Wednesday, October 7, 2009

CRAZY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!

Holy Cow, I haven't posted anything forever. oops! A lot has been going on in our lives. I have been stressed out to the max. We are moving!! Yup 3 weeks of pregnancy left and we are moving to Cedar City. Russ got a job down there and I figured that I would rather him work full time and me stay home with the baby. I am having a really hard time quitting my job because I love it. But I know that I will probably like staying home with the baby after I adjust to it a little bit. Our apartment here in Orem is stacked to the top in boxes. Last weekend we boxed everything up and this coming Friday we are moving everything down to Cedar. Russ has already started his job is Cedar City and is Living with his sister Emily(Thanks)!! I will live up here in my lonely, empty apartment until I go into labor. This way I can keep our benefits and also get my free 6 weeks paid time off for maternity leave. I would be stupid to give that up!!! Then when I go into labor I will call Russ, he will speed up here, we will have our baby and afterwards drive down to our new home in Cedar!! I can't wait for this to happen. I hate not living with my husband, it is awful. He comes up every weekend so I get to see him then, but I am more needy than that. I need to see him every day!!

So I went to my appointment last week, the beginning of the gross appointments, and too bad for me, nothing is progressing yet. I was only dialated to a 1. Tomorrow is my next appointment and I am hoping that something will have happened. I feel like I am going to be pregnant forever. Shouldn't I be having some kind of symptoms that lead me to believe I am atleast close to having a baby. But no, I feel just the same!! I haven't even had any of those Braxton Hicks things they say you should get? Maybe it is too early? I'm not sure!

So last weekend we sat down and made a list of names. Some I like, some I don't like. You all should give me your opinions. Be Honest!!
1. Cody
2. Carver
3. Lawsen
4. Landon
5. Tucker
6. Ryver
Now I promise I won't be offended. I just wanna know what you think.


Lindsey said...

Oh my heck that does sound crazy! I hope it goes well. By the way, I didn't ever have one SINGLE contraction until I was in the hospital and had been on Pitocin for a couple hours so don't worry, you are just fine. Those names are all cute too by the way.

Melissa said...

please let us help in any way we can. if you need help loading all the boxes- furniture... let me know. i like the name carver. its different and also like tucker. i know you like cody and that too is very cute. oh my... picking names are so hard arent they. when i was prego w/ my first... i didnt "think" i had any braxton hicks or contractions until i went into the hospital and when i saw on the monitor that i was contracting i was like... Oh that is what they feel like. and little did i know that i was having braxton hicks for at least 3-4 weeks. to me i just thought the baby was moving and was at a spot where my tummy got a little tight. I cant believe that you have 3 weeks left. it really can be at any time. you have to let me know when you go into the hospital.
what about the name braxton???? i know someone that his name is braxton. hes a cute kid. :) good luck with all of that.

Anna said...

we will be here to help you do whatever you need us too! i'll call. my favorite names are cody and landon. they are still original, but not too original, and very masculine. I like tucker, too

Amanda and Tom said...

First of all, I don't know what "Braxton hicks" is. But I'm sure I will learn when we have a baby! ha ha and I really like the name Carver. It goes so good with your last name. Congratulations in advance!

Jared and Jessica said...

So close!!! I didn't even dialate with Nathan or have any contractions 'til they induced me at the hospital a week later! Aren't the end appts fun?! I like the name Lawsen :) But they are all good names!

Keeping up with the Joneses said...

It's almost over! It does feel like at the end you will be pregnant for eternity, hang in there! If it makes you feel any better I never dialated...until hours of painful pitocin...then ended up in a c-section anyway!So you're doing better than I did!

michael. mindy. dane. said...

Cody and Landon are my two favorites. That is crazy that you're moving! I don't blame you hating being away from him, I was totally like that this summer.

How fun that you get to stay home after you have your baby!

The Stylers said...

O man i'm so sorry you have to be away from your hubby! I'm so Excited for you to have your little guy he's going to be so stinkin' cute!!! I really like the name Tucker!! But they are all very cute!

Alison said...

I'm so so sorry I couldn't make it to your shower!! But I've got a gift, and I'm not gonna lie, ITS SOOOOO CUTE!! Let me know when I can bring it over. Preferably not to your house in Cedar, but I'm flexible!!

I hope you are doing well!

PS - I like Landon and Lawsen the most.

Kailee Joy said...

your so close to having your baby... congratulations! I hope all goes well with you, baby, hubby and the move.
How fun that you get to stay home with your little guy... it's the best!