Conventional collectivist created authority is a deception in consciousness. You are your own Authority!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Pretty Please Give Me Back My Spy Drone

The Obama administration this week formally requested that Iran return our U.S. spy drone airplane captured by Iranian armed forces recently after flying over Iranian territory in Iranian air space in violation of international law.
The President, without offering an apology for violating Iran’s sovereignty, said that he wants the sophisticated top-secret aircraft back. "We have asked for it back. We'll see how the Iranians respond," he stated on Monday.
Fat chance of that, I think. Why should they give it back?
"The Americans have perhaps decided to give us this spy plane," Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gloated. "We now have control of this plane." "There are people here who have been able to control this spy plane, who can surely analyze this plane's system also. “... In any case, now we have this spy plane." "Very soon, [the Americans] they're going to learn more about the abilities and possibilities of our country."
Iranian Defense Minister Gen. Ahmad Vahidi shrugged off the request for return of the spy drone and said the United States should apologize for invading Iranian air space instead of asking for the return of the unmanned aircraft.

Former Vice President, and rabid foaming at the mouth military Chicken Hawk, Dick Cheney, insisted that Obama should have immediately ordered an “air strike” on Iran after they captured the drone. He called the incident "a significant intelligence loss," and mocked the President for limiting his options by begging to “please give it back.”
“The right response to that would have been to go in immediately after it had gone down and destroy it,” Cheney barked. “You can do that from the air. You can do that with a quick air strike, and in effect make it impossible for them to benefit from having captured that drone.
That’s the same old bloodthirsty torture happy saber rattling war mongering Dick Cheney from Bush days of yore talking. In his opinion, by jingo, the United States should compound its violation of international law with an all-out act of war.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta both said they are not optimistic about getting the drone back because of recent Iranian behavior that Clinton said indicated "that the path that Iran seems to be going down is a dangerous one for themselves and the region."
"We submitted a formal request for the return of our lost equipment as we would in any situation to any government around the world," Clinton sniffed. "Given Iran's behavior to date we do not expect them to comply but we are dealing with all of these provocations and concerning actions taken by Iran in close concert with our closest allies and partners," she added.
How about that? Forget about American provocations, concerning actions and bad behavior, i.e. illegally sending a drone airplane into Iranian airspace to spy on them; just blame Iran instead for embarking down a dangerous path for not meekly submitting to our request for giving it back.  
After all, it’s not really a spy plane in Clinton’s arrogant and deluded mind; the U.S. didn’t do anything wrong as far as she’s concerned; it’s simply “lost equipment” we would expect any government around the world to return to us.
The nerve of that woman! The nerve of Dick Cheney and my U.S. government! Have they no sense of shame?
What would they be saying and doing if the tables were slightly turned? If Iran launched a spy drone over New York City or Washington D.C., and we captured it, are they having us believe that we noble Americans would just give them back their “lost equipment,” pretty please?  
I hardly think so.
If it were up to old blood ‘n guts Dick Cheney, in that situation, we’d be giving Iran another flying gift wrapped present -- one of our nuclear warhead missiles to chew on.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Rick Perry’s Promise: I’ll Trash the Establishment Clause

“I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m a Christian, but you don’t need to be in the pew every Sunday to know there’s something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can’t openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school,” Republican presidential candidate and Texas Gov. Rick Perry whined pitifully in his latest TV campaign advertisement which he calls: “Strong.”
“As president, I’ll end Obama’s war on religion,” he promised. “And I’ll fight against liberal attacks on our religious heritage.”“Faith made America strong; it can make her strong again.” “I’m Rick Perry and I approved this message."
“Bringing America back starts with faith;” faith in the Almighty, who created us; faith in our friends and allies, in a time of trouble; faith in each other to not give up hope,” Perry told the Republican Jewish Coalition last week.
The nicest thing I can think of to say about Rick Perry is that he’s not the least bit bashful about showing his true colors to all the world all the time every time. He’s refreshingly honest -- not a lying weasel like so many other politicians.
He tells us straight out in so many words: “I’m a religious bigot.” “I’m a homophobe.” “If you elect me as your president, I’ll trash the First Amendment Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution.”
He was flying so high right after he first announced his candidacy only to plunge to the ground, crashing and burning, when the majority of normal reasonable people found out who he is and what he stands for.
I feel somewhat sorry for Gov. Perry. He’s basically a likable man, but I’m afraid he has one or two loose screws rattling around in his head which too often cause him to play the fool. This TV commercial is a perfect example. It tells us a lot about the real Rick Perry.
First off, I’ve never known a Christian who was ashamed to admit it. So why would Rick Perry say “I’m not ashamed to be a Christian.”? Doesn’t that go without saying in the mind of all Christians? Doesn’t it go without saying in his mind? After all, what is there to be ashamed of about being a Christian?
This was the tip off to me as to what he was going to say next – things that normal people, whether Christian or not, would indeed be ashamed to admit: “… but you don’t need to be in the pew every Sunday to know there’s something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can’t openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school.”
That’s what he admits yet he knows deep inside his mind that he’s rightly and properly ashamed to admit it. He’s prejudiced against gays and non-Christians. He’s ashamed to admit that if elected president he would flatly discriminate against gays and non-Christians upon religious grounds using his powers as chief executive of the United States government. If elected president he would diligently look for ways to circumvent the First Amendment Establishment Clause.
You see, Gov. Perry and all the other ultra right wing social conservatives in this country know very well that all the kids can openly celebrate Christmas and pray in school any time they want, right now today, and there is no law anywhere to stop them. The Constitution does not and never has prevented kids from openly celebrating Christmas and praying in public schools. That is their constitutional right under the First Amendment Free Exercise Clause.   
But Perry and his ilk aren’t concerned about that. What they are after; what they really want; what they won’t say out loud, but what they won’t be satisfied with until they get, is teachers and principals and school administrators using the facilities of the public schools to lead all the kids in prayer and celebrations of Christmas in the classrooms during school hours, baby Jesus, nativity scenes, Christian crosses on the walls and all.
What the Christian right desperately wants is to teach their Christian religion at the exclusion of all others in the public schools to all the kids regardless of their own family and personal religious beliefs.
Secondly, Gov. Perry, and his gang of right-wing Christian zelots know for a fact deep down inside their sanctimonious souls that Obama has never waged any “war on religion” during his presidency. That’s ridiculous. They know that there have never been any “liberal attacks on our religious heritage.” And they know that “faith” is not what “made America strong.”
Perry knows enough to be ashamed of such outrageous statements because he knows that the problem with people like me who care about the Constitution is not religion but keeping religion in its proper place in America – separate from government. He’s smart enough to know that the Establishment Clause protects the rights of all of us, Christian and non-Christian alike.
That is why he hates the Establishment Clause and has, in effect, promised on national television to trash it if he’s elected president.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Update: Trump Dump Becomes Dump Trump

Trump Dump, as I referred to it in my December 6th post, has become Dump Trump as three more Republican presidential primary candidates have decided to decline their invitations to the scheduled December 27 News Max Iowa debate set to be moderated by “The Donald.”
Texas Rep. Ron Paul and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman were the first to respectfully bow out last week from the forthcoming tacky political TV reality show circus; Paul explaining in his usual candid style that such a debate format was beneath the dignity of the office of the presidency.
Trump was clearly miffed at this development so he proceeded to verbally attack Paul viciously as a marginal candidate who “has zero chance of gaining the nomination” anyway. He also dismissed Huntsman as a non-factor in the race.
But then Texas Gov. Rick Perry followed suit, together with former MA Gov. Mitt Romney, and MN Rep. Michelle Bachmann, leaving former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, and former PA Sen. Rick Santorum as the only invited guests to Trump’s party event who actually plan to attend.  
The latest snubs have left “The Donald” surprised, furious, and baffled, wondering even whether to reconsider putting on the show.
Trump told CNN that he was surprised when Romney turned down his invitation. "He wants my endorsement very badly. We've seen him come up. We speak. I like him a lot. I think he's a terrific guy, but I was really surprised that he didn't want to do the debate."
Michele Bachmann's decision had “The Donald” fuming: "You know who I'm very disappointed in? Michele Bachmann," he whined. "She's come up to see me four times; Four times. She's called me, she's asked me for advice, she said she'd like to think about me for the vice presidency, all of these things."

"Most importantly I did like a two hour phone call for her with her people and it caused me certain problems … People asked if I was endorsing her, and the answer was no. And then after all of that, she announced she's not going to do the debate. It's unbelievable. You know, it's called loyalty. It's actually called loyalty. How do you do that? You know, it's amazing to me."

Loyalty; did he say loyalty? Who does this guy think he’s kidding? She wants his endorsement. He tells people “No,” she can’t have it, and then he expects loyalty? If you ask me, he’s the one who is unbelievable – Donald Trump: kingmaker rebuffed by his subjects, the peasants.

Don Imus asked Trump if he will still do the debate if only Gingrich and Santorum show up. "I don't know, I'd really have to look into it and see," he said. "They want me to drop my status as someone who's going to run as an independent, and I don't think I'm going to do that."

Trump actually has the nerve to wonder out loud why any self respecting candidate would hesitate to participate in a debate that he will moderate when he’s told the world that he plans on endorsing one of them afterward; and that he might just become a candidate – again – himself if he doesn’t approve of the eventual nominee. The raw arrogance of this man is unbounded.

"I know a lot of the moderators and some are wonderful, and some aren't, but I know the issues better than the moderators" he bragged shamelessly while touting the ratings of his TV reality show “The Apprentice” as an additional incentive to participate.

But Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chair, criticized Trump’s role as moderator: "I think that having a successful businessman serving as a moderator has a lot of value but the issue here is whether the moderator should be a person who is still batting around the idea of running as an independent," he explained. "I think it would be malpractice for me as an RNC chairman not to believe that's an issue."

"I would have an issue with that and I would understand candidates who say, 'Look, I don't know if I want to avail myself where the moderator might be… still talking about potentially running as an independent candidate,'" he added. "I think that's a problem."

That’s what this is all about with “The Donald.” It’s called self promotion. Self promotion and self aggrandizement is his role in life. TV ratings and attention are what he craves.

He’s not the least bit serious about running for president – he never was -- but he wants the suckers out there to think he is so that he can keep the spotlight on himself and his inflated sense of “importance” in the political process for as long as possible.

If “The Donald” does moderate the debate, as currently planned, I for one won’t be watching. Fortunately for us, most of the candidates with integrity in the process have also wised up to this clown’s political charade and decided to dump Trump.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Free Speech is a Crime in Manhattan

Jury nullification advocacy is a crime in New York City – jury tampering -- according to a Manhattan prosecutor who has charged our hero, 79-year-old chemistry professor Julian Heicklen, for merely handing out his pamphlets from the Fully Informed Jury Association near a courthouse.
The prosecutor, Ms. Rebecca Mermelstein, told the court that Heicklen was tampering with the legal process because he hoped to “target prospective jurors,” with information about jury nullification. “I’m not telling you to find anybody not guilty,” he allegedly told an undercover officer. “But if there is a law you think is wrong then you should do that.”
Mermelstein claims that jury nullification advocacy is “not protected by the First Amendment.”
Heicklen wants a jury trial. Mermelstein asked the court not to grant the request, arguing that Heicklen would ask a jury to nullify the charges.
Yes, Mr. Heicklen was indeed targeting prospective jurors in front of that courthouse. He was exercising his First Amendment right of free speech by informing potential jurors that they have the right and the power to nullify the law as applied to the facts in a given case before them if they are convinced that its application would be unjust.
That’s been the law – like it or not -- around these parts, and in Western Civilization, for centuries.
During the alcohol prohibition days of yesteryear a substantial majority of cases against defendants in court were nullified by jurors who believed that the application of those laws was unjust.
Nullification was common in Alien and Sedition Act and Fugitive Slave Act cases. The doctrine was also used to frustrate many civil rights prosecutions in the South, and is often employed today in minor drug offense cases.  
The use of nullification in drug trials is what brought Heicklen to his activism in the first place, he told the New York Times. In the 90s he smoked marijuana out in public, just so he could get arrested in protest of its prohibition. That’s when his advocacy of jury nullification began, arguing for its use as a means of negating minor drug and gambling charges.
Yes indeed Mr. Heicklen would ask a jury to nullify the charges against him if it came to that. He has a constitutional right to rely upon the law in his defense.
Any fair judge would have tossed the prosecutor’s case out of court long ago on the grounds that Mr. Heicklen enjoys a First Amendment Constitutional right as a matter of law to advocate the doctrine of jury nullification in a public place. There is no question of fact to decide.
Yes he can advocate, even in front of a Manhattan court house. He wasn’t tampering with a jury. He was exercising free speech.
What sane human being could argue otherwise?
A statist Manhattan prosecutor, that’s what.
To her, freedom of speech is a crime in Manhattan.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Trump Dump

Donald Trump, aka “The Donald,” of "Apprentice” reality TV and real estate mogul fame, was boasting recently that he’s been asked to moderate an upcoming Republican presidential debate in Iowa on Dec. 27, after which he says he’ll endorse one of the candidates.
 If his chosen candidate, i.e. apprentice, doesn’t get the nomination and he’s not happy with the one who does, Trump pompously declared that he'll run as an independent.

"If I endorse somebody, I'm with that person," said Trump. "But if somebody else gets in who I think is somebody that I don't think is appropriate for the job, I don't think could win, I don't think would do well and would maybe not be a good president, and if the economy continues to be bad, I would run as an independent, yes. I don't want to do that, I love what I'm doing, and I'm doing it well, but if -- if -- those circumstances happen to happen, I would do that, yes."

Mr. Trump just dumped another truckload of baloney on us, and that’s saying it politely. He loves what he's doing and he’s doing it well. How anyone can possibly believe anything this guy says; how he can possibly continue to enjoy any credibility at all among intelligent people, after what he did earlier this year is far beyond my humble comprehension. We’ve seen his show before.

As I posted last May, Donald Trump already said he was a candidate for president, but it was a hoax. It was bullshit; a complete and total sham. He wasn’t serious. He never intended to actually run. He did it for the sole purpose of promoting himself and his “Apprentice” TV reality show. He did it for the money.

After traveling about the country for months attracting as much attention to himself as he could; bragging about how he was doing it for the good of his nation; how much he loved his country; what he would do to China; how he would “kick China’s ass”; how he would make the world stop laughing at us; casting aspersions on Obama’s claim to American citizenship; and otherwise bellowing loudly at every opportunity, and making a complete ass of himself, he decided he wouldn’t run after all.

"I will not be running for president as much as I'd like to," he said just a matter of days before the season’s last episode of “The Celebrity Apprentice.” The timing was perfect. "The Celebrity Apprentice has made a lot of money for charity and I want to continue in that role,” Trump explained with a straight face.

Gee, and I really thought he loved his country. He had me fooled for sure. Who would have doubted that a lousy TV show would be more important to him than the presidency of the United States? And now he’s actually doing it again. He wants to turn the Republican presidential primary race into his own personal reality TV show.

"This is just about the most important election we've had in a hundred years,” says The Donald. "It is so important because the country is at a point where if it goes in the wrong direction any longer. It's going to be very, very hard for this country to come back. I'm really not viewing it in any other way. I'm honored that they asked me… I probably will get really great ratings. I'm a ratings machine for whatever reason, that's what they say in all of the newspapers anyway."

There’s no humility in Donald Trump.

"I really believe that it's time that a third party candidate could absolutely run and win. I believe that. I think that can happen -- I think it's set -- people are very unhappy and I must say I'm a Republican but very unhappy with the Republicans. And they're very, very unhappy with the Democrats and the president in particular. So, if there were ever a time for a third party run, this would be it."

Newt Gingrich is scheduled to meet with the great man this week at his office at the top of Trump Tower in New York City to kiss his ring and beg for an endorsement.

"Newt is actually a member of a great club that I own in Washington, right outside of Washington,” Trump brags. “And he's a tremendous guy and everybody at that place really likes him a lot. That tells you something, by the way, 'cause I know plenty of people that you and I both know and people that work at different clubs and places I know -- they don't like those people. But he's a very popular guy there."

Blah, blah, blah … it never ends with The Donald.

He’s not going to run for president as a third party candidate; no way, but if by some freak of circumstance he does, it will be for solely the attention, the self gratification, the addiction for flattery, and no doubt the money. That’s why he did it before. It will not be because he loves his country. I’m still laughing about that one.

Ron Paul and John Huntsman have both said “no thanks” to an invitation to Trump’s Iowa debate circus, and rightly so in my opinion. Paul said it was beneath the dignity of the office of the presidency to participate in that type of charade.

Trump will simply be using the other candidates for his own megalomaniacal purposes. A potential candidate himself moderating a debate between the genuine candidates; it’s unbelievable.

But the two smartest ones have decided not to show up for the Trump dump.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Spending Tales

Few Americans were surprised when the so-called congressional “Super-Committee” failed to come up with a recommendation to cut $1.2 trillion in government spending over the next ten years. The national debt right now today exceeds $15 trillion yet Congress can’t even agree to cut $1.2 trillion in ten long years.

The United States government is addicted to spending like a heroin addict is addicted to smack. The mere thought of reducing the amount of the regular fix by a trifle is enough to put an addict into a state of trembling and fear. They resist the consequences of potential painful withdrawal by every means possible.

New spending boondoggles, large and small, continue to pop up daily even as the President and all the nation’s lawmakers, Democrat, Republican, and Independent, know for certain that the process is ultimately unsustainable. At the current pace sooner or later the United States of America will become insolvent and the financial system as we know it will implode.

Even in those rare situations when a government agency elects to cut unnecessary costs in one area, the efforts are too often erased later or made much worse.

The federal government in 2005, for example, decided to cut some costs by closing a 188-year old obsolete Army fort at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. But recently President Obama signed a proclamation designating Fort Monroe in Virginia’s Tidewater area as a national monument.

The President insists that his declaration of a decrepit deactivated Army fort as a national monument, and the spending of millions of taxpayer dollars annually to restore and maintain it, will help create jobs. “Today isn’t just about preserving a national landmark – it’s about helping to create jobs and grow the local economy,” he said.

Yes, it will create jobs all right – more government jobs – jobs which contribute nothing to the economy but only suck vast sums of money from the taxpayer treasury. It’s just more government spending for little or nothing in return.

Meanwhile, a $2 billion renovation of its New York headquarters building is more than two years from completion, but the United Nations is already asking for another $3 billion or so for additional building projects in both New York City and Geneva.

Of the total 193 member nations in the U.N., the United States pays 22% -- the lion’s share of the organization’s costs by far. There are twenty or so other nations which pay most of the rest. This means that the American share of the new proposed building costs alone could run to $660 million or more as the estimated sums are growing.

Additional costs include such nebulous items as a $40 million broadcast center, and $44 million for new furniture. Some $2.4 billion of the total would go for construction of a new office tower in Manhattan to accommodate the organization’s bloated staff of employees.

Another $590 million will be spent on the U.N.’s offices in Geneva, located in the one-time home of the ill-fated League of Nations. These figures are only early estimates far more likely to go up than down.

The cost estimate for the U.N.’s ongoing headquarters refurbishment in Manhattan has climbed roughly 225 percent from its initial estimate of $875 million. And the price hikes are far from over. Auditors predict at least another $227 million in cost increases for the current headquarters renovation and estimate that “this situation is more likely to worsen than improve.”

The U.N. expects its headquarters staff to keep growing -- at a steady 1.1 percent rate annually over the two decades ending in 2034, according to a U.N. study. That would add 3,000 people in New York City alone who will require nearly 1.9 million square feet of additional space which in turn would require yet another additional U.N. tower.

The U.N. organization has spread across large swaths of eastern midtown Manhattan well beyond its original 18-acre campus. When the headquarters renovation is finished it will own about 1.34 million square feet of space and occupy another 2.1 million square feet in 15 nearby buildings.

Is all this outlandish spending on what amounts to an elite international club of fat cats and their kowtowing sycophants worth it to the average American?

I don’t think so. I think its good money down the toilet.

Government spending is escalating on all fronts but as yet not subsiding anywhere.

Congressional retirement benefits are another glaring example of out of control spending worthy of the taxpayer’s meat cleaver. The cushy perks for lawmakers are far more lucrative than those available to typical federal employees and private-sector workers.

Making matters worse, the benefits are still collected by corrupt members ousted for crimes and others who resigned in disgrace over criminal or ethical violations. In all, the National Taxpayers Union estimates that taxpayers spend more than $800,000 annually on the pensions of corrupt former members of Congress.

Benefits become vested after only five years so that a full pension is payable at age 62. Some lawmakers who start out relatively young and serve 20 years can start collecting their pension as early as age 50.

According to a 2011 Congressional Research Service report, 455 retired members of Congress were getting pension benefits as of Oct. 1, 2009, averaging from $40,140 to $69,012 per year.

Congressmen also pay Social Security payroll taxes and receive those benefits as well, plus they can participate in a federal 401(k)-style investment program called the Thrift Savings Plan in which they make pretax salary contributions to their retirement, and the government matches their contributions up to 5 percent.

On top of all that they get the same Cadillac health-care programs as other federal employees along with extra V.I.P. perks such as treatment at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland.

"I don't think the Founding Fathers of this country really intended for somebody to come to Congress and make it a career to where there's an expectation that they're going to draw a pension," said Rep. Mike Coffman, R-Colo., who has introduced legislation to dump the congressional pension. "I think they envisioned a citizen legislature, whereby people came from other successful backgrounds to the Congress and didn't see it as a path to a career where they would draw a financial benefit for the rest of their lives."

I wholeheartedly agree.

It’s just more taxpayer money flushed down the national toilet.

Did you know that the U.S. Government spends an average of $51,000 per student every year to send the kids of military personnel to 63 U.S. schools located on military bases, and that the Senate continues to block reasonable proposals to save up to $39,000 per student by simply sending them to public schools at a cost of about $12,000 each?

According to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average full-time worker in America earns $39,416 a year. So our spend happy federal government is actually paying $11,584 per year more than the average American worker earns just to send military brats to special schools -- $51,000 which could be $12,000 – still grossly over expensive for the result by any logical reckoning.
A year after Congress voluntarily agreed to give up earmarks -- pork barrel spending projects critics say cost too much and may have an out sized influence on some lawmakers -- the special-interest provisions have crept slowly back into legislation, two senators warned last Wednesday.

Last year, the Senate easily defeated a two-year moratorium on earmarks. In response to that vote, congressional Republicans vowed to swear them off voluntarily and promised to defeat any measure that contained them.
But now: "There is an effort under way to go back to earmarking as usual, as it used to be," said Sen. Patrick Toomey, R-Pennsylvania. "I think that would be a disaster for our country and our congress and we intend to do our very best to prevent that."

He, and Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Missouri, have proposed legislation to ban earmarks permanently. "With politicians on both sides of the aisle creatively trying to get around the ban, and talking openly about ending it, it's time to end earmarks permanently," McCaskill said.

But Congress is not going to give up earmarks any quicker than a common alcoholic will give up just one more drink for old time’s sake. It is not in the nature of a lawmaker to stop spending other people’s money which to them is the nectar of life.  
And now the recent failure of the Congressional Super Committee to recommend $1.2 trillion in spending cuts over 10 years is supposed to automatically trigger cuts in the same amount to accomplish that job.
But, as usual, legislators aren’t going down that path without a fight. Plans are already in the works to block those cuts. The temptation to block them will no doubt grow even larger right after the 2012 elections, depending on the results.
Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., say they are writing legislation to prevent what they say would be devastating cuts to the military. House Republicans are exploring a similar move. Democrats maintain they won't let domestic programs be the sole source of savings.
So we can probably forget about the cuts; the Congressional weasels will find a way to make them disappear.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
Never underestimate the U.S. government when it comes to spending your money.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Losing the War on Drugs

DEA drug thugs have been kicked out of Bolivia and are not welcome back even though diplomatic relations were normalized under a recent agreement signed three years after Bolivia, in 2008, expelled the U.S. ambassador and DEA for inciting political opposition against the leftist government.
It’s a question of "dignity and sovereignty," explained Bolivian President Evo Morales to reporters during a regional summit in Bogota Colombia.
Morales said that he was "personally a victim" of the American drug thugs as a coca growers' union leader before his 2005 election when U.S agents controlled Bolivia's military and police. The DEA goons while working with Bolivia's anti-narcotics police beat him unconscious once during a clash with coca growers.  
"They repressed us in Bolivia. That has ended," said Morales. "For the first time since Bolivia was founded, the United States will now respect Bolivia's rules."
Fat chance of that, I think.
Predictably, the U.S. government denies the Bolivian president’s claims that Philip Goldberg, the ambassador he expelled in September 2008, was “a conspirator” who operated with big Agra-business factions in the country to unseat him from office.
Of course, the U.S. government we all know and love would deny that water is wet if that suited its perpetual and relentless military style campaign in the War on Drugs.
Bolivia is the world's third largest producer of cocaine. For thousands of years the indigenous Andean peoples living in the mountainous regions of Peru, Bolivia and Colombia have chewed coca leaf for medicinal and other positive reasons as part of their cultural and religious daily lives.
Then all of a sudden the heavy handed U.S. government came along with its legions DEA thugs and Drug War statists aiming to wipe out coca leaf use among an innocent populace as part of a futile effort to reduce the supply of cocaine to millions of American recreational drug aficionados who’ve acquired a taste for the substance.
Part of the plan also gave tariff exemptions to the region's cocaine-producing nations which allowed them to export thousands of products to the United States duty-free since 1991 as an incentive for trying to wean the peasants off coca.
The trade exemptions were suspended by the U.S. government in December of 2008; a development which Bolivian officials say has cost their people thousands of jobs and millions of dollars. The agreement normalizing relations doesn’t address the issue of restoring those trade preferences with the United States.
Reduce the supply of a desired product to millions of people in the United States by interfering in the internal politics and trampling upon the human rights of innocent people in a foreign land – that’s the American way.
DEA officials now maintain that cocaine production has been on the rise in the region since the agency was expelled from the country and that Mexican and Colombian traffickers are working to increase production with new and ever-more sophisticated processing labs.
Obviously, the War on Drugs isn’t working.
It serves us right.