Saturday, April 30, 2022

Sold, sold, sold! Get in on the action!


Don’t miss the next big show!!! 
New art pieces will be featured on May 15!
Get your Liana Yarckin original!

Register & Bid here 

For latest details subscribe on my website 

or follow me on 



I hope someone purchases these two paintings to hang together. Right now they are my favorite! I can see them hanging in a space that has clean lines and needs a pop of color. They might be the perfect fit in someone’s office or place of business. They exude happiness, beauty and have a light feel.

This was a fun event at Bodybar Dallas. A great opportunity for people to see my artwork. Two paintings sold plus a commission for four more! Several scarves and no card sets purchased for Mother’s Day gifts!

New scarves available on my website
Get one or a few for Mother’s Day!

I am so grateful to my collectors. Painting as a profession is so rewarding, but, only with collectors and supporters feedback.  Without hearing from you, I would be on an island all by myself. It takes two to tango and it takes me hearing from you to complete the circle. However you would like to let me know you like what I do, let me hear from you.
Comments and likes on social media help an artist tremendously.
Let me see you on my page!

Monday, July 5, 2021

Art Reveal Party for Liana Yarckin


Plumerias on canvas by Liana Yarckin

Happy Summer! It has been crazy busy!!!!  If you are following me on Instagram, then you know all about the large canvases in this photo.  July 7 will be an Unveiling Party.  Let me know if you want to come by DM on my instagram.

My client (a local restaurant) had seen my florals on facebook.  He contacted me to discuss a painting for his restaurant. His team and I discussed the theme of the restaurant and together came up with plumerias in shades of magenta to fuchsia.  The commission turned out to be 4 canvases 60x40 each!!!!!  Can you imagine how happy I was waking up everyday to go to my studio to paint giant plumerias?!!!!!!!  It was a lot of work.  Each canvas took about a week.  

I said I would like to paint giant flowers for someone's dining room.  Well, I got this commission for a fabulous dining room beyond what my wish was!!!!

Monday, April 19, 2021

Time to Celebrate in the garden!!!!

 Vaccinated, masked and outside.  Come see my flowers, me and my fabulous artisans and designers.  It's been a long time.  The number one phrase I have heard this last year is, "I was looking at your website...." and that is why I haven't sent out a message in a while.  So if you are local, come see me now!  I have new art and lots of new gifts at affordable prices.  So new, pics have not been posted, but, I promise you will love them.  And as always, I only ordered enough for this show so make sure not to miss out.  Acrylic blocks, glass plates and more. Oh! I will have all new note cards.  Highly requested grouping.  Get yours before they sell out!

I will be hosting 4 other designers / artists that I selected personally.  You will love everything!

It's been over a year since we have seen each other.  

Come and see me!!!!

Tuesday, May 4th


Don't miss out on the latest, check me out on 




Sunday, September 20, 2020

Why Paint on Cavas When You Have a Giant Wall!

Mural, painting by Liana Yarckin with matching facemask!

Laura helping me

My mom

Me with the finished product

Happy Sunday!  Hope all is well with everyone.  I am just blessed with the positives of this pandemic.  The key phrase I heard in the first 3 months of this SIP was, "I was looking at your website..." It has kept me busy with all kinds of commissions and then this, the largest size project to date, a wall mural inspired by my butterfly kaleidoscope paintings.  

This project will be revealed in October when my client makes it's formal presentation. Inspired by what a butterfly represents - transformation, change into something beautiful and then with what my kaleidoscopes represent - togetherness, flying up towards greatness, spreading our wings was the foundation for the mural.  Working with the existing wall color, I came up with a color scheme and presented my client with a digital rendering of what I was seeing for the mural.  Luckily, I was able to enlist help from a friend who has a great heart.  Some of you know the struggles I have had with my mom and how she, too, used to paint. Because she was visiting and with me at the job site everyday, I encouraged her to add her mark on the mural, too!  

Videos of the process are on my facebook and instagram sites. Please let me know what you think.  Would love to hear your feedback or if you have any ideas on where to take this!

Doing this mural brought so much joy to me.  Watch my instagram in October for when I am able to reveal who the mural is for.  All of those details will make so much sense and complete the story!

lianayarckinartist on Instagram

Liana Yarckin Artis on Facebook

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

New Paintings, New Face Masks, New Ideas

Dallas Skyline by Liana Yarckin

Hi everyone. Hope you are safe and well! I know I’ve had my days of feeling like I am trapped or like I don’t have freedom. I am encouraged by my fellow artist you have really embraced this time to improve on their talents.

A lot of exciting things have been happening in my studio. I’m thankful for all the commissions! It seems that one of the positives for me from this pandemic is, “I was looking at your website…“ Can you believe? I have never heard that said to me as many times in the last three months as I have during my entire art career! So if you’re an artist, post away! Everyone seems to be improving their home or their office spaces with art!

The images above were for a project for an office space. My client selected images that were already on my website and commissioned me to paint the Dallas skyline to add to their collection. We discussed the different options and decided on prints on canvas to be the best option. One reason was because some of the paintings had already sold and another reason was this gave us flexibility in final image sizes, plus feasibility.  For example, look at the giant triptych on the back wall. Glowing Gallantly. I posted that original here years ago and you are even helped me name it! It is 11 x 14. But because of technology we were able to increase the size and manipulate the image on 3 canvases. The Dallas Skyline was created using one of my favorite techniques, pouring.

Our smile is our best feature. Wear a pretty mask!

Masks - I was never intending on getting in the mask making business. You know, I’m a silk scarf kind of girl. But, my customers kept asking me. I started with six designs on masks. That resulted with customers asking for more designs. I purchased one for myself and then realized I needed a mask in a different color to go with my outfit that I was wearing to my son’s graduation.  Honestly, I kept thinking this wearing a mask was going to go away in three weeks back in April and May. Now I see wearing a mask as part of my outfit and most importantly a way to express myself. If I have to wear something across my face, then I want it to be something that’s going to make other people smile. 

P.s. Jennifer Munoz asked to show my masks on two of her t.v. segments!!!

18x20 watercolor by Liana Yarckin

Between commissions, I’ve had time to experiment with other mediums and within watercolor. I’ve started some new psychedelic butterfly/insect designs. Some have sold the second I posted on Instagram which is affirming. By the way, if you ever want a good price on a painting, the time to ask me is within the first minute of posting. So not professional, but I am so in the moment that I always get a below market price when someone comments, “I want that! How much is it?“ I’m just happy that I connected with somebody instantly and I’m ready to send it out into the world to that person. 

I chose to put this blue and white kaleidoscope here because I absolutely love it! It is so dramatic and would be just perfect framed floating in a white frame. Who out there has the perfect spot for this painting?

Texas Proud items by Liana Yarckin

The Texas painting in the back is an example of my mixed media that I am working on now. That is acrylic, collage, graphite on wood panel. Working in this medium has been interesting and stimulating to me because it’s more about the texture and the overall feel of the painting. It’s also more of a reactionary process which is so out of the box for me. For some that might be easy, but, for me it is challenging to free myself up without a plan.  I did complete a commission using this process at the giant size of 48 x 48”. I welcome more challenges at this large size.

I would love to hear from you. What are you doing during this time? Do you feel like you have extra time to learn something new or are you actually busier trying to accommodate this new situation? What adjustments have you made? What things do you like that have come out of this pandemic? Me, I love doing my exercise class on zoom! It saves time not having to drive there and back. 

I do miss seeing my friends and I know my art class misses painting together.  Zoom isn’t the same as in person. Social media and direct messages do help me feel like I’m in contact with the outside world. Thank you to everyone who is always commenting and replying to my posts on Instagram and Facebook.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Wandering in Meadows and Woodlands by artist, Liana Yarckin

 Gold Trees in Winter
40"w x 30"h acrylic on canvas

Here we are in a world foreign to us.  I think everyone has heard enough about coronavirus. I do hope everyone has what they need and are staying safe so together, we can get ahead of this and try to get back to as normal as we can.  

I hope these pictures of my paintings from my latest series, "Wandering in Meadows and Woodlands," bring you a bit of peace and serenity.  The series started as a study on meadows.  I like that word.  Say it. Meadow.  Doesn't it feel good to say?! I had written in one of my posts in the last 2 years about wishing I had nothing to do but wander in a meadow.  And look for the ideal spot to picnic was the thought that continued in my head.  The idea of wandering in a meadow kept recurring in my head as I was busy doing life.  In the fall I finally painted a meadow. And then another and another.  

Gem in the Garden
11x14 watercolor

As I was working on my meadows with intention, paintings of trees were happening.  I did not realize this until I was putting together my paintings for Cerulean Gallery's grand re-opening.  I had just as many paintings of trees as I did meadows. The painting above was a total accident.  It was our first beautiful sunny day since winter here in Dallas.  I dropped whatever I was doing and grabbed my plein air palette and paper and went to the nearest sunny spot in my neighborhood.  This gazebo had caught my eye many times in the winter on the overcast days as it stood out so brightly against the dark "woodland" surrounding it on the grey days.

15"x15" watercolor and gold leaf

 This was the first of the trees painted in the fall.  I love this tree.  It is just so solid, brave, healthy, confident.  The idea just came to me in my studio effortlessly and just as effortlessly as it came, it sold the day I posted it on my Instagram. 

Morning Sun Shine on Me
11x14 watercolor

Caroline, the owner of Cerulean Gallery loves this one.  It was probably about 7:40 a.m. on a country road that I saw this treeline.  I was driving my son to a tennis tourney in the middle of nowhere.  I had passed this treeline, rubber necked it and had to make a u-turn to go take a photo.  I just loved how the sunshine was coming so strongly through the trees. My photos did not do it justice.  I hope my painting gives you the feeling that I had when I saw it.

 5 of the artists with gallery owner, Caroline

Caroline curated a show of diverse art styles and mediums of 6 female artists.  I am so thankful that I was one of the 6 for Cerulean Gallery's welcome back!  I actually own a piece of art by one of my fellow artists in the photo, Robin Hazard.  I purchased it 14 years ago and I am still as happy with it today as the day I first saw it.

Aqua Woodlands
11x14 watercolor

Dreamland Meadow
16x20 watercolor and gold leaf

Two sneak peaks of the pieces in the collection at Cerulean Gallery.  The show hangs until April 18 at this time.  If we get to go out by then, I would love to hear what you think of my new series.  Bolder colors, gold leaf, pieces created directly from my imagination.  One attendee said, 

"I have never seen anything like this.  What was your thought process to create this."  

See the painting he bought at the gallery and the other paintings that sold and are still available. Maybe there is one for you! Please note, it's hard to appreciate the beauty of the gold leaf in these photographs.  

See party pics from the show on my instagram or facebook.

Oh!  and help me think of who I can donate proceeds of sales to.  I have been so fortunate, I want to help those that have lost their job due to businesses having to let go of employees because of coronavirus. If you know of a charity that is helping in this way, please let me know.  Thank you and stay safe!

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Painting Watercolor Portraits & Upcoming Art Show


Happy Early Spring!
All is well!  Painting away! I have been in a good routine of painting every morning, Monday-Friday.  I love it.  This morning routine is quite helpful to me.  After I paint, I feel so happy and am ready to take care of other business like my website sales, restocking scarves at local boutiques and meeting with clients.  My house, however, is getting pretty cluttered.  Another day for that.  Above are two portrait commissions.  An art collector saw my website and said she fell in love with my style and since she did not own any watercolors, she hired me!  

I was going to go on to challenge myself to paint a face everyday, but, other commissions and work came in.  Above is a painting from a photo someone sent in for my self challenge. I would love to continue this self-challenge.

Watercolor home portrait by Liana Yarckin

One of the commissions that I completed in January is the home portrait.


What I have been working very hard on is a collection for Cerulean Gallery's grand re-opening in Dallas. Cerulean has always represented me, but, now they will be back in Dallas conveniently located in Snider Plaza!!!!  I will have new pieces that I have not been posting.  It is a growing series.  Some little sneak peaks have been posted in my Instagram stories.  I am excited to hear the feedback from you!  I have not had a local art show in a while.  If you have been before, you know how fun they are.  A big social, see your peeps, have a glass of wine and check out the new art. So please come see me and the other 5 female artists at 

Cerulean Gallery
6609 Hillcrest Avenue
Friday, March 6
6-9 pm

I would love to hear from you!  Come say hi to me on my facebook or instagram.  Your feedback is important to me.  It's what completes my art journey.  I truly want to hear what you like about what I am posting or what you do not like.  Your feedback counterbalances my alone time in the studio. So please, talk to me, baby! ;)

Liana Yarckin Artist on facebook
LianaYarckinArtist on instagram

Thank you for being part of my life!

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Christmas Gifts & Grateful for Good Health

I am grateful for you, my supporters, my family and my health!!!  I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, just how you wanted it to be.  This year, instead of going to Boston to see my husband's family, we stayed home per the request of our college freshman.  He said he needed to stay home and "rest." It was just the five of us as my parents are getting old before their time and it is just too much for them to travel.  

My parents' health makes me want to stay active and healthy.  I want to be like fashion designer, Zandra Rhodes, 79, still doing shows and pop ups or my 99 year old watercolor teacher, Naomi Brotherton. She would still be painting if she did not have those clouds floating around in her eyes.  She is a spitfire and I can't tell you so inspiring.  Based on her and all of the other artists I know from the Artisan's Studio Gallery and Southwestern Watercolor Society, painting is good for your health!  Stay active, stay active, stay active!

Texas Fiji House

In true Liana Yarckin form, when I received my son's text on Tuesday night saying that he had officially been accepted as a member to the fraternity he wanted to join, 2 hours before he was to arrive home, I immediately thought what can I make for him to celebrate his joy.  My 6th grader had some good ideas, too.  I did this pen and ink which is now available as a print here.  I will also put another option without '19 on the website in the next few days.  And of course, I am more than happy to draw or paint any other house, too!

Highland Park Tree Lighting

The pecan tree in Highland Park is no longer.  This year will be the first year of the sister tree to be used for the annual neighborhood tradition.  I cannot remember who suggested I paint this tree.  It was indeed a challenge.  To paint a tree at night, yet, glowing with lights.  Especially, when I don't use a lot of darks in my paintings.  It took me out of my comfort zone and now I am glad I did it.  The original hangs in a collector's home, but, prints and greeting cards can be purchased here.  Makes a great gift for your neighbors!

I have two shows left this season.  If you are in the area, please come by and see me!  I would love to see you!!!

December 5 - ABPA Annual Home Tour 

December 14 - Serena & Lily 
4430 Mckinney Ave.

4719 W. Lovers Lane

I have so much to be grateful for!  MaryBeth's, a woman's clothing boutique that has been in Dallas for 26 years loves my work!!!!  She has purchased several of my scarves and paintings and has ordered special paintings just to carry in her shop!  Please make sure to visit her store and mention how excited and blessed I feel to have someone like her to buy and sell my work.  Her shop is light and airy with a beautiful collection of art, gifts and of course, a carefully curated collection of women's clothing.

I need your likes and comments for the algorithms 

Friday, October 18, 2019

Art in the Home

I am LOVING these gold watercolor and gold leaf paintings.  I hung one in my dining room, wow!  Totally refreshed and added sophistication to the room.  Maybe I will paint a large icelandic poppies in gold for moi!!!!  Paintings are available direct from me or check out what I have at The Write Invite at 4425 Lovers Lane.  Saturday is the last day to shop.  Go buy something so I don't have to pack it up!!!!! Lol!  I have small ones at the show, too.  Those can make a great gift, too!

Admiral Butterfly
Mixed media on canvas

You have to see this piece in person to appreciate the detail.  I had to lighten the photo and lost the detail in the background and the butterfly wings.  Using papers I made, acrylic and gold leaf, this butterfly came to life.  I am pleased with the texture and details of this painting.  I had been imagining this for some time.  Creating it was a freeing experience as I had freedom to move my body with large brush strokes, working both on an easel and the floor.  It turns out working on the floor is more natural to me.  Then playing with the papers I made and moving them around on the painting to determine what felt right.  Again, the background is much more detailed than how it looks in the photo.  You can see this at 4425 Lovers Lane - The Write Invite Pop up.

Liana Yarckin's San Miguel Scarf

A friend sent this photo to me.  She happened to be at a meeting and someone was wearing my San Miguel Scarf.  My friend was so excited to see my scarf she made the fashionista pose for a photo.

Don't forget to come see me at the Annual Nexus Holiday Bazaar.  I will have new scarves!!!!  November 16.  Did you know that scarves are the thing this season??  Get one for yourself and for the women in your life!!!!  

Friday, October 4, 2019

Liana Yarckin Art is going Gold!!!!

15x15 Gold Butterfly by Liana Yarckin

15x15 Gold Bee by Liana Yarckin

15x15 Gold Dragonfly by Liana Yarckin

Happy Friday!  Hope you are having a fall!  September was a nice little break for me and now I am in full swing of preparing for art shows.  

Right now I have a list of things to paint that I am painting with a set of deliciously glittery metallic paints in 6 different shades of gold to silver.  An artist friend surprised me with them.  First, I used them delicately over non-metallic paint on butterfly wings.  Then, recently, a client said she would like a butterfly but her colors are just gold and white.  Knowing I would not get much depth or varying shades of value, I thought about how could I make a gold butterfly interesting.  I added gold leaf!  Gold leaf, the bane of my existence.  It is such a tedious process which requires an enormous amount of patience from me.  However, I am finding it almost meditative. The photos do not do it justice because of the reflective nature.  The paper is always reflecting cool blue even though it is warm white and if you take the photo straight on, the gold sometimes reflects the darks in front of it.  

Anyway, they must have translated somehow on my instagram.  After posting the butterfly, I immediately received a commission for a bee.  While painting the bee, I painted a dragonfly since I have been seeing so many dragonflies wherever I am outside. All framed in a 20x20" mat gold frame.

I am soooooooo excited and honored that the Partners Card asked Liana Yarckin Artist to be a retailer!!!!!!!!  The Partners Card is an amazing fundraiser.  You buy the card for $70, this money goes directly to The Family Place.  With the Partners Card you get 20% off of participating stores from October 25-November 3. Everyone wins!  Great time to get Christmas gifts and something for your self without feeling guilty!!!!

If you need a Partners Card, please buy from me!  As a retailer, I need to sell cards.  
It is super easy.  Just go online to
pick Buy Card
fill out the form
****the last box is RETAILER, select Liana Yarckin Artist in the "L's"
it is so important to pick my name so I get credit.

Thank you, thank you!!!!!!

don't forget to say hi to me on instagram or facebook

Upcoming Shows

The Write Invite Annual Pop-up
October 10-19

Nexus Annual Gift Show
November 16

ABPA Home Tour
December 5

Thursday, August 22, 2019

First Ever Art SALE

My first ever SALE is happening right now!

22x30 watercolor with gold leaf 
framed with a mat and modern white frame
28x36 finished size

Find something to give, to give to your spouse, your parent, your bestie who lives far away, your aunt & uncle's anniversary, your friend who has a beach house and hosted you, your child who is moving into their first apartment or dorm!  Give art!!!!

I did not get to photograph everything.  There were just too many pieces.  But, to see the collection that I put together on the website, pleased me.  I have several pieces that together, can make up a gallery wall.  Even if you are not in the market for art, take a look at the collection.  Oh, if you see something you like, I may have a piece to go with it.  I didn't get several of my aspen tree paintings on the website.

Thank you to those that participated in the early access portion of the sale.  I was thrilled to have new collectors who found me on social media as well as my always loyal regulars visit and find a special piece that sung to them!!!  All of those pieces have been wrapped and shipped to their new homes. 

 If you are sending someone off to college, take a look at my prints here.  Perfect for the dorm, printed on canvas or metal in any size at affordable prices.  I was elated that my son asked if he could have one for his dorm!!!!!

Some of my prints have been printed on pillows and sent as a surprise gift! The dragonfly was printed on a pillow along with the butterfly on this site for a pair of pillows. The "Texas Star" has been printed on metal and pillows and shipped to schools around the country.  

Thanks for reading my blog and being a subscriber!!!  

Catch the SALE before it ends!