Monday, August 16, 2010

He may sleep in awkward positions but I'll take it!!

He has all of a sudden become my husbands little hunting partner.

Have I mentioned lately that Cody loves the camera? He loves when I take pictures of him. He won't quit smiling and pulling faces.
Have I mentioned that since I posted my depressing post about Cody not sleeping through the night he has slept through the night almost every night since. With exception of a few when he got a cold. But I am so happy. I'm crossing my fingers that its a habit, well see.
Have I mentioned that Cody is a wiggle worm. He won't sit still for a minute. He loves to be outside with us. If he is in a bad mood all we have to do is take him out side and he is so happy.
Have I mentioned that Shandi got her call to Chile, Santiago speaking Spanish? I honestly can't believe she is going on a mission. It is crazy.
Have I mentioned it was my birthday last month. We went up the mountains with the whole family and went hiking. A week later we went up and stayed at Brian head.
Have I mentioned that I'm pregnant again? Shocker! We were a little suprised but we are stinkin excited. We find out tomorrow when I am due. I'm getting an ultrasound cause well I was nursing Cody and never had a period. Weird! I thought for sure it would take a while since it did last time but guess not. I have actually been sick this time. Where with Cody I don't think I was sick for even a day. I've been trying to keep my mouth shut cause I wanted it to be a secret but that is nearly impossible.

Friday, August 13, 2010

9 month stats

Cody's 9 month stats as of Aug 2nd.

Height 31 1/2 inches- - -100%
Weight 21.12 lbs- - - - 69%

Cody crawls all over the place. He pulls himself up on everything. He is still growing like a weed. He is completely done nursing and it is awesome. He hated it! He is so stinkin cute and fun. I love my little Cody.