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Tuesday, April 27, 2021

textures, layers, and blends

linking to the three muses challenge blog: textures, layers and blends.

this piece is in celebration of mischief circus' 11th birthday -- 11 years of providing amazing digital kits for scrapbooking and other arty fun. everyone should get to ride an elephant for their birthday... elements from the FREE birthday bash kit by holliewood studios, as well as songbirdy "women," crowabout studioB "texture play papers," and retired tumblefish studio bits.

love to all

Sunday, April 25, 2021

favourite animal

 for sunday postcard art: favourite animal

who can really pick a favorite animal though? i settled on zebra and bunny...

images from mischief circus artists holliewood studios and songbirdy.

also linking to take a word theme of DOOR.

love to all!

Sunday, April 11, 2021

mermaid dreaming

 for sunday postcard art: mermaid

images from holliewood studios (wonderment collaboration), gecko galz (pretty mermaids) and postcard base from pixabay.

wishing everyone dreamy days! love to all.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

sweet easter blessings

 for sunday postcard art: easter

images from mischief circus artists (songbirdy enchanted forest, itKuPiLLi butterflies and retired miles beyond the moon art dolls and cirque), gecko galz holiday icons, and retired dezinaworld.  

love to all.