Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Putting it back together.

Maybe this is  too random but I sort of miss my PSA colleagues and all the laughter we had together. It was six of us when one by one left the company.. 

It started with errr.. crap.. Who left first? I think it's Wani. who left to pursue something that she's been aiming for. 

And then Jannah resigned.. to follow her husband back to his hometown and make a living there. (Oh God, I seriously can't remember who left first. Jannah or Wani. Sorry.)

So only left me.. Eva.. Fazlin.. and Alin. 

It was still okay to be left only four of us..We still had fun and enjoyed our lunch time..until Fazlin tendered her resignation letter to move forward with her career. 

I was already getting some interviews by this time.. as I knew time is moving really fast and I should make a new step. 

And finally, I got an offer to work at my hometown which was totally out of my planning but I believe there is a reason hidden behind it. Allah knows best. 

So I made my move. 

Now left Eva and Alin at PSA.. and Alin has just recently moved to the headquarters office in KL along with her team.

So it's clear that it is too impossible for us to get back together and be like we used to be and spend our time like we had spent so happily and cheerfully together. We were indeed very happy. 

I miss them, like a lot. I wish I could feel the joy and happiness again with them someday even in my dreams. I miss all their funny behaviours and how sporting they are when come times to be silly and ugly. Every one of them is funny as hell and I miss those silly and dirty jokes. 

How I wished.
Nevertheless, I wish them well and may God bless them in whatever they do.. and I do hope everyone will achieve their dreams and goals they have been wanting in their lives. 

So girls..

I miss you so damn much. You should know that. Take care, buddy.

Success is a journey, not a destination.

So last Saturday I attended my first class of the second semester. I had to admit I wasn't really looking forward for it since I had to travel around 150km to reach Shah Alam.. Haha but yeah, what can I say.. I did miss my friends and God, studying is truly a pleasure for me.

Didn't mean to exaggerate to be frank but how I wished I could do my Master full time.. Therefore all I have to do is to crack up my brain and study. Doing it part time is really challenging with me having to get used to the new working environment.. I'm not saying I don't enjoy my time here eventhough I fell sick two weeks after moving to Ipoh. Don't blame on my antibody.. It's already more than 20 times above the average count. LOL.

I'm on sick leave yesterday cause my cough went really bad. It's never been this bad to be honest.. And it makes me tired. Still having it now thus during lunch time, I had to ask permission from my boss to go back and take a half day leave on the afternoon. Even my staffs asked me to go back cause I couldn't stop coughing and sneezing every 10 minutes. They even teased me when I was answering the phone with a sick funny voice and they were laughing behind me like mad. And then one of them asked, "Kamu ni ada kanser ke?" just because he wanted to hush me to go back..Naughty guys! So now I'm lying on my bed, just woke up from a short nap after my mom went in to check on me. I had trouble to fall back to sleep so this is what I'm doing.

Anyway, hearing my lecturers' stories on how they obtained their PHD really sparks my interest. I want to be successful like them, y'know. It's not that easy yet very challenging on what they had to go through but how they managed to turn all the pains and sweats into remarkable stories made me respect them even more. How I wish one day I could stand like that in front of people, sharing my unforgettable experiences.

One of the lecturers came and talked to us personally during the break cause she wanted to get to know us better. So I told her a little about my background and she responded well. Finally she said to me, "Ayu buat sampai PHD ye?"

"Amin.. InsyaAllah, Dr." That's all I could say. It's still too early to decide on this so whatever it is, I want to complete my Masters first. :) Pray for me, friends. My journey is still too far.

Oh well, I had to delete one paragraph before this one cause my coursemates might read it and would start to spread the rumours. Sorry guys.. It's pretty an interesting story about someone from my past who came back right in front of my eyes.

Oh anyway for the last class, I came to Shah Alam with my parents, aunt and cousin. They were planning to go to Melaka after dropping me at Uitm but they changed their plan last minute due to some unavoidable circumstances, which I liked.

Guess what, my third class started at 3.10pm and to our surprise, students kept coming into the class making the total up to 50 students. The average total is supposed to be around 20 only and me and my friends were a bit upset when the new students who just started their very first class came and jam-pack our class. The subject is freaking ours! And when the lecturer asked for my group, none of them admitted they don't belong to the group. Lucky that we sat at the front row and voiced out our concerns. So the lecturer had to end the class early cause he was also not feeling comfortable to continue his teaching.

I really hate irresponsible people.

So the class ended more than one hour sooner than scheduled so my friend was kind enough to drop me at my sis's college. She wasn't there but luckily she already dropped her room key so I went in andd...did something naughty before taking a nap while waiting for them to pick me up. Hehe.

We had steak for dinner at Fiske Steakhouse at Keramat. I ate only one piece because the meds I took made my tongue numb and tasteless. I had no idea whether it was good or not.. Completely tasteless.

So yeah that's all for now.. I need to look for my meds.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Sunshine after the rain.

"So macamana rasa duduk dengan family?"

Soalan lazim.

Ada beza. Sudah tentu.

Tapi yang paling ketara, tiada lagi rasa sedih nak tinggalkan Ipoh untuk pulang ke Seri Kembangan. Itu paling best. Tiada istilah "pulang bercuti" sebab aku sememangnya di sini. :)

Can't wait for Ramadhan this year.. Hari-hari berbuka dengan family. It's something I had been dreaming of. Dulu, bila iftar, selalu keluar berbuka dengan kawan-kawan. Best jugak. Tapi makanan semua dibeli. Biasanya keesokannya sakit perut. Takpun alergik. Kadang-kadang letih kerja, berbuka di rumah saja. Sorang-sorang pun selalu. Sebab malas nak keluar. Penat. Pastu jarang sahur. Bangun pun sekadar minum air masak. Dengan mata terpejam. Janji dapat berkat bersahur jadi lah.

Sini lunch truly heaven. Tapi aku je lah dapat rasa ke-best-annya. Setiap hari ibu drop by, hantar lunch. Percaya tak? :) My mom is a teacher. Dia kerja sesi petang. So sebelum ke sekolah, dia singgahlah hantar lunch since I complained once about the restaurants in front of my office charge unreasonable price. Memang pun. It's like two times more expensive than Cyberjaya Terminal food court. Aku memang anti dengan orang berniaga tak jujur ni. Tahu nak kaut untung lebih je. Kalau makanan berkualiti, aku takde lah nak question sangat.

Lagi, of course I meet my mom everyday which is truly a blessing. Nah, her nagging can't do much to my ears. My immune system tolerates it better than drugs.

My office is not far from my home. Around 10-15 minutes journey, depends on how many times you hit the green lights. Tak boleh nak speed lah yang pastinya. But of couse, less hassle. Abah cakap, "Pagi-pagi roundabout ni jem ni." But I didn't buy it. Dah biasa tempuhi queue panjang kat flyover SK tu.. yang kadang-kadang bila balik, boleh mencecah sejam lamanya. Sampai aku pernah tertidur laa. True enough, there's no traffic jam. 200 metres queue, you can't take it as a traffic jam, unless it's not moving. But the drivers here are a bit weird in driving. Tak faham aku. Main masuk je, especially at the roundabout. They don't care. And, they're slow. Slow. Slow..

Food. Ah.. I can't run away from food when I'm living with my parents. Susah beb makanan berjaga ni. Patut lah ramai lelaki yang sekeping, bila dah kahwin terus jadi boroi. Since I can't really avoid food (it's mom's cooking, what do you expect?), I need to have an early dinner before Maghrib ends. That's the best practice I can do. Haha.

My own bedroom. Not the one you're renting. It's different. I can finally say, this is my bedroom, I can do whatever I want. And it's big enough for me cause it's the same size with the master bedroom. Tapi belum susun betul-betul lagi. Haha. Nanti lah. Plenty of timeee... Tahun depan je aku pikir. Hahaha.

Tapi ada satu habit dalam rumah ni yang tidak bagus untuk diamalkan. I believe I started it first. Sometimes, when I want to ask my brother something, say like "Kat dapur ada cucur." I am too lazy to go to his room, it's quite far so normally I'll just text him. Or sometimes when I'm in my room, I called my mom who is in the living hall near the kitchen when I had something to ask. And when my sister is here, we communicate via Twitter or YM eventhough we're in the same house cause we can't just shout. Tak dengar punya. Bad practice, isn't it? I know.

So what am I lacking here?

A lot. Still.

Entertainment. Cinemas here are freaking lousy. We definitely need a new one lah.. dah lama sangat la cinema kat sini. Tak best langsung. I think you can find the worst GSC here in Ipoh Parade. But the tickets are old price.. cheap.. RM6.. RM7.. Perhaps the most is RM8... compared to Pavillion.. RM12. LOL. And no good spot for karaoke session! As far as I'm concerned. Bowling? Bleh.. But they have a few good gyms here.. but no, they're not FF, TF or CF. I'm still looking for a good place to swim. Yang ada pun jauh lah.

Shopping. Trust me, I won't do my shopping not until I go down to KL. Except for a pair of shoes or simple dresses.. Perhaps online shopping is much better than here. MPH sini tak best okay. Argghh I miss Kinokuniya, my heaven on earth.

And no, they don't have Carl's Jr here. Burger King baru ada few months ago.

I'm still adjusting myself with the local dialect here. It's not that I'm not used to hear it, but hearing it everyday is totally a different thing. When my aunts are talking to each other, I was like "Hah? Apa tu?" Some of the words are still too jargon for me. Same thing happens to my staffs when they talk to each other, cracking jokes. Tapi diorang tak pekat lah. Acceptable. Tapii bila aku try cakap balik, kena gelak.

What else..

Curfews! Definitely. But yeah, I'm a good girl lah.. Mana pernah balik after midnight. Kah kah.

And the biggest thing that I'm lacking right now is my own privacy. Haha. I'm so used to be stuck in my room doing my own thing alone but it's not practical here. I can never lock my own room. No more naked moment haha. And, my mom is always trying to read my emails and smses till I had to change my phone's lock code. It's not that I don't want to share anything with her.. it's just sometimes some things you'd like to keep them to yourself.

And guess what, I don't get to choose what to wear to office anymore. My mom does. There was one time I was too lazy to wear baju kurung so I just wore regular office attire and she saw it and came back into the room bringing 4 pairs of baju kurung to choose from. So yeah, of course I had to change my attire.

Ah well speaking of which, this is the biggest transformation so far. Haha. Dulu dalam setahun, ada lah 2,3 kali je pakai baju kurung. Pastu bila pakai, confirm kena tegur apsal rajin hari ni pakai baju kurung. Sekarang, hari-hari pakai and I don't have any issue on that. But seriously, I don't know how long I can stick to this. We'll see. Haha.

Oh looks like I need to buy more baju kurung lah.. I don't have many. Mostly  baju kurung saya adalah baju-baju raya okay. Oh well, I certainly know the best place here where to find the material with a good price!

Ok time to go. Lunch time is almost over. Today is Friday, we have two hours lunch break but I was too lazy to go home. Lagipun kat rumah takde sapa. Ada kucing je.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Show me a perfect temptation.


Ada apa dengan gerhana..

Tapi kalau sebut Eclipse, orang faham kot. Hehe.

Went to watch the movie last night with my cousin after being postponed so many times. I did not plan to watch it to be frank because I haven't finished reading the book yet. I'm stuck at New Moon since last year. Ha. Ha.

It's not that I don't like the books but I barely had time to enjoy my reading anymore. I only have time reading books when I am waiting for something, like going for my medical check up or sitting in a bus or train.. The thing is, Twilight books are big and thick thus they're not convenient to be carried around. So I'd always prefer to bring some Gaiman's books or something else.

So anyway, about the movie.. I did not enjoy it. Yes yes, Jacob is one hot werewolf. He's the only reason why I didn't fall asleep while watching the movie. It's so funny when Jacob wanted to keep Bella warm and he said to Edward, "I'm hotter than you."

Damn right you are, Jake.

I feel like there are some points missing in the movie. I believe there are lots of things Twilight readers might want to add on but yeah being a fail reader, I can't say anything much. Haha.

All in all, I don't like the movie. Not my favourite one and I was really annoyed by all the make out and kissing scenes. There are just so many and very distracting. Tak romantik pun wei. There was one time I had to look at my cousin and said to her, "No wonder you want to watch this movie so much. Bleh."

Balik tu, cerita kat someone.. dia cakap "Zina mata lah, Ayu." ha amik kau. haha.

And Edward.. aren't you supposed to be very attractive and tempting in women eyes? What's with all the lazy lips and blank stares? Talk properly, dammit.

Anyway al-kisah nak cerita perihal budak-budak ofis aku ni. Entrance door department aku ni diorang tukar exit button dari sebelah kanan ke sebelah kiri dinding atas sebab-sebab keselamatan.

So kotak button yang lama tu diorang ganti dengan kotak kosong lah. Sini jenis orang suka datang bertandang especially from other departments so diorang yang dah biasa datang tak tau la button ni dah bertukar posisi.

Pastu bebudak department aku ni dengan rajinnya pergi lukis guna marker "Thumb Print" siap dengan gambar ibu jari untuk jadikan kotak kosong tu sebagai dummy.

Yang lawaknya diorang yang datang ke sini, boleh percaya pulak tu. Apa lagi mengekek lah kitorang ketawa. Padahal button yang baru tu bukan jauh mana pun, depan mata je. Tapi sebab diorang dah biasa dengan yang lama, diorang tak perasan la yang baru tu.

Ada yang tekan semua suis lampu lah.. ada yang tekan butang kecemasan lah. Lawak betul. Pastu yang paling best, mangsa pertama "thumb print" tu adalah seorang doktor perubatan ok. Kelakar siot. Pecah perut ketawa. Pastu dia pun gelak sama bila tau kena tipu, "You guys IT people so clever..what do you expect lah.. of course we believe you." Hahaha.

Sebelum tu pulak, button tu under maintenance, so tinggal besi je untuk ditekan. Ramai la yang tak berani tekan.

"Taknak aku. Kang mati kejung kat sini. Aku belum kawen lagi tiga."

So adalah yang guna batang penyapu, pen dan macam-macam lah untuk tekan besi tu. Haha. Aduih..

Okay lah back to work. Lunch time is almost over. Daa.