The free world will not survive another 4 years of leftist domination of the USA.
If Hillary is indicted, then continued leftist domination becomes extremely unlikely.
Everyone following Hillary's three scandals - Benghazi, the secret private server, and the foundation shakedowns - knows there is already enough evidence to indict her on many counts... felonies.
The investigation is being run by the FBI; the FBI director is James Comey - a man who, while serving in the Dubya Bush DOJ, threatened to resign rather than follow a policy he felt was bad and wrong; as a result, Dubya canceled the policy and Comey remained on the job.
If Comey and the FBI recommend indicting Hillary, and if Lynch and Obama and Jarrett decline, then I expect Comey to threaten to resign.
I think that this will put the ball back in the court of the WH.
And either the WH allows the DOJ to indict or gets Hillary to cop a plea, or Comey and several other career DOJ employees and FBI agents resign and the Obama legacy goes up in flames.
I don't think the narcissistic Obama Will sacrifice his legacy on behalf of Hillary - not with Biden and Kerry and Bloomberg and Warren in the wings....
So, it all comes down to Comey.
If he threatens to resign - (if there is not indictment), then he saves the free world.
If there is no indictment and if Comey demurs and doesn't resign, and if Cruz defeats the mendacious megalomaniac Trump and wins the GOP nomination, then he might be able to defeat Hillary and save the free world.
But those are two big ifs.
Comey's decision will be one of the most important moments in the history of Western Civilization.
Let's all pray he does the right thing.