Saturday, April 14, 2012

Lets try this blogging thing. .

Holy Smokes, where have I been? I haven't really had much to do except stay home with the kids so you think I'd be able to update this blog once in a while, right? Where to start?
It was Kyatts first birthday March 12. I attempted a dog cake and well it didn't turn out the greatest, but he sure loved eating it. Cody was quite jealous and told me all day long it was his birthday too. I got a new cannon rebel camera, which I love! I don't know how I lived without it. The weather was warming up for a while and so Cody was able to play with some of his cute friends outside, speaking of weather it is pouring outside at the moment so thats just fantastic. Easter came and we went up to Oak City for the day. It was really fun until about 3:00 and Cody started breathing really hard, I guess its called retraction. Anyway, we went home and he kept getting worse. I called my good old friend Anna and she said to take him to the ER. We waited all night and then finally Sunday morning took him in only to learn he is asmatic. Thats great! Not only food allergies, and dog allergies but that too. They gave him a breathing treatment, sent us home with an inhaler and perscriptions to get a breathing treatment machine in our home. Hopefully he will grow out of it.
We were suppose to build last October but things got put on hold. We have had our house plans sitting around for so long that we keeping adding stuff, like a piano room, a porch. The guy who drew them up is fixing them now and we are going to get them back soon, I am so excited! We will be building in October. We are moving into a house and will live there for 18 months while the couple goes on a mission, then have our home built by the time they get back. So yes, we are moving, in 1 1/2 weeks to be exact. We moved here 1 1/2 years ago and this will be our third move since. Can I complain and say, I am so sick of moving. I think Russ and I have moved 7 times since we have been married. We have been married 6 years so thats more than once a year! Way too much moving going on with us so I am excited to finally be settled. We are self contracting our own house so that will be exciting!(That might be a bad choice of word??)
I just got put in as the Primary 1st Counselor, I am scared to death! Any advice? We had our first meeting and I couldn't believe the responsibility, it will be great to learn I guess.
Cody is hillarious now. I tried a different approach to punishing him, I spanked him. For a second I felt really bad but then he started to laugh, So I did it again and he just laughed harder! So that didn't work. He is so cute, opening up doors for me, bringing flowers to me, I don't know where he learned this, he is a natural I guess. He still loves sports and always wants to shoot a ball or swing a bat.
Kyatt is growing as well. He just got his first little tooth, it is bearly poking through. His laugh is so funny it sounds like a monkey. It makes me laugh so hard. He loves to play with Cody when Cody will let him. He is a pretty serious kid, completly opposite of Cody. I will say his name and he won't even recognize I said something, and if I say, Ky come here, he looks at me and walks in the oppostie direction, doing all of it without even cracking a smile.
I'm not a very personal blog writter, infact I don't really get into anything personal. Everytime I write on my blog I realize, in the time since I last posted, I have learned a lot about myself and about life in general, every single time I post. I think this time I have learned that people are going to people, inclucing myself. They are going to say things that hurt you, love you, maybe completly annoy you and at times be there for you when you need them, but in the midst of it all, there is always a reason why they act the way they do. Wether it be their upbringing, something that is not going quite right in their lives at the time, maybe their spouse is being mean, something that always explains their actions. So if someone does something to you that hurts you instead of being mad at them or hating them, give them the benefit of the doubt. Think, hmm. maybe there is something in their life right now that is hurting them and they are taking it out on others around them. I think that by doing this we will be able to love them. After all if you don't and you let it boil inside you, it only hurts you! Give it a try. . .So there is my little bit of personal thought, that I don't ever share on this thing, cause well, I don't usually get personal, but I think we could all benefit from this or maybe just me either way I thoght I'd share me thoughts.
Hope everyone is doing great! You all seem to be doing wonderful when I look at your facebooks or blog.