!

As a mom of 3 boys, inundated with sports, sports, sports and nothing about tablescapes or what to wear,  this was like a princess fairy tale for me! Spending time in a beautiful store with the most gorgeous fashion pieces, tying scarves in a variety of ways on peeps, being surrounded by girls, girls, girls all who have an appreciation for high end fashion and not one mention of “what’s the score.” The energy was amazing, crazy busy, I remember at the end, I realized there was music playing. One of my favorite things about the event was people asking if I would style their scarf on them so they could wear it out!  Not having daughters, I have never had the opportunity to Such an honor!!!! There are a couple of video clips on my instagram that capture a bit of the vibe.

Having a show brings me out of my studio and into a sharing environment.  An environment that I see as a celebration of the work that I have spent time and passion creating. And more importantly, a celebration of having you, collectors, friends, supporters - my motivators.  Artists spend a lot of time in their studio alone. While this alone time is necessary for exploring and creating, and can be stimulating and even give a high, I am a people person and I very much need the show part of being an artist so I can get my fill on being with people, too.  I strongly encourage that if you have an artist friend, go to their show, you have no idea how much you just being there means. Seeing my collectors and friends take the time to come celebrates and validates my work and connects it to the world outside of my studio. It gives my art purpose.  And thanks to those of you who brought someone new to me.

A huge thank you goes to Stanley Korshak!  Without their belief in me and allllllllll of their support in hosting me, none of us would have had this amazing experience.  I learned a lot and am so invigorated for what’s to come!!!! My new goal is to be like Zandra Rhodes and doing fabulous trunk shows 30 years from now!  I hope to see you there!!!!!

Love you and Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!

Monday, November 5, 2018

Art & Fashion by Liana Yarckin

that's me sewing! See the video on instagram

Video on instagram or see at Stanley Korshak

I have been working so hard to make this show at Stanley Korshak special!  I have surprises to be revealed at the show so you have to come and see or read about it later.  One unique thing that I will be doing is custom painting to your specifications on my Love jackets!!!  These have been a hit.  My Love jackets feature one of my silk scarves (designed by me using my watercolors) on the back and then I can custom paint whatever you want wherever you want on the jacket.  Some peeps have requested a heart or have given me artistic license to make theirs unique or even to paint the word,"hope" on it.  I have a lot of things planned for Friday, including new original artworks, new scarf designs and some other surprises.  

Park Cities People article

Pink Love Jacket

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Liana Yarckin Honored with First Place

Liana Yarckin - Texas Visual Arts Association

So honored and proud to be recognized for my painting, "Curiosity,"  in the Texas Visual Arts Association.  I worked hard on this painting specifically to have a good chance of competing and getting into a show.  I have to tell you, the first show I entered this painting in, it did not get in.  Of course, I was disappointed as I had really focused on my design, composition, mood, everything judges say that they are looking for when judging a competition.  But, I believed in the painting.  I really like the idea of the innocence and curiosity of the cat noticing it's shadow. I used my artistic license here - the cat was really playing with a pen on the floor, I left the pen out because I wanted the idea of someone noticing themselves and finding their self interesting.  I love the perspective, it is dramatic.  For those of you familiar with my work, you can see that I stepped out of my comfort zone and used a color palette that is much darker than my usual and favorite lights and brights.  I worked very hard to add texture and movement in the dark background using paint colors that granulate and also a giant brush to aid me in dropping in color to add variety to the dark background instead of one giant flat color.  You can see in the shadow that I used gradation to add interest. Starting with a green glow close to where I want the focal point to be and then going into a darker less intense color.  There is a variety of line, both soft and hard edges.  I put a glow of sunlight on the subject's back and head, the only place that color shows up to emphasize the focal point.  Thank you judges of the TVAA competition for recognizing my effort!  

The point is, if at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again.  We have all heard our teachers and mentors say it is just that judge's opinion if your painting does not get in.  If you believe in your piece, don't give up on it.  Your passion and hard work will be seen by someone!

The show is hanging at the TVAA gallery at the Plazas of the Americas in downtown Dallas. If you are an artist, check out the TVAA, they are doing great things to help artists get seen!

Monday, September 10, 2018

Full Circle - Liana Yarckin Watercolors at Stanley Korshak!

When I first came to Dallas for job interviews in 1993, my friend drove me up to this building on a Sunday morning and said "this is the new most exclusive store in Dallas." We looked in the front windows and imagined what it would be like to be able to shop there.  As former architecture students pursuing a career in architecture we continued to talk about the  uniqueness of the Rosewood project, the Crescent, and how magical it is.  That weekend I did end up landing a job at WRA Architects and it was a loonnnnnng time before I ever returned to this beautiful store.

Fast forward to today, would you believe that this luxury goods store is hosting a trunk show for me?!?!!!!!!!  Yes! on November 9.  The team at Stanley Korshak has been great to work with giving me ideas and planning for a successful show for my debut.  I cannot wait for you to see the new designs and products that have come out of our meetings. And Stanley Korshak even wants me to bring my original art!!!!!!!  I cannot tell you what an honor this is, how excited I am and also butterflies in my stomach!

This could be you - shopping bag full of perfect gifts!

Thank you, thank you

Stanley Korshak

Please help make my debut successful by joining me on

Friday, November 9

Stanley Korshak
Cedar Springs at Maple

Liana Yarckin Watercolors at Stanley Korshak

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Liana on Love

Rose Gold Love
5x5 watercolor

This is the second attempt at writing this post. My intention is to love and forgive. Was it last year when I wrote about someone stopping me at the mall to thank me and encourage me to keep posting what I post?  She said that with all of the negativity on the internet it is so refreshing to see my posts in her feed.  She ended with, "you never know what someone has been going through and how your post may lift them up."  

Sweet Love

After 2 incidents where friends, (maybe they are not really friends) in a 4 week time period said in my presence and directly to me awful, ugly ethnic comments, I am prompted to doing my part in letting the world know it is not okay.  In both incidents comments were directed to  me and also other ethnic/minority groups unrelated to me. I can't tell you how intense the ugliness of those comments feel.  It first goes into my heart, like a big wide blunt knife and then down to the pit of my stomach and stays there.  

How can I be in 2018 and around people who would say such comments.  Ethnic comments are ugly, disgusting and without social grace.  It is the opposite of love.  One person said that she thought she and her husband knew me well enough to joke with me about my ethnic background and my husband's religious background.  There is nothing funny about degrading another ethnic group or religion that is not yours. She said something else must have happened to me to make me so sensitive about their jokes.  No, I thought it was the ugliest of ugly.  Is that what is coming from your heart? How can I be in your presence with such ugliness? And, yes, I have experienced something that makes me sensitive to degrading ethnic comments.  I have experienced it since I was in  3rd grade and I am tired of it.  

Big Love

A friend from a Scandanavian country didn't understand why would they even think of these things. She said, "why do they have to tie it back to your ethnicity? It is completely unrelated." I don't know.  In an unrelated conversation, a friend recently told me, "you are so loved." And she is right! I am so blessed to have all of the true friends that I have from all over the world with different backgrounds.  When I think of my friends, I am mostly connected by how they make me feel.  I don't see color, ethnicity, religion, how much money they make, the things they own, I really am attracted to how I feel when I am with them.  I will admit, I am a sucker for accents!  I have been known to make friends with someone because I love their accent! 

Peace, Joy, Love
5x5 watercolor

Back to the subject.  Love, Brothers and Sisters, Love one Another.  I looked this up, but, cannot find this exact quote online.  I have had to hear it from somewhere.  This is what the girl in the mall was saying.  Love each other.  If we all love each other, we will be able to forgive, overlook, tolerate, who knows, we may even brighten someone's day.  Love, love, love.  Without giving a lecture or scolding of any kind, if each of us always starts and comes from love, then we will avoid causing negativity to our brother. This is what I have learned from Dr. George Burriss.  If we stay in love, then we will experience joy and peace.  What more could you want? Everything else will follow.  

love, love, love

No matter where you are in the world, no matter what your religious or ethnic background is, we are all connected some way in this thing we call life.  We all affect (impact) one another.  Starting small, right here in your neighborhood, love your brother.  Your brother is that person that does not look like you or may not even have your same religion.  Embrace this and love him.  I promise, good will come from it.  You will be spreading goodness and love.  You will feel good.  

So I say to you, don't judge, love.  Love. A man is a man is a man.  My mom is a mom like all other moms, loving and wants the best for her children.  That person across the street from you, wants the same as you for his children.  Love them.  

Come from a place of love in all that you do and say.  

As Dr. Michael J. Sorrell said in his address at the St. Mark's Commencement, "it is your time to be special, go into the world and make a difference... be special by helping a community that needs you... have dinner with someone that doesn't look like you." 


Saturday, April 28, 2018

Decorating: Gallery Walls/Hanging art Salon Style

I think we all have collected pieces of art over time.  We buy a piece on vacation, a piece that sings to us, or we have inherited pieces from relatives or even family artists.  If you are like me, I am running out of room to display my art. Not the art I paint, but, all of the art I have purchased over the years. I thought I would rotate pieces, but, time goes by and before you know it, it has been 10 years without rotating a single piece.  Hence, hang art in "salon style."

To hang art in "Salon style" dates back to the 1600's when the French Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture would exhibit their students work.  In order to show everyone's work, paintings were hung floor to ceiling and as close as possible. Later, in 1725, the exhibit was moved to the Salon Carré (Square Salon) of the royal palace known as the Louvre. Since then it has been referred to as the Salon and hanging many pieces of art together is known as "Salon style".

Of course I picked this photo because the 
sofa and chairs grabbed me!!!

If you have plaster walls, here is a way 
to hang your art, often seen in castles
and manor homes in England.

Salon style is a great way to 
display your kids' art and makes
them feel good, too!

From Zaza Couture Home, Salon style was the 
best solution for this long empty wall.
p.s. do you see my piece in the pic?

 To see more ways to create your very own "Salon style" display in your home, visit my pinterest board.  There is even a pin on how to hang art like Kate Spade.