So last Saturday I attended my first class of the second semester. I had to admit I wasn't really looking forward for it since I had to travel around 150km to reach Shah Alam.. Haha but yeah, what can I say.. I did miss my friends and God, studying is truly a pleasure for me.
Didn't mean to exaggerate to be frank but how I wished I could do my Master full time.. Therefore all I have to do is to crack up my brain and study. Doing it part time is really challenging with me having to get used to the new working environment.. I'm not saying I don't enjoy my time here eventhough I fell sick two weeks after moving to Ipoh. Don't blame on my antibody.. It's already more than 20 times above the average count. LOL.
I'm on sick leave yesterday cause my cough went really bad. It's never been this bad to be honest.. And it makes me tired. Still having it now thus during lunch time, I had to ask permission from my boss to go back and take a half day leave on the afternoon. Even my staffs asked me to go back cause I couldn't stop coughing and sneezing every 10 minutes. They even teased me when I was answering the phone with a sick funny voice and they were laughing behind me like mad. And then one of them asked, "Kamu ni ada kanser ke?" just because he wanted to hush me to go back..Naughty guys! So now I'm lying on my bed, just woke up from a short nap after my mom went in to check on me. I had trouble to fall back to sleep so this is what I'm doing.
Anyway, hearing my lecturers' stories on how they obtained their PHD really sparks my interest. I want to be successful like them, y'know. It's not that easy yet very challenging on what they had to go through but how they managed to turn all the pains and sweats into remarkable stories made me respect them even more. How I wish one day I could stand like that in front of people, sharing my unforgettable experiences.
One of the lecturers came and talked to us personally during the break cause she wanted to get to know us better. So I told her a little about my background and she responded well. Finally she said to me, "Ayu buat sampai PHD ye?"
"Amin.. InsyaAllah, Dr." That's all I could say. It's still too early to decide on this so whatever it is, I want to complete my Masters first. :) Pray for me, friends. My journey is still too far.
Oh well, I had to delete one paragraph before this one cause my coursemates might read it and would start to spread the rumours. Sorry guys.. It's pretty an interesting story about someone from my past who came back right in front of my eyes.
Oh anyway for the last class, I came to Shah Alam with my parents, aunt and cousin. They were planning to go to Melaka after dropping me at Uitm but they changed their plan last minute due to some unavoidable circumstances, which I liked.
Guess what, my third class started at 3.10pm and to our surprise, students kept coming into the class making the total up to 50 students. The average total is supposed to be around 20 only and me and my friends were a bit upset when the new students who just started their very first class came and jam-pack our class. The subject is freaking ours! And when the lecturer asked for my group, none of them admitted they don't belong to the group. Lucky that we sat at the front row and voiced out our concerns. So the lecturer had to end the class early cause he was also not feeling comfortable to continue his teaching.
I really hate irresponsible people.
So the class ended more than one hour sooner than scheduled so my friend was kind enough to drop me at my sis's college. She wasn't there but luckily she already dropped her room key so I went in andd...did something naughty before taking a nap while waiting for them to pick me up. Hehe.
We had steak for dinner at Fiske Steakhouse at Keramat. I ate only one piece because the meds I took made my tongue numb and tasteless. I had no idea whether it was good or not.. Completely tasteless.
So yeah that's all for now.. I need to look for my meds.