Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Let me hold you while I may

So my grandma gave me this and when I read it I realized how fast my kids are growing up and I shouldn't take it for granted.

The day is over, now I will sleep.

It had been a normal sort of day, common like a rock along the path. Nothing about it would make one stop suddenly, pick it up and exclaim over it, as one might do with a shell, or a glistening piece of quartz. It was just a rock, lying there along my way. But now, knowing that it is about to go from me forever, I hold it in my hand curiously, turning it this way and that, marking its shape and texture, weighing it on my palm. What was it really, this normal day?

It was routine, mostly, , , washing, ironing, a trip to the store, meals, dishes, the common denominators of women's days.

It was pleasant here and there, , , a letter from an old friend, my husband's telephone call for no reason, a back fence chat with my neighbor, half an hour with a good book, some loud laughs with the children at dinner time.

It was irritating now and then, , , a sticky ocean of spilled maple syrup, mnealtime with one greedy child and one finicky one, the arrival of a bill unexpectedly high, a persistent salesman's theft of fifteen beautiful minutes.

It was deeply joyous at times, , , the whole house glorified with the strains of the new "Greensleeves" record; our unliterary twelve year old's first book (begun today, to be finished tomorrow) with its dedication to -wonder of wonders- his parents; our eight year old and her friend playing dress-up, painted an dperfumed, scarved and veiled, clattering through the kitchen in spike heels and courtesaned innocence.

It was sobering and frightening in some ways, , Mom's waning health and increasing discouragement; the big blow-up after dinner about homework an learning to accept responsibility, and the guilt that followed my hasty words; the vague, hugh uncertainties that draped themselves over us, cobweb-like, with the ten o clock news from a tense and shadowed world.

It was blessed with love throughout, , in a pig shaped breadboard made, and presented to me by my son; in the wave of feeling as I watched our little daughter sleeping in soft moonlight, her long lashes shadowing her cheek; in an hour alone with my husband at the end of the day.

Just a normal day! A normal day! It is a jewel! In time of war, in peril of death, people have dug their hands and faces into the earth and remembered this. In time of sickness and pain, people have buried their faces in pillows and wpt for this. In time of lineliness and separation, people have stretched themselves taut and waited for this. In time of hunger, homelessness, want, people have raised bony hands to the skies and stayed alive for this.

Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it will not always be so. One day, I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want more than all the world your return.

I hope this touches you like it did me. I hope we learn to not take things for granite. Someday our kids will all be grown and we will want so much for them to be little again. So enjoy it while you can!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Overload this weekend

So these pictures are not in any certain order. They just uploaded like this! This weekend was filled with a lot of activities. Saturday morning we got up bright and early to go pick Shandi up from the airport. Thats right Shandi is back from her mission. I am really excited! Then we headed to Orem to go pick up our new little puppy. We were so excited and have been looking forward to it for a while. But as we were driving back home we looked and Cody was allergic, he swells and his eyes get red, kind of like a hayfever reaction. So great, our son is allergic to dogs. We feel terrible because he already loves this dog. Well, we are going to hang on to the dog and see if Cody will get used to it or something, but if not we will have to find it a new home, which is a let down. So then we were suppose to get family pictures done but then the lady who was going to take them cancelled on us! Which stinks, so we just ended up taking some on our own. I know their not great but its better than nothing. So that is what we did this weekend.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Muzzleloader Deer

Yes, you read the title right! I drew out for rifle deer this year, lucky me, but Russ wanted me to down grade to a muzzle loader tag and try to shoot the one that he had found because it probably wouldn't be around for the rifle hunt. Well, long story short we didn't see much and didn't get a deer but the scenary was sure beautiful and we got some awesome pictures of our kids, atleast I think. I will admit it and maybe I shouldn't write it but I did have fun!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

never thought the day would come

I never thought the day would come when I would think about going private. I have always thought that those who did were over paranoid. Well not anymore! I have read a couple stories on my friends blogs that have creaped me out, and frankly, I don't want people looking at my childrens pictures, running into me in the store not knowing who I am but knowing all about my life from my blog. So if you would like to be added well then you know what to do!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Fun on the farm.

Last weekend we headed to Manti while Russ went down to kill his big buck in Cedar City. It just so happened that the fair was in town. I took Cody and Kyatt down to fun on the farm. I haven't done it before because I didn't have any kids big enough. It was a blast. Easton came with us and helped me out with the boys. Cody absolutely loved it. He said Hi and Bye to all the animals he saw. He went through Fun on the Farm and learned all about animals. He grew a potato that he wouldn't give back because it was his (he's at that age, his favorite word is mine!) But when all was said and done they switched him for a drink. It really was a blast.
I am so sick of getting ready to build a house. I swear everywhere I turn there is some obstacle to get over. Right now in Delta homes aren't appraising for the cost to build. That sucks which means that if we build for 150,000 ( I wish) but it only appraises for 110,000, we would have to come up with the difference,, , no thanks!! So now we are stuck on what to do. So sick of renting!! Hopefully something will work out and we can get it to appraise for higher. But I guess if it doesn't well then, , we will rent forever!!
Kyatt is growing like a weed. and eating like a cow!! I just can't keep up with that boy. He wants to be running around with Cody so bad. I can already tell how much he wants to be like Cody. Everything Cody does he will laugh at.
Cody is daddys little buddy. I remember when I was favorite, , not anymore. :) But I'm sure glad he loves his daddy so much.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

This years trip to Beaver.

Russ was putting gas in the fourwheeler and Cody always wants to be like his daddy. We looked over and this is what he was doing

Cody sure left the mountain clean

Kyatt was just happy to be there. He is always happy.

My happy smiling boy.

Me and my two boys at Beaver. We are very dirty this was close to the last day.

I am back in the loop. Connected to the world finally. We now have internet. It feels like Christmas.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


So ever since I got married I feel like I've been in limbo. We have moved 6 times in 5 years. Racing around to jobs and not really ever made a home for ourselves. Well I am proud to say that we are almost the owners of a lot in Delta. Well it is about 2 miles out west of Delta near the resevoir. I am so stinking excited!! And even better than that, there is soon to be a house on it!! Finally a place to call our own. I just can't wait. I will admit I am terrified to build a house but at the same time I can't wait to finally be settled. Thats right I think I will officially be a Delta Rabbit since my boys will be. So that is the exciting news in our lives right now.
Kyatt finally rolled over! Yay. He is the best baby, sleeps through the night, naps good in the days, I never know these babies existed, but they do.
Cody went pee in the toilet this morning. Was it just lucky? Probably, but I sure hope it happens again and soon.
Russ got promoted out at his work, I am so proud of him. He has been working super hard.
I well, I'm happy being a mom. Its sure is exciting watching my two little boys grow up. And they are sure growing up fast.
Well I suck at blogging and if this sounds like a bragging post, well its not suppose to be, I'm just excited for what is happening in our lives right now.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Our children were exhauseted

Our fun in California

Fallen off the earth

I am still alive, just not much of a blogger lately. Sure doesn't help when you don't have the internet. So, we just got back from Disney land it was super fun! We went with Russ' whole family and it was a blast. I definatly recommend taking all your kids. Russ and I have been house searching lately and goodness, not fun. It is so hard to find a house in Delta. We are also contemplating building. Although it is stinkin hard to find a lot. So we have some big decisions ahead of us. We did find a house we liked last week and hopefully if its a likeable price we can get it. But goodness, decisions decisions.
My boys are great. Cody is into everything. He is quite the talker and says his words really well that is when he isn't in public. At his 18 month check he was 28 pounds 37 inches. He is a tall boy. He is an acrobat. Climbs on everything. And if your wondering, no he still doesnt sleep through the night, only sometimes.
Kyatt is the best baby anyone could ever ask for. I mean it I am not even kidding. He never cries, sleeps through the night, sleeps all day, man He is awesome. At his 2 month check he was 13 pounds 26 inches, and a week ago he was 15 pounds. He has started smiling and giggling. and rolled over for the first time the other day.
Well I will try and post some pictures. I hope everyone is doing great! and enjoying their summer.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Here are some pictures. Random ones. I havent posted any forever.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Then there were two!!

I can't believe I have two children. Its crazy and I love it! When I am awake at night I just sit there and think how lucky I am. Kyatt is a wonderful baby! I am definately blessed. He only wakes up 2 a night and sometimes the second time is not until 6:00. Who knows if this will last, but I am loving it. So last night Cody got up at 3:45 and was up until 6:00. Nothing was wrong he just didn't want to sleep. While I was up with him I was thinking to myself, isn't this a little backwards? Shouldn't it be Kyatt who is up all night since he is the new baby. Interesting that my almost 17 month old is harder than my brand new baby. Its probably my fault, I probably created part of it being so paranoid with Cody since he was my first. But Kyatt, I could sit him down and he would be fine on his own all day long as long as I changed him and fed him. Thank heavens. I don't know if I could do Cody twice. So Cody is loving having a brother. At first he wanted nothing to do with him, but now I can't keep him away! It is really cute, kind of scary too! Everytime I change Kyatts bum Cody wants to wipe it, he tries to share his food with him. And he won't stop kissing him! I am so glad that so far he likes him. He hasn't thrown any tantrums because there is a new one.
The C-section sucks. This was my second which means I can never try a v-bac again, c-sections from here on out. I am slightly depressed about this, for some reason I wanted the experience of a normal birth but I guess it just wasn't in the cards for me. Too bad! I can't tell you how bad I didn't want a c-section. All I could think was how will I do this. I won't beable to lift Cody. So I won't beable to put him in his crib, his high chair, bath him, anything. It has been difficult adjusting but I have learned some tricks. Russ is on the outtage at his work which means he works any where from 70 to 90 hours a week. This will last until the end of April. I can't wait til he is done! It has made it harder to recover, but I am feeling a little better now.
I know I am obsessed with weight, but I sure hope I can recover from this second c-section. How in the world am I going to get those muscles in my tummy to work again. I don't know how, but hopefully I figure it out so I can lose my weight. Any ideas?
Well life is crazy. I am very excited to have my 6 weeks of recovery over so I can go outside and not have to worry about not being able to get Cody back inside cause I can't lift him. and he throws fits when he has to go back in side. I'm looking forward to these two being so close in age and having so much fun together. I am excited!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Finally making his debut on March 12, 2011 at 12:52 a.m., Kyatt John May, tipped the scales at 7 lbs 8 oz and measures 19 inches long. He is the spitting image of his big brother Cody. We had been to the doctor in Cedar City at 11:00 on Friday morning and were told that we were nowhere near having a baby. We endured the long ride back to Oak City and were climbing into bed when AuBrie's water broke. We got back in the car while grandpa came to watch Cody who was already asleep. After a lot of debate, prayer, and doctor's council we ended up having a C-section. Mom and baby are both doing great and we love our new little guy.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

13 days to go !!!

So I am still not dialated or effaced. I had an ultrasound on Friday and the baby is measuring 7.0 lbs, we all know those measurments are usually off, but that was the estimated weight. Which is good news. My Dr. said he will now let me go over my due date a couple days if I haven't had the baby yet. Then if I am dialated he will induce me. If not, I have to have another c-section. This is all because I had a csection with Cody. They have to be extra careful and follow guidelines so my chance of placenta rupture is minimal. But I am sure set on a V Bac. I can't imagine having a csection and not being able to lift Cody. Hopefully I will go into labor on my own this time. That would be the best outcome. I am sure getting anxious. They last days feel like forever.
Cody gets his cast off a week from tomorrow. I can't wait. It will be nice to get that thing off especially before the baby gets here. Well I am sure excited for the next couple weeks. I have a lot of great things happening.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Quick post! pics

Walls don't move! He hasn't really gotten this concept down.

The day the broken arm happened. Wait, did I mention Cody broke his arm. He did. It sucks way bad. I have to help him with everything.

My pregnant belly! 36.5 weeks. Count down begins now! Yes I'm quite large.

His cast.

Here is Cody's cast. Camo!! Or course.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Catch up!

So, I can't believe I haven't been on here since November. Oops. A lot has happened. Russ turned 28 (old man), we moved to Delta, Christmas, Baby almost here and no internet. Yup, that would be why I never post anymore. We made our move to Delta around Christmas. We were pretty busy with the holidays and moving but it all seemed to work out thankfully. So we live in Oak City 15 minutes outside of Delta. Lets just say, it still needs to grow on me a bit. For those of you who grew up in the Manti area it is comparable to Sterling, (which I said I would never live in a place like sterling), but here we are. Russ got a new job at IPP in Delta and seems to be liking it. Hopefully in a couple years we will build a house here, or buy, but preferably build. Yup I think we are here to stay for the rest of our lives, , , good ol' rabbits! I better not say anything else for you Delta people who may read my blog :) Ha Ha. J/K It will be good living here as soon as I meet some people and it gets sunny out so I'm not stuck in doors.
Cody is growing like a weed as always. I feel like I can't keep up with clothes. He is now in 2T and is only 15 months old and 31 pounds. I can't explain it cause he never wants to eat, but hey looks like its working. He is into everything and always has a good egg on his head. Soon as one heals he makes sure to get another one. We are getting excited for our new little guy to get here. I can't wait to not be pregnant anymore. Only 4 more weeks. I can't wait to loose all this extra weight I have put on. Pregnancy is good for some people but not me!
I lost my phone a couple weeks ago. Well lost is an understatement. I flushed it down the toilet. Oops! I wish I could blame it on Cody, but I have pretty much lost my mind this pregnancy and anthing like this is just a normal occurence. So anyone who wants to, or was in my phone you should text me or leave your phone number.
Sorry I don't have any pictures this time. Well be sure to get some on here soon!