Thursday, February 19, 2009

Yummy!!! Yummy!!!

I have found the best recipe for peanut butter cookies. I was in the kitchen making then and thought maybe some of you would like the recipe. These seriously are the best cookies. I made them a week ago and I ate 10 cookies in 3 days. They are so good. Try them and let me know what ya'll think:

Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies

1/2 C butter of margerine
1/3 C peant butter
1/2 C sugar
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla
1 3/4 C flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
36 chocolate kisses
1. Ceram butter and peanut butter
2. Add sugars and cream
3. Beat in egg and vanilla
4. Combine flour, bs, salt in sep. bowl
Then combine with the rest
5. Shape into 1 inch balls and roll in sugar
Bake on ungreased cookie sheet. at 350 for 6 minutes. Pull them out and push a chocolate kiss right in the middle of the cookie. Put back in oven for 1 min. Then eat them!!! I hope that you all enjoy them


Melissa said...

i have to be the FIRST to agree w/ her.... they are so good! maybe its just her cooking, cause anytime i try to make something she gives me... it doesnt turn out the same. That is the one of the best things about living across the street from you- treats treats and MORE treats. You will never see me complain- other than all the weight that i gain from the yummy treats. thats all :( your the best!!!!

Meggan Butterfield said...

I will have to thing about that. I love Peanut butter! I know I would be in trouble if I made those cookies because Kade doesn't like sweets so ya when ever there is any kind of desserts in our house who do you think eats them,I do. So when I have enough will power and lots of people I know that I can take cookies to I will be sure to make them.

Mark and Mandi said...

your cookies look so good!! I am so glad I got to see you today!!

Shana Lynn said...

I've tried these!! They are also called peanut butter blossoms, and they are one of our favorites!!!