I can't believe I have two children. Its crazy and I love it! When I am awake at night I just sit there and think how lucky I am. Kyatt is a wonderful baby! I am definately blessed. He only wakes up 2 a night and sometimes the second time is not until 6:00. Who knows if this will last, but I am loving it. So last night Cody got up at 3:45 and was up until 6:00. Nothing was wrong he just didn't want to sleep. While I was up with him I was thinking to myself, isn't this a little backwards? Shouldn't it be Kyatt who is up all night since he is the new baby. Interesting that my almost 17 month old is harder than my brand new baby. Its probably my fault, I probably created part of it being so paranoid with Cody since he was my first. But Kyatt, I could sit him down and he would be fine on his own all day long as long as I changed him and fed him. Thank heavens. I don't know if I could do Cody twice. So Cody is loving having a brother. At first he wanted nothing to do with him, but now I can't keep him away! It is really cute, kind of scary too! Everytime I change Kyatts bum Cody wants to wipe it, he tries to share his food with him. And he won't stop kissing him! I am so glad that so far he likes him. He hasn't thrown any tantrums because there is a new one.
The C-section sucks. This was my second which means I can never try a v-bac again, c-sections from here on out. I am slightly depressed about this, for some reason I wanted the experience of a normal birth but I guess it just wasn't in the cards for me. Too bad! I can't tell you how bad I didn't want a c-section. All I could think was how will I do this. I won't beable to lift Cody. So I won't beable to put him in his crib, his high chair, bath him, anything. It has been difficult adjusting but I have learned some tricks. Russ is on the outtage at his work which means he works any where from 70 to 90 hours a week. This will last until the end of April. I can't wait til he is done! It has made it harder to recover, but I am feeling a little better now.
I know I am obsessed with weight, but I sure hope I can recover from this second c-section. How in the world am I going to get those muscles in my tummy to work again. I don't know how, but hopefully I figure it out so I can lose my weight. Any ideas?
Well life is crazy. I am very excited to have my 6 weeks of recovery over so I can go outside and not have to worry about not being able to get Cody back inside cause I can't lift him. and he throws fits when he has to go back in side. I'm looking forward to these two being so close in age and having so much fun together. I am excited!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Then there were two!!
Posted by AuBrie and Russ at 9:59 AM 5 comments
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Finally making his debut on March 12, 2011 at 12:52 a.m., Kyatt John May, tipped the scales at 7 lbs 8 oz and measures 19 inches long. He is the spitting image of his big brother Cody. We had been to the doctor in Cedar City at 11:00 on Friday morning and were told that we were nowhere near having a baby. We endured the long ride back to Oak City and were climbing into bed when AuBrie's water broke. We got back in the car while grandpa came to watch Cody who was already asleep. After a lot of debate, prayer, and doctor's council we ended up having a C-section. Mom and baby are both doing great and we love our new little guy.
Posted by AuBrie and Russ at 10:38 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 6, 2011
13 days to go !!!
So I am still not dialated or effaced. I had an ultrasound on Friday and the baby is measuring 7.0 lbs, we all know those measurments are usually off, but that was the estimated weight. Which is good news. My Dr. said he will now let me go over my due date a couple days if I haven't had the baby yet. Then if I am dialated he will induce me. If not, I have to have another c-section. This is all because I had a csection with Cody. They have to be extra careful and follow guidelines so my chance of placenta rupture is minimal. But I am sure set on a V Bac. I can't imagine having a csection and not being able to lift Cody. Hopefully I will go into labor on my own this time. That would be the best outcome. I am sure getting anxious. They last days feel like forever.
Cody gets his cast off a week from tomorrow. I can't wait. It will be nice to get that thing off especially before the baby gets here. Well I am sure excited for the next couple weeks. I have a lot of great things happening.
Posted by AuBrie and Russ at 12:40 PM 2 comments