Sunday, May 23, 2010

Anniversary Celebration

Each spring our church has a potluck picnic to celebrate the founding of the church. It seems to get earlier each year. Earlier in north Idaho usually means colder weather. There is some disagreement as to when the actual anniversary is. I wish they would agree on mid-June.

This is where the picnic was held today. You know how you can tell it is cold???

Have you figured it out??

Beautiful day.

Beautiful lake.


For the few minutes that the sun was not behind the clouds it was almost warm. Of course I had on a heavy fleece jacket. Many groups of people were huddled around the barbecues long after the food was cooked. Today was one of the warmer spring picnics we have had. At least it didn't rain and the scenery IS gorgeous.

Praise - for this wonderful country church where the pastor insists on teaching the truth from the Word. For the 'family' that is the church body.

Prayers - For the pastor and elders and deacons of this church, that they would continue to honor and glorify God with their lives and their teaching.

New Video

For those of you that are interested, my son has just posted a new video-

Big Air

If you thought that the Mountain Horse was crazy before...

How do you think they talked that guy into being the one the rider jumped over?? No way, no how!

My son is actually in this video - reflected in the goggles for just a bit. :D

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sew-in Update

Here is my report for the;

It was supposed to be raining today but it isn't! Such a beautiful day, blue skies, big puffy white clouds,sunshine and a little breeze. Of course it was only in the high 40's when I first got up and not a whole lot warmer now.

I'm pretty happy with my progress from the sew-in. Here is the completed quilt top;

It does look a little washed out but the colors are very light and it is full sunshine out there.

I was pretty tired and ready for bed but I decided to press on and get the bindings made for the Birdie quilt (little blue flowers) as well as the Sleepytime quilt (orange stripe-matches the striped stockings of one of the characters in the print).

I realize this shot is not great but I LOVE that view. I hope to be sitting right there sometime this summer actually sewing on bindings.

These bindings however will be sewn on to the fronts this week and then be all ready for me to take in the car on Thursday. Long road trips are a perfect time for doing this work I've found. I also need to get a binding ready for the Modern Irish Chain.

Sleepytime is all spraybasted and ready to be quilted but I have another project that I want to work on today while the guys are away. ;)
More on that later!

Have a great day! I'm going to get busy on my project!

Praise - for this beautiful day and the beautiful place God has created for us to live.

Prayers - for safety on the road for my hubby and my son.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Ready,Set, SEW!

The sun is shining for a few minutes so I ran up and took a picture of my fabrics for tonight's project.

I'm going to be making the Charms Squares Baby Quilt by Elizabeth of Oh Fransson! that was featured on Sew,Mama, Sew!. I've seen a few different quilts on Flickr that used this tutorial and they are really cute. This particular charm pack does not have enough charms so I have the extra prints there to work with.

I hope everyone else is either sewing already or about to get started.

Have fun!!

Birdie Progress

As far as I'm concerned the Friday Night Sew-In hasn't even started yet but I got busy with the quilting of the Birdie 9 Patch Quilt.

Quilt sandwich;(very messy if I do say so myself. No clue why it looks so rumpled).

Stippling away;

I was pretty happy how the process was going today;

All done with the quilting!

THEN I realized I forgot all about putting the cute flower appliques on it. Oh well, not happening now. I'll get the edges trimmed and set this aside for tonight.

Choices for tonight - quilt the Modern Irish Chain or piece another baby quilt. I think I will do the baby quilt. I need a break after the stippling else I get sore shoulders. I'll take a picture of my fabric and post in a bit.

Sweet news!!! Hubby just called and said he isn't hungry for dinner as they had a big lunch at work during their moving process!! Happy dancing here, oh yeah. Let the Friday Night Sew-In begin! I'm going to tell my son he can fend for himself in the kitchen.

Praise - my morning and early afternoon of continuous interruptions for whatever reason ended and my quilting session went smoothly. I was getting pretty frustrated at all the delays in my day (in His time, I've got to remember that!)

Prayers - That College Girl would have a great time at the concert tonight and for safety there and back.

Oh yeah

Time for the;

at Handmade by Heidi. Go on over and sign up and join us!

I'll probably be stippling. I might be piecing a new baby quilt. I'll decide after I see how my morning goes.

More posts to follow - hopefully with PICTURES!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Giveaway WINNER!


I want to thank ALL OF YOU that took the time to watch at least one of my son's videos! So many great comments and he is LOVING the feedback! He was so excited to check the 'hits' each day. Thank you too for showing it to others, posting the link in other places and passing it on to those you know would enjoy it. If you are so inclined you can subscribe or become a follower of the TimbersledProducts 'channel' so to speak, on YouTube. He is editing footage of yesterday's ride now and they had an 'extreme' rider with them doing some CRAZY stuff! I'm not sure when he will have a new video up but hopefully very soon.

For those of you that commented on us having snow in May, listen up - we had a mix of hail and snow at our house today. Crazy, I tell you!

So on with the announcement already! Did the random number 'thingy' and still don't know how to post that here but the winner of the 4 Kona Cotton fat quarters is - WOOLYBOOGER!!!! Isn't that a hilarious name???

woolybooger said...
I watched both videos. I've never seen a snow bike. When the bike was shown, it all seemed very practical. My favorite video was the one showing the bike up close. Thanks for participating in the SMS giveaway.

I have the Irish Chain quilt sandwiched and ready to quilt. I did add the borders. I also have the 9 Birdie Baby Quilt sandwiched and ready to quilt! I was hoping to get my BSR 'fixed' before I started these but the repair guy was not able to get ahold of Bernina and he was not familiar with the fix that I was telling him about. Phooey.

Another one of the church babies was born this week. They are having them faster than I can quilt! LOL! Only one more scheduled as of right now and that is for mid June and get this - I have that quilt top finished already. :D

Praise - hubby and I did have a great time in the nursery on Sunday! Lots of children but they were all well behaved.

Prayers - for hubby as they move into new offices tomorrow, for that transition.

Monday, May 17, 2010


I'm participating in the Sew, Mama Sew! Giveaway today!
Make sure you go on over to her blog to find the list of all participating blogs.

My offering is 4 fat quarters of Kona Cotton.

The colors are from top to bottom - Bright Pink, Grass Green, Orange, Turquoise.

I'll be shipping to U.S. addresses only this time.

To qualify please go to this YouTube link and choose to watch at least one of the two videos. My son filmed and edited these and I am trying to help him get his 'hits' number up (I told him my blogging friends would help him out). Then come back here and leave a comment telling me something about the video you watched. BTW-those videos were filmed in the last two weeks! Is that crazy or what that they would be riding/filming in the snow in MAY!

Entries close Thursday, May 20th, 10PM PST.

Praise - looks like spring has finally arrived!

Prayers - for my son as he starts working again today.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Modern Irish Chain

Inspired by this post at Cluck Cluck Sew. I got her pattern and then spent a couple of days this week working on it. It goes together so quickly and I just love it!

I think the longest part of the whole process was choosing the 18 fabric prints. I have trouble with that 'random' thing. I used some Amy Butler's Lotus, Sandi Henderson's Farmers Market, Heather Bailey's Fresh Cut, some of the Posh leftovers and a print from Tina Givens. I am debating the small white borders. Yes or No??

I am also working on another baby quilt using Natalia's tutorial. Mine is going to look very much like hers. I don't have any pictures yet but I have my four nine-patches done.

I KNEW that all these babies were on their way. What I don't know is why I've waited until they were born to start the quilts!! Insane! Not all of the mother's knew what they were having so there is a small excuse for my procrastination. Okay, off to sew some more!

***HEY! Come back Monday because I am participating in the;

that is going on over at Sew, Mama Sew!

Praise - My son is finished with high school!! 13 years of homeschooling and two semesters of college courses - FINISHED! Thanks be to God for his leading in that endeavor.

Prayers - For hubby and myself - we have nursery duty at church tomorrow and there are a LOT of little children now! That we would be patient and loving towards all of the children (and that they would be well behaved!).

Monday, May 10, 2010

Well at least I was busy!

I was keeping busy all last week SEWING! When I wasn't working I was trying to stay on task at the sewing machine. A friend was going to a craft fair for the first time and talked me into sharing the table with her. Good thing this is podunk and I didn't need hundreds of items. I think.
Anyway, I made 4 children's aprons, 2 women's half aprons, two scarves and one purse (to add to the one purse I already had on hand). Here is the purse that I made;
the front

and the back

Repurposed from the Hunky Dory skirt that Corrie at Quilt Taffy offered up. Pattern is by Craft Apple.

So I sewed and sewed and wished for more time. I stayed up until 2 getting everything ready the night before. Met my friend at 7:45AM and went to the podunk community center to set up. The fair was from 9 - 1. That was the longest 4 hours of my life. Painfully long hours. Most of the traffic we had was the other vendors. 16 of them. It didn't help that it was pouring outside, or they hadn't advertised much. I sold one children's apron. My friend didn't sell anything. I know I should never say never but...

I didn't hear from the lady that received the POSH quilt all week. I was sure that her hubby didn't give it to her and it was sitting in the back of his truck all week. I wondered about it for a couple of days and then I let it go. I knew it had all come together in God's timing and He was still in control. On Sunday, during the Sunday school opening, the woman came up and gave me a big hug and with tears in her eyes thanked me for the quilt. She said she cried her eyes out when she read the note I had enclosed with it and she tried to call but each time she picked up the phone she would start crying. She knew that she wanted to talk to me and not send an email so she decided to just wait. All is good. Praise the Lord!

Praise - Since Thursday the 6th, three babies have been born into our church family!! Two first time parents.

Prayers - for the babies and parents to make the big adjustment,for the parents to rely on the Lord for wisdom and knowledge and patience. Also for the two ladies that are due within the next 4 weeks.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Day! May Day!

The first day of May started out blustery here in north Idaho but ended up being a sunny day with blue skies. The temperatures were somewhere in the 50's. Can you believe there is snow in the forecast this week? Crazy!

Today was also National Scrapbook Day and probably the first in 10 years that I haven't spent the day scrapping with online friends. Pretty sad. The scrapping community that I was a part of closed the doors at the end of December and I just haven't made a big effort to find another place. Yes, I realize that I can scrapbook on my own but it just won't be the same. Sigh...

So tomorrow I will be giving this quilt;

to its new owner. She has no idea. You see it goes like this,
Out of the blue, on April 6th Des sent me the directions for the quilt and I started immediately to work on it. I mean right then I figured out which fabric I had on hand that would work and I set to work.

When my hubby comes into my sewing room he almost always asks what I’m working on and who it is for since sometimes I am making gifts and sometimes it is for one of the kids or maybe someone has asked me to sew something for them. I had NO IDEA who this quilt would be for, but I wanted an answer for when hubby asked. So I thought while I sewed and then it came to me, I would give this quilt to the lady in our church that was having her birthday next. I had no clue who that might be. I told myself to look it up in the directory when I went upstairs. Well I went upstairs a few times and came back down to my sewing room and would be frustrated because I forgot to look. Same thing the next day, I would totally forget to look (my mind is going, I tell ya!). So fast forward to the next night, a Wednesday and we are off to Bible study. I hadn’t been to church on Easter (sick) and so I picked up a bulletin at the back of the church and carried it up to my seat. When I opened it up I saw the list of birthdays for the week. I was surprised at the name I saw. God had orchestrated the entire thing of course. If the instructions had been given to me months ago or even the next week this all would have played out differently, but God knew. I even thought for just a fraction of a second to give it to someone else. I hadn't told hubby yet of my plan so who would know? Oh yeah, God would know and I would know too. You see, the lady this was going to, well we have a past and it is a rocky one and things aren't all that smooth now. Oh, we are pleasant with one another but nothing more than necessary. So on the way home from Bible study I told hubby. He got the biggest kick out of it all. He thought it was GREAT! He was excited for this quilt to be finished and given away. I have never had hubby and my son so interested in when a quilt would be done!

Once I knew who the quilt was for, I prayed for her while I sewed. I prayed for her relationship with God, I prayed for her marriage, I prayed for her role as a wife and mother and I thanked God for her. Yes, I even talked to Him about my own attitude and part in this relationship. I actually wrote up most of this story to give to her with the quilt. I am going to give the package to her husband to put in the car and have him give it to her when they get home.

I wonder what God has planned next for me! I sure hope it involves fabric. ;)

Praise - for such an AWESOME God! That He orchestrates even the little things in my life to glorify Himself.

Prayers - I pray that I would not have the teeniest hesitation to be obedient to Him and that I would trust His timing and perfect will.