Astronomy Milestones
Astronomy Milestones
- 583 BC : First Prediction of the eclipse of the sun
- 130BC : Hipparchus calculates distance and size of moon
- AD 1543 : Coppernicus shows that the sun is at the centre of the solarsystem
- 1609 : Johannes Kepler describes laws of planetary motion
- 1610 : Galileo Galilei discovers moons of jupiter
- 1655 : Christiaan Huygens discovers Titan, moon of Saturn
- 1668 : Issac Newton build first reflecting telescope
- 1687 : Issac Newton publishes theories of motions of planets , etc
- 1705 : Edmond Halley predicts return of comet
- 1671-84 : Giovanni Cassini Discovers four moons of Saturn
- 1774 : Charles Messier compiles star catalogue
- 1781 : William Herschel discovers 7th planet, uranus
- 1801 : First asteriod, Ceres, discovered by Giuseppe Piazzi
- 1846 : Johan Galle and Urbain Le Verrier discover 8th planet Neptune
- 1787-89 : Herschel finds two moons of uranus and two of saturn
- 1839-40 : First photographs of moon
- 1894 : Flagstaff Observatory, Arizona, founded
- 1905 : Einstein's special theory of Relativity first proposed
- 1908 : Giant and Dwarf stars described
- 1923 : Galaxies beyond Milky Way proved
- 1927 : Big Bang theory first proposed
- 1930 : Pluto, discovered by Clyde Tombaugh
- 1959 : First photographs of the far side of the moon by Soviet satellite Luna 3
- 1961 : First Quasars discovered
- 1967 : First pulsars identified
- 1971 : Black Hole first detected
- 1973 : Skylab space laboratory launched
- 1976 : Rings of Uranus are discovered
- 1977 : Voyager deep space probes launched
- 1980 : Voyager 1 explores Saturn
- 1978 : Space probes Pioneer 1 and 2 reach Venus
- 1985-89 : Voyager 2 discovers moons of Uranus and Neptune
- 1994 : Comet Shoemaker-Levy Observed crashing into Jupiter
- 1995 : Galileo probe reaches Jupiter
- 1997 : Mars Pathfinder lands
- 1997 : Cassini probe launched to Saturn
- 1998 : International space station construction starts
- 1999 : Chanda X-Ray observatory Launched
- 2003 : Galileo probe deliberately crash-landed on Jupiter
- 2006 : New Horizons space probe launched to pluto