April 26, 2016

The M Family | Maple Valley, WA

After having to reschedule a few times due to constant wet weather and sick kids on both sides, I finally got to meet and photograph the M Family!! 

We met at one of my favorite, hidden spots that is practically in my backyard here in Maple Valley. With the large amount of space, the kids got to run free and play while I fired off my camera!!! I love getting those natural smiles! 

Thank you for a great session, M Family! Looking forward to many more.

April 25, 2016

Owen | 18 Months | Discovery Park, Seattle

What a familiar face this is!!! I absolutely love Owen and his family. Not only because of how fun and crazy our shoots get, but because of how loyal they are as clients. They have stuck by me from the very beginning and I am so thankful for that. I understand the need to "photographer jump" from time to time, but if you are 100% committed to me as your photographer, I am 150% committed to you!! It's such a wonderful relationship I have with them and I feel so fortunate to watch this little guy grow every few months. 

We met at Discovery Park in Seattle for Owen's 18 month mini milestone session. Boy, is that a popular place!!! I am so happy we decided to shoot there because I have been eyeing it for quite some time! Thanks for another great session, Owen!

The L Family | Northwest Railway Museum | Snoqualmie, WA

I haven't seen the L family in a couple years so it was so great to see and photograph them again! It's so crazy how quickly time goes by and how fast these little ones grow.

We met up at the Northwest Railway Museum in Snoqualmie, WA for a family shoot. I can see why the chose that spot because we had some major train obsessed boys on our hands! I absolutely love just letting families explore, interact, and just have FUN while I shoot. Enjoy some of my favorites...

Noah | 6 Months | Issaquah, WA

I met little Noah and his adorable family for the first time for his 6 month mini milestone. I am happy mom and dad were more than eager to be in photos with him because Noah was just a little too camera shy for me. In the end, it turned into a family mini session but the photos came out so cute! I cannot wait to work with them again and see how much this little guy has changed.