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A Biography of Tanaka Yûdô


7 English
A Brief Examination of the Musical Scales of Okinawa. In Asian Musics in an Asian Perspective, edited by Koizumi Fumio, Tokumaru Yoshihiko and Yamaguchi Osamu

Takami TomokoTokyo: Heibonsha 1977 86-89
A Guide to Musicality (Gaku ri no tebiki)
楽理の手引藤井 隆山Tozan-Ryū 1925
A History of Japanese Koto Music and Ziuta with Two CDs. Translated by Leonard C. Holvik

Kikkawa EishiTokyo: Mita Press 1997

A Selective Study of Honte-Kaete Tegoto-mono in Nineteeth Century Japanese Koto Music

Bonnie C WadeMaster of Arts, University of California, Los Angeles 1967

A Study of Yamada-Ryû Sôkyoku and its Repertoire (Part 1 of 2)

Cathleen B Read
1975 209 English
A Study of Yamada-Ryû Sôkyoku and its Repertoire (Part 2 of 2)

Cathleen B Read
1975 218 English
Acoustical Investigation of the Japanese Bamboo Pipe, Syakuhati

Terada TorahikoJournal of the College of Science, Imperial University, Tokyo 21 Article 10 1907 1-37
Acoustical Investigations of Some Japanese Musical Instruments: Part I. The Syakuhati, A Japanese Wind Instrument. (With Yasuyo Ozawa)

Obata JuichiProceedings of the Physico-Mathematical Society of Japan 12, no. 11 1930 12:285-299
Ajikan to Nyozan. Kyochiku

富森虚山Kyoto: Myoan Kyozan Bodo Yukai, (1969-1970?)

An Antholology of Jiuta Poetry. Compiled and edited by Henry Burnett. Translations by John Tedford.

Henry Horaku Burnett
1984 46 English
An Interview with Yokoyama Katsuya

Tokumaru YoshihikoContemporary Music Review 8, no. 2 1994 53-76
An Introduction to the History and Aesthetics of Japanese Jiuta-Tegotomono

Henry Horaku BurnettAsian Music 11, no. 2 1980 11-29
An Introductory Guidance to the Research of the Shamisen

Kikkawa EishiToyo Ongaku Kenkyu 14-15 1958 52-67
Annals of the International Shakuhachi Society. Vol. 1. (Edited)

Dan E MayersSussex, England: International Shakuhachi Society 1990

Anthology of Sokyoku and Jiuta Texts. (Edited with Anthony H. Chambers)

柘植 元一Tokyo: Academia Music 1983 120 English
Are kore

富森虚山Nihon Ongaku (?): 15 articles

Art and Music in teh Zen Tradition: Some Analogies

Gregg W HowardQueensland Conservatorium of Music Griffith University 1992 16 English
Article about Jinbo Masanosuke

22 Japanese
Asahi Falls--Mendicant Shakuhachi Monks and the Izu Peninsula

クリストファー遙盟On website www.yohmei.com 2015 10 English
Asian Musics in an Asian Perspective. (Edited with Yoshihiko Tokumaru and Osamu Yamaguchi)

小泉 文夫Tokyo: Heibonsha 1977

Bamboo and Music: A New Approach to Organology

Theodore C GrameEthnomusicology 6, no. 1 1962 8-14
Bell Ringing in an Empty Sky. Dissertation for Bachelor of Arts Houours Degree.

Bernadette Wilkins
1992 90 English
Blowing Shakuhachi

Monty LevensonKyoto Journal 12 1989 31-38
Blowing Zen: Aspects of Performance Practices of the Chikuho Ryu Honkyoku

皇保Master of Arts, University of Hawaii 1986 342 English
Book. Undetermined. [History of the Araki Family]

80 Japanese
Coming to Terms: (Futaiken) Reibo

Hilary TannPerspectives in New Music 27, no. 2 1989 52-76
Comparison of Tozanryu and Kinkoryu Shakuhachi Arrangements for Sankyoku Gasso Made from Identical Originals

Ingrid FritschYearbook of Traditional Music 15 1983 14-30
Composing for Japanese Instruments (translated by Marty Regan; edited by Philip Flavin)

三木 稔University of Rochester Press 2008 256 English
Concerning Minezaki Koto, Toyoga Kengyo and Tsuyama Kengyo: Notes on Visits to Musicians' Graves

Kubota ToshikoToyo Ongaku Kenkyu 51 1987 20-23
Concerning the Names of Koto Tunings [Koto no chogen meisho o megutte]

平野健次Toyo Ongaku kenkyu 54 1989 20-27
Confluence of Spiritual and Aesthetic Research in Traditional Japanese Music

丹波 明World of Music 25, no. 1 1983 30-41
Contemporary Notation for the Shakuhachi: A Primer for Composers

Jeffrey Nyofu LependorfPerspectives in New Music 27, no. 2 1989 20, 232-251 English
Daiyonkai Yokoyama Katsuya shakuhachi risaitaru [Yokoyama Katsuya's Fourth Shakuhachi Recital]

横山 勝也Tokyo: Yokoyama Katsuya 1972

Die Flote Shakuhachi : Von Bettlern zu Monchen zu Musikern [The Shakuhachi Flute: From Beggars to Monks to Musicians]. In Musik in Japan: Aufsatze zu Aspekten der Musik im heutigen Japan, edited by Silvain Guignard

Andreas Fuyu GutzwillerMunchen: Ludicium Verlag 1996 47-57
Die Shakuhachi der Kinko-Schule [Shakuhachi of the Kinko School]

Andreas Fuyu GutzwillerBasel: Barrenreiter Kassel 1983

Die Solo-Honkyoku der Tozan-Schule : Musik fur Shakuhachi zwischen Tradition und Moderne Japans [Solo Honkyoku of the Tozan School: Music for Shakuhachi and the Conflicting Claims of Tradition and Modernity in Japan]. Edited by Robert Gunther. Vol. 4, Studien zur traditionellen Musik Japans.

Ingrid FritschKassel: Barenreiter 1979

Distant Calls of Deer: An Invitation to the World of Classical Syakuhati Honkyoku. In Tradition and Its Future: Report of SIMS 1990 Osaka, edited by et al Yoshiko Tokumaru. Syakuhati Kenkyukai.

Osaka, Japan: Mita Press 1991 640-645
Doyuzuiho. Vol 1 (Edited)

Tokyo: Suisho Wagaku Zenkai 1971

Doyuzuiho. Vol 2 (Edited)

Tokyo: Suisho Wagaku Zenkai 1972

Early Seventeenth Century Ascetic Shakuhachi Ideology. The Kaido Honsoku. A Komoso's Fuke Shakuhachi Credo. Dated 1628. M.A. thesis in Japanology. Also published on CD-rom by Tai Hei Shakuhachi, Willits, CA, 2003.

Torsten OlafssonUniversity of Copenhagen 1988 146 English
From Handbell to Shakuhachi

Sunim SumuSpring Wind 5, no. 3 1985 13 English
Fron Fuke Shu to Uduboo: Zen and the Transnational Flow of the Shakuhachi Tradition to the West. University of Hawai'i Master of Arts in Music Thesis.

2001 169 English
Fu Ho U vs. Do Re Mi: The Technology of Notation Systems and Implications of Change in the Shakuhachi Tradition of Japan

皇保Asian Music 19, no. 2 1988 71-81
Fuke shakuhachi no kakusan to koryu [Dissemination and Interchange of the Fuke Shakuahchi]. In Iwanami koza: Nihon no ongaku, Ajia no ongaku [Iwanami Series: Music of Japan, Music of Asia]

月溪恒子Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten 1988 33-55
Fuke shakuhachi no nyorai

Omura Kijo

Fuke shu shoshi [A Short History of the Fuke Sect]

高橋 空山Tokyo: Ongaku Kenkyukai 1971

Fuke zenshu to dosho ni tsuite

岡本 竹外Nihon Ongaku
Fukeseishu myoan shakuhachi zen. (Edited)

Fukumoto KyoanVol. 2. Kyoto: Haizuka Insatsu 1974

Fukeshu ni tsuite [About the Fuke Sect]

Mikami SanjiShigaku zasshi 13, no. 4 1902 61-76
Fukeshu ni tsukite [About the Fuke Sect]

Mikami SanjiShigaku zasshi 13, no. 5 1902 64- 82
Fukeshu shakuhachi to genryuha

高橋 空山Nihon Ongaku
Fukeshu shi : sono shakuhachi soho no gakuri [History of the Fuke Sect: Principles of Playing Its Shakuhachi]

高橋 空山Tokyo: Fuke Shushi Kankokai 1979

Further Studies on the Acoustical Properties of the Japanese Wind Instrument, Syakuhati. (With Takehiko Teshima)

Obata JuichiProceedings of the Physico-Mathematical Society of Japan 15, no. 3 1933 125-134
Gaikokujin kara mita hogaku no miryoku [The Fascination of Classical Japanese Music as Viewed by Non-Japanese]

柘植 元一Kikan Hogaku 75 1993 73-82
Glossary of Commonly Used Terms

Henry Horaku BurnettPerspectives in New Music 27, no. 2 1989 48-51
Higuchi Taizan Legacy Notations (Higuchi Taizan noko fu)
樋口対山遺譜稲垣衣白 Meian Temple Restorer - Kyoto 1976 301 Japanese
History of Hanamaki Chikurinzan Shoganken

Kamada Tsuguyoshi

23 Japanese
Hogaku e no shotai [Invitation to Traditional Japanese Music]. (Edited)

Kikkawa EishiTokyo: Hobunkan Shuppan 1978

Hogaku kansho nyumon [Introductory Guide to the Appreciation of Japanese Classical Music]

Kikkawa EishiOsaka: Sogensha 1959

Hogaku. 1983-1989 (Edited)

Henry Horaku BurnettNew York: Traditional Japanese Music Society 1983

Hogaku: 1. The Dual Personality of Jiuta: Sobriety and Humor. 2. Analysis of the Yamada-ryu Sokyoku Iemoto System. 3. The Evolution of Shamisen Tegotomono. 4. A guide to the Basic Literature and Records for Research in Jiuta and Sokyoku. 5. Anatomy of a Japanese Festival: The Great Midwinter Wakanomiya On-Matsuri. 6. Record Reviews. Editor: Henry Burnett.

The Traditional Japanese Music Society
65 English
Hotto Kokushi Densetsuko. In Zenshu no shomondai [Various Questions Concerning the Zen Sects], edited by Aishin Imaeda

Imai MasaharuTokyo: Yuzankaku 1979 123-150
Ichion Jobutsu [One Sound, Buddhahood] .. Tokyo: Komuso Kenkyukai

Iemoto monogatari [Stories of the Iemoto]

西山松の助Tokyo 1971

Iemoto no kenkyu [Iemoto Research]

西山松の助Tokyo: Yoshikawa Kobunkan 1982

Iemotosei no tenkai [Development of the Iemoto System]

西山松の助Tokyo: Yoshikawa Kobunkan 1982

In the Space Between Research on Medieval Japanese Literature and Music Research

Iso MizueToyo Ongaku Kenkyu 51 1987 12-15
In yo [Yin Yang]

高橋 空山Nihon Ongaku
Introduction to Shamisen Kumiuta, Source Materials and Studies in Ethnomusicology

Willem AdriaanszBuren, The Netherlands: Frits Knuf B.V 1978

Issetsu sai shakuhachi no shiso : shu hidari roo no uta

Nihon Ongaku
Japan's Musical Tradition: Hogaku from Prehistory to the Present

Yoshikami MiyukiMcFarland 2020 251 English
Japanese Music

Sunaga KatsumiTokyo: Maruzen 1936

Japanese Music and Drama in the Meiji Era. Translated by Edward Seidensticker and Donald Keene

Komiya ToyohashiTokyo: Obunsha 1956

Japanese Music and Musical Instruments

William P MalmTokyo: Charles E. Tuttle 1959

Japanese Music: An Annotated Bibliography. Edited by Fredric Lieberman, Garland Bibliographies on Ethnomusicology

柘植 元一New York: Garland Publishing 1986

Jiuta Shamisen Tunings: A Study of its History and Development

Tsuda MichikoToyo Ongaku Kenkyu 34-37 1974 124-84 (sic) English
Ju wari, kyuhen wari

高橋 空山Nihon Ongaku
Kikan Hogaku [Traditional Japanese Music Quarterly]. 1974-1994

Tokyo: Hogakusha 1974

Kinko Techo (Notebook of Kinko). Tsukamoto Kodō - Editor

塚本 虚堂Meianji Document Collection
91 Japanese
Kinko-ryu Shakuhachi Honkyoku

五世 荒木 古童Master of Arts, Wesleyan University 1971 81 English
Kinkoryu shakuhachi shikan [Historical Views on the Kinkoryu Shakuhachi]

Nakatsuka ChikuzenTokyo: Nihon Ongakusha 1979

Kinpu ryu shakuhachi honkyoku den. In Kinpu ryu shakuhachi honkyoku den

内山嶺月Hirosaki: Uchiyama Reigetsu 1972 1-17
Kinpu-ryu Shakuhachi Honkyoku-den / Uchiyama Reigetsu

ニック 朋古 ベランド
2017 273 English
Komu suidan

富森虚山Tokyo: Myoan Kyozanbo Doyukai 1976

Komuso : fukeshu reihoji no kenkyu [ Komuso : Research on the Fuke Sect Temple Reihojij

山下 彌十郎Tokyo: Tama Kyodo Kenkyu no Kai 1972

Komuso : sei to zoku no igyoshatachi [Komuso : Strange Characters as Saints and Sinners]

Takeda KyosonTokyo: San'ichi Shobo 1997

Komuso shakuhachi : dai nigashi ku no kokawayanagi

Nihon Ongaku
Komuso shakuhachi shinan [Teachings of the Komuso Shakuhachi]

戸谷 泥古Tokyo: Toritsugimoto Komuso Kenkyukai 1984

Komuso Tani Kyochiku [The Komuso Priest Tani Kyochiku]. (Edited)

稲垣衣白 Tokyo: Komuso Kenkyukai 1985

Komuso. In Iemotosei no tenkai

西山松の助Tokyo: Yoshikawa Kobunkan 1982 134-153
Koten Honkyoku Josetsu [Introduction to Classical Honkyoku]. In Descriptive notes for Suizen : Chikuho ryu ni miru fuke shakuhachi no keifu [Blowing Zen: the Fuke Shakuhachi Lineage According to the Chikuho School]

月溪恒子Tokyo: Nippon Columbia 1974 KX 7001-3,23-25
Kumiuta and Danmono Traditions of Japanese Koto Music

Willem AdriaanszUniversity of California Press 1973 493 English
Kumiuta: Traditional Songs for Certificates, A Study of their Texts and Implications,Swiss Asian Studies

Peter AckermannBern: Peter Lang 1990

Kyomono: A Traditional Japanese Music

William Edward FeltzMaster of Arts, University of Hawaii 1970 169 English
Kyotaku denki : shakuhachi no yurai zoho chushaku. (Edited)

初代河本逸童 (初代川本逸童)Tokyo: Gakubundo Zohan

La Theorie et L'esthetique Musicale Japonaises : Du 8e au 19e Siecle [Japanese Music Theory and Musical Aesthetics from the 8th to the 19th Century]

丹波 明Paris: Publications Orientalistes De France 1988

Means of Preservation and Diffusion of Traditional Music in Japan

岸辺成雄Asian Music 2, no. 1 1971 8-13
Meian San Ju Nana Sei Tanikita Muchiku Shu

戸谷 泥古

181 Japanese
Meiji jidai no shakuhachi monogatari

Hojo Itcho IINihon Ongaku
Midare : A Study of its Historic Development. In Nihon ongaku to sono shuhen, edited by Fumio Koizumi, Akira Hoshi and Osamu Yamaguchi

Willem AdriaanszTokyo: Ongaku no Tomosha 1973 9-54
Minezaki Koto's Zangetsu: An Analysis of a Traditional Japanese Chamber Music Composition

Henry Horaku BurnettPerspectives in New Music 27, no. 2 1989 78-117
Miyagi Michio sakuhin kaisetsu zensho [Explanatory Complete Collection of Miyagi Michio Compositions]. (Edited with Eishi Kikkawa)

上参郷 祐康Tokyo: Hogakusha 1979

Music and Tradition of the Edo Period

Willem AdriaanszWorld of Music 20, no. 2 1978 69-73
Musical Scales in Japanese Music. In Asian Musics in an Asian Perspective, (Edited with Yoshihiko Tokumaru and Osamu Yamaguchi)

小泉 文夫Tokyo: Heibonsha 1977 73-79
Musico-religious Implications of Some Buddhist Views of Sound and Music in the Surangama Sutra

Gregg W HowardMusica Asiatica 6 1991 95-101
Musik in Japan: Aufsatze zu Aspekten der Musik im heutigen Japan [Music in Japan: Essays on Aspects of Music in Today's Japan]. (Edited)

Silvain GuignardMunchen: Ludicium Verlag 1996

Myoan shakuhachi oko raikon ryakuki [A Brief Account of the Myoan Shakuhachi from Ancient Past to the Present]

富森虚山Tokyo: Myoan Suisho Wagaku Zenkai

Myoan shakuhachi tsukai [Myoan Shakuhachi Commentary]

富森虚山Tokyo: Myoan Kyozanbo Doyukai 1979

Myoanji shoden koten honkyoku yosetsu [Outline of the Classical Honkyoku of Myoanji]

Kyoto: Myoan Doshukai 1972

Nihon no onkai [Musical Scales of Japan]. 12 vols, Toyo Ongaku Sensho 9. (Edited Toyo Ongaku Gakkai [Asian Music Research Society])

Tokyo: Ongaku no Tomosha 1982

Nihon ongaku : rekishi to riron [Japanese Music: History and Theory]. (Edited)

岸辺成雄Tokyo: Kokuritsu Gekijo Jigyobu 1974

Nihon ongaku no onkai to senpo [Scales and Modes of Japanese Music]. In Nihon no Onkai, edited by Toyo Ongaku Gakkai

小泉 文夫Tokyo: Ongaku no Tomosha 1982 51-81
Nihon ongaku to sono shuhen : Kikkawa Eishi sensei kanreki kinen ronbunshu [Japanese Music and Related Issues: Essays in Commemoration of the Professor Kikkawa Eishi's Sixtieth Birthday]. (Edited with Akira Hoshi and Osamu Yamaguchi)

小泉 文夫Tokyo: Ongaku no Tomosha 1973

Nippon ongaku no rekishi to kansho [Music in Japan: History and Appreciation]

星 旭Tokyo: Ongaku No Tomosha 1971

Notes on Keiko Nosaka and the 20-Stringed Koto: Tradition and Modernization in Japanese Music

Bonnie C Wade
1994 4 English
Observing the Sound

Preston L HouserKyoto Journal 28 1994 35-41
On Syakuhati

Terada TorahikoProceedings of the Tokyo Mathematico-Physical Society 3, no. 4 1906 83-87
On the Religious in Music: Zen and the Shakuhachi. In Sound and Reason: Music and Essays in Honour of Gordon D. Spearritt, edited by Warren A Bebbington and Royston Gustavson

Gregg W HowardBrisbane, Australia: Faculty of Music, University of Queensland 1992 17, 29-37 English
Ondekoza de fuku [Playing with Ondekoza]

皇保Kikan Hogaku 8 1976 92-97
Ontology of Transmission; the Nature of the Reality of Honkyoku Transmission.

23 English
Oral and Literate Aspects of Tradition Transmission in Japanese Music: With Emphasis on Syoga and Hakase. In The Oral and the Literate in Music, edited by Yoshihiko Tokumaru and Osamu Yamaguchi

上参郷 祐康Tokyo: Academia Music 1986 288-299
Personalities in the World of Meian Shakuhachi. An Anthology of the Gen'un School of Meian Shakuhachi. Compiled by Kamida...

Tokyo 1981 73 Japanese
Place of Tradition in the Music Culture of Japan. In Tradition in den Musikkulturen : heute und morgen: Bericht uber die wissenschaftliche Konferenz des Internationalen Musikrates 2. bis 4. Oktober 1985 in Berlin

Fukushima Kazuo IshibashiLeipzig: VEB Deutscher Verlag fur Musik 1985 102-107
Playing techniques on the shakuhachi: somatic organs and their controls in relation to the instrument.

Simura SatosiKuckertz Seminar, Osaka 1988 14 English
Playing with "The Breath that Keeps You Alive"

ジョン・海山・ネプチューンThe Kyoto Diary Vol. 6 No. 3 2001 13 - 16 English
Recent Recordings of Japanese Music: A Record Review Essay

William P MalmEthnomusicology 11, no. 1 1967 97-106
Reflections of a Trans-cultural Musician

Elliot WeisgarberNumus West 2 1972 23-25
Reflections on the Aesthetic Background of the Performing Arts of East Asia

A. C. ScottAsian Music 6, no. 1-2 1975 207-216
Review of A History of Japanese Music by Eta Harich-Schneider

Elliot WeisgarberPublic Affairs 49, no. 1:
Review of Anthology of Sokyoku and Jiuta Song Texts by Gen'ichi Tsuge

Mitani YokoEthonomusicology 30, no. 2 1986 357-359
Review of Bamboo Textures: Works for Shakuhachi by John Kaizan Neptune

Andreas Fuyu GutzwillerWorld of Music 25, no. 2 1983 80-81
Review of Der wahre Geist der Leere by Andreas Fuyu Gutzwiller

Ingrid FritschWorld of Music 27, no. 1 1985 98-99
Review of Der Wahre Geist Der Leere performed by Andreas Fuyu Gutzwiller

Ralph SamuelsonAsian Music 16, no. 2 1985 198-200
Review of Der wahre Geist der Leere performed by Andreas Fuyu Gutzwiller, Japanese Music for Two Shakuhachi performed by Riley Kelly Lee and Ralph Samuelson, and Standing Waves: Zen Shakuhachi Meditations performed by Torsten Olafsson. Ethnomusicology 3

David Fish
1986 540-543
Review of Die Shakuhachi der Kinko-schule by Andreas Gutzwiller

Ingrid FritschWorld of Music 26, no. 2 1984 106-108
Review of Die Shakuhachi der Kinko-Schule by Andreas Gutzwiller. (With Gerald Groemer)

皇保Ethnomusicology 30, no. 2 1986 353-355
Review of Japanese Music and Musical Instruments by William P. Malm

Theodore HoffmanJournal of Asian Studies 19, no. 3 1960 354-355
Review of Japanese Music for Two Shakuhachi Performed and Annotated by Riley Lee and Ralph Samuelson

Donald Paul BergerAsian Music 18, no. 1 1986 212-213
Review of Koto Music of Japan performed by Hagiwara, Hatta, Kitagawa, Kikusui, Mineuchi, and Yamaguchi, Japanese Koto Classics performed by Yuize, and Koto performed by Yamada and Sato

Willem AdriaanszEthnomusicology 12, no. 2 1968 308-310
Review of Tegotomono: Music for the Japanese Koto by Bonnie C. Wade

Cathleen B ReadAsian Music 10, no. 1 1978 138-140
Review of The Shakuhachi: A Manual For Learning by Christopher Yohmei Blasdel and Yuko Kamisango

Donald Paul BergerAsian Music 21, no. 1 1989 177-179
Review of The Shakuhachi: A Manual For Learning by Christopher Yohmei Blasdel and Yuko Kamisango

皇保Ethnomusicology 34, no. 1 1990 179-181
Review of The Shakuhachi: A Manual For Learning by Christopher Yohmei Blasdel and Yuko Kamisango

John SingerNotes 47, no. 2 1990 397-398
Rhythm in Shakuhachi Honkyoku. In European Studies in Ethnomusicology: Historical Developments and Recent Trends, edited by Max Peter Baumann, Artur Simon and Ulrich Wegner

Andreas Fuyu GutzwillerWilhelmshaven, Germany: F. Noetzel 1990 269-281
Ritual Music in Japanese Esoteric Buddhism: Shingon Shomyo

Jackson HillEthnomusicology 26, no. 1 1982 27-39
Sankyoku gasso ni okeru shakuhachi no yakuwari [The Role of the Shakuhachi in Sankyoku Performance]. In Nihon ongaku to sono shuhen: Kikkawa Eishi sensei kanreki kinen ronbunshu, edited by Fumio Koizumi, Akira Hoshi and Osamu Yamaguchi

上参郷 祐康Tokyo: Ongaku no Tomosha 1973 53-98
Sankyoku Magazine and the Invention of the Shakuhachi as Religious Instrument in Early 20th-Century Japan https://elischolar.library.yale.edu/yjmr/vol7/iss1/2/

Matt GillanYale Journal of Music & Religion 2021 31 English
Sankyoku. 1921-1944


Selections of Potential Playing Techniques on the Syakuhati: Changes of Stylistic Needs Through Periods. In Music Cultures in Interaction: Cases Between Asia & Europe, edited by Usaburo Mabuchi and Osamu Yamaguchi

志村禅保Tokyo: Academia Music 1994 156-167
Shakuhachi - An Introduction to the Art, Culture, and Religion of the Japanese Bamboo Flute

Robert Grous
1980 235 English
Shakuhachi 1969

広瀬 量平Tokyo: Nippon Crown 1969 LP Sound Disc
Shakuhachi : chishiki to soho [Shakuhachi : Know-how and Performance]

中島 聖山Tokyo: Gyosei 1988

Shakuhachi : Orthodoxy & Heresy

Monty LevensonKyoto Journal 32 1996 12-14
Shakuhachi : sankyoku no sekai

斉藤 栄三郎Tokyo: Hyuman Dokyumentosha 1988

Shakuhachi choritsu dan [Conversation about Shakuhachi Tuning]

藤田 俊一Nihon Ongaku
Shakuhachi Construction: One Maker's Approach. Master's Thesis

Kudo TakeoUniversity of Hawaii 1977 133 English
Shakuhachi gaku : rekishi to tokushitsu [Shakuhachi : History and Characteristics]. In descriptive notes for LP album Shakuhachi 1969 (SWS 3) by Hirose Ryohei

月溪恒子Nippon Crown 1969 16-23
Shakuhachi gaku no miryoku [Fascination with Shakuhachi Music]

横山 勝也Tokyo: Kodansha 1984

Shakuhachi gaku ryakushi: suizen no rikai no tame ni [An Abbreviated History of the Shakuhachi : Toward an Understanding of Blowing Zen]. - In Suizen : Chikuho ryu ni mirufuke shakuhachi no keifu [Blowing Zen: the Fuke Shakuhachi Lineage According to the Chukuho School].

上参郷 祐康Tokyo: Nippon Columbia 1974 KX 7001-3, 9-22
Shakuhachi Honkyoku Notation: Written Sources in an Oral Tradition

皇保Musica Asiatica 6 1991 18-35
Shakuhachi honkyoku to gaikyoku. In Hogaku e no shotai [Invitation to Traditional Japanese Music], edited by Eishi Kikkawa

Kikkawa EishiTokyo: Hobunkan Shuppan 1978 74
Shakuhachi honkyoku to kokan shakuhachi aikosararete Uramoto Setcho sensei [Master Uramoto Setcho Who Loved Shakuhachi Honkyoku and Old Shakuhachi Instruments]. (Edited)

稲垣衣白 Tokyo: Komuso Kenkyukai 1985 394 Japanese
Shakuhachi honryu myoan suishō kikai. (With Tominomori Kyozan = Kyozan Koji)
尺八本流明暗吹簫法基階小林 紫山Tokyo: Oya Shobo 1930 141 Japanese
Shakuhachi kinko ryu daidai [The Generations ofthe Kinko School of Shakuhachi]

Nihon Ongaku
Shakuhachi koten honkyoku no densho kosatsu : repatori no keisei to henyo [Transmission of the Classical Shakuhachi Honkyoku : Formation and Change in the Repertoire]. - In Shominzoku no oto "Koizumi Fumio tsuito ronbunshu [Sounds of Various Peoples : Memorial Essays for the Late Professor Koizumi Fumio].

月溪恒子Tokyo: Ongaku no Tomosha 1986 279-303
Shakuhachi koten honkyoku no kenkyu : koseiho ni tsuite [A Constructive Analysis of Shakuhachi Koten Honkyoku]

月溪恒子Ongakugaku 15, no. 1 1969 43-52
Shakuhachi koten ni okeru domei ikyoku no mondai [On the Problem of Different Compositions with the Same Title in Classical Shakuhachi Honkyoku]. In Nihon ongaku to sono shuhen, edited by Fumio Koizumi, Akira Hoshi and Osamu Yamaguchi

月溪恒子Tokyo: Ongaku no Tomosha 1973 225-250
Shakuhachi Minyo Shu [Anthology of Folk Songs for Shakuhachi]. 1978-1981 (Edited)

石高琴風Tokyo: Kyogakusha 1978 Vol. 1-3
Shakuhachi Music of the Kinko School: Techniques and Melodic Embellishment

Richard Hamilton KeelingMaster of Arts, University of California, Los Angeles 1975 211 English
Shakuhachi Nihon Minyo Shu - Score Collection Book 1 of 3

132 Japanese
Shakuhachi Nihon Minyo Shu - Score Collection Book 2 of 3

98 Japanese
Shakuhachi Nihon Minyo Shu - Score Collection Book 3 of 3

102 Japanese
Shakuhachi no honkyoku to gaikyoku

藤田 俊一Nihon Ongaku
Shakuhachi no rekishi [A History of Shakuhachi]. In Hogaku Taikei (Volume 4), edited by Shigeo Kishibe, Yasuburo Ikeda and Masakatsu Gunji

上参郷 祐康Tokyo: Kikuma Shobo 1971 7-16
Shakuhachi no rekishi [History of the Shakuhachi]

藤田 俊一Nihon Ongaku 26?, no. 3? 1970?
Shakuhachi no ru no okuri to, nayashi okuri fu

藤田 俊一Nihon Ongaku
Shakuhachi no ryohi ni kansuru chishiki

三浦 琴童Nihon Ongaku
Shakuhachi no shurui to rekishi [Types and History of the Shakuhachi]

月溪恒子Kikan Hogaku 5 1975 13-19
Shakuhachi odessei [Shakuhachi Odyssey]

クリストファー遙盟Bungei Spring 2000 336-360
Shakuhachi of the Fuke-Sect: Instrument of Zen

Andreas Fuyu GutzwillerWorld of Music 26, no. 3. Pages 53-65 1984 9 English
Shakuhachi on no tankyu

藤田 俊一Nihon Ongaku
Shakuhachi oto no kenkyu : issho o takusuru

藤田 俊一Nihon Ongaku
Shakuhachi oto no kenkyu : keana on shiken

藤田 俊一Nihon Ongaku
Shakuhachi oto no kenkyu : meri kari no koto

藤田 俊一Nihon Ongaku
Shakuhachi oto no kenkyu : seikan choritsu no ..

藤田 俊一Nihon Ongaku
Shakuhachi oto no kenkyu : seikan choritsu no hoho

藤田 俊一Nihon Ongaku
Shakuhachi oto no kenkyu : shakuhachi choritsu

藤田 俊一Nihon Ongaku
Shakuhachi oto no kenkyu : shakuhachi choritsu no kotsu

藤田 俊一Nihon Ongaku
Shakuhachi oto no kenkyu : shakuhachi kan nai ..

藤田 俊一Nihon Ongaku
Shakuhachi oto no kenkyu : shakuhachi on onritsu no waridashi ho

藤田 俊一Nihon Ongaku
Shakuhachi oto no kenkyu : shakuhachi oto no in osaguru

藤田 俊一Nihon Ongaku
14- 15
Shakuhachi shiko [Thoughts on the History of the Shakuhachi]. 1975 reprint ed

栗原廣太Tokyo: Chikuyusha 1918

Shakuhachi shinko

Hayashi KenzoYamato Bunka Kenkyu 5, no. 11 (1960): 1-15

Shakuhachi to sono doruitachi [Shakuhachi and Its Related Instruments]. In Descriptive Notes for LP recording Shakuhachi 1969 (SWS 3) by Hirose Ryohei

小泉 文夫Nippon Crown 1969 14-15
Shakuhachi Zen: The Fukeshu and Komuso

James H SanfordMonumenta Nipponica 32, no. 4. Pages 411-440 1977 32 English
Shakuhachi, shinobue no oto to naibu kozo no shomondai [On the Structure and Acoustical Characteristics of the Shakuhachi and the Shinobue]. In Nihon ongaku to sono shuhen, edited by Fumio Koizumi, Akira Hoshi and Osamu Yamaguchi

山川 直春Tokyo: Ongaku no Tomosha 1973 271-287
Shakuhachi-Unterricht im fruhen 19. Jahrhundert: Juhachi jokuden, Die achtzehn Artikel des Kurosawa Kinko III [Shakuhachi Instruction in the Early 19th Century: Juhachi Jokuden, Eighteen Articles by Kurosawa Kinko III]. - In Lux Oriente: Begegnungen der Kulturen in der Musikforschung, Festschrift Robert Gunther zum 65. Geburtstag.

Andreas Fuyu GutzwillerKassel: Gustav Bosse Verlag 1995 149-158
Shakuhachi. In Ongaku daijiten

上参郷 祐康Tokyo: Hebonsha 1982 1052-1063
Shakuhachi: Aspects of History, Practice and Teaching

Andreas Fuyu GutzwillerMaster of Arts 1974 198 English
Shakuhachi: Shaping the Soul of Bamboo

皇保Kansai Action, Sept. 27 1974 pp. 1,5,14
Shakuhachi: The Voice of Nature - A contemplative art and a source of Japanese musical tradition (11 MB)

Elliot Weisgarber
2019 182 English
Shamisen kumiuta no kyokusetsu no hensen [Historical Evolution of Shamisen Kumiuta Melodies]. In Nihon ongaku to sono shuhen, edited by Fumio Koizumi, Akira Hoshi and Osamu Yamaguchi

Murai YasujiTokyo: Ongaku no Tomosha 1973 505-506
Shichiku Kokin-Shu - Hitoyogiri and Strings, Then and Now by Kamiya Juntei (translated by Nick Bellando)
糸竹古今集ニック 朋古 ベランドNick Hoko Bellando 2019 128 English/Japanese
Shosoin ten mokuroku [Special Exhibition of the Shoso-in Treasures]. (Edited)

Nara: Nara Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan 1967

Simplicity as Complexity: Technicalities and Aesthetics of Japanese Musical Instruments and Music. (With Simura Satosi and Osamu Yamaguchi)

月溪恒子Proceedings of the 1993 International Computer Music Conference 1993 1993 10-17
Sociological Significance of Historically Unreliable Documents in the Case of Japanese Musical Guilds. In Tradition and Its Future: Report of SIMS 1990 Osaka, edited by Yoshihiko Tokumaru, et al. Osaka, Japan: Mita Press

Ingrid FritschOsaka, Japan: Mita Press 1991 147-152
Sokyoku danmono no kenkyu [A Study of Sokyoku Danmono]. In Nihon ongaku to sono shuhen [Japanese Music and Related Issues], edited by Fumio Koizumi, Akira Hoshi and Osamu Yamaguchi, 369-371. Tokyo: Ongaku no Tomosha

星 旭Tokyo: Ongaku no Tomosha 1973

Some Aspects of the Kinko-ryu Notation including a Study of the Pattern-Units of Koku Reibo

Ralph SamuelsonMaster of Arts, Wesleyan University 1971 187 English
Some Remarks on the Shamisen and Its Music. In Asian Musics in an Asian Perspective, edited by Koizumi Fumio, Tokumaru Yoshihiko and Yamaguchi Osamu

Tokumaru YoshihikoTokyo: Heibonsha 1977 90-99
Source Materials of Music in Japan

Fukushima KazuoFontes Artis Musicae 35, no. 2 1988 129-134
Stone Age and Promise Land: An Answer to James Reid

Andreas Fuyu GutzwillerEthnomusicology 23, no. 1 1979 103-107
Stone and Clay Aerophones in Early Japan. In The Archaeology of Early Music Cultures, edited by Ellen Hickmann and David W. Hughes

柘植 元一Bonn: Verlag fur systematische Musikwissenschaft 1988 89-96
Studying the Shakuhachi in the Tozan-Ryu

1974 9 English
Sugagaki no kaigi [Explanation of Sugagaki]

藤田 俊一Nihon Ongaku
Suizen : Chikuho ryu ni mirufuke shakuhachi no keifu [Blowing Zen: the Fuke Shakuhachi Lineage According to the Chukuho School]

二世 酒井 竹保Tokyo: Nippon Columbia 1974 LP Sound Discs KX 7001-3
Syakuhati: Historical Instruments and Notation: An Interpretation. Lecture / Performance based upon the historical material housed at the Yakumo Honzin Memorial Foundation. Co-authored by Simura Satosi, Seyama Toru, Riley Lee and Yuking Tomoko.

月溪恒子Syakuhati Kenkyukai
10 English
Symbolic Meaning of Cries in the Music of Noh

丹波 明World of Music 20, no. 3 1978 107-115
Symbolic Techniques in Japanese Koto-kumiuta

柘植 元一Asian Music 12, no. 2 1980 109-123
Taizan fu shui myoan sanjushichisei Tanikita Muchiku [Gleanings from the Taizan Scores of the Thirty-seventh Myoan (Patriarch) Tanikita Muchiku]. (Edited)

稲垣衣白 Kyoto: Tanikita Renzao 1981

Take No Michi : A Newsletter of Shakuhachi and Related Arts. 1979-1981 (Edited)

汲古Brooklyn, NY: B. Weiss 1979

Taki otoshi [Falling Waterfall]

富森虚山Tokyo: Myoan Kyozanbo Doyukai 1975

Techniques and Spirit of Making the Shakuhachi: For an Understanding of the Two Spiritual Worlds in Existence Today. - In Der "schone" Klang: studien zum historischen Musikinstrumentenbau in Deutschland und Japan unter besonderer Berucksichtigung des alten Nurnberg, edited by Dieter Krickeberg.

志村禅保Nurnberg: Germanisches National Museum 1996 270-277
The Annals of the International Shakuhachi Society - Volume II

Dan E MayersThe International Shakuhachi Society 2005

The Documentary Sources of Japanese Music

Fukushima KazuoFontes Artis Musicae 43, no. 2 1996 177-193
The Encyclopedia of Musical Instruments: The Shakuhachi. (Edited with Kozo Kitahara)

Tanimura KoTokyo: Tokyo Ongakusha 1990

The Heike Monogatari, The Shakuhachi Honkyoku, and Theories of Orality.


15 English
The History of the Kyotaku

柘植 元一Asian Music 8, no. 2 1977 47-63
The Honkyoku of the Kinko-Ryu: Some Principles of its Organization

Elliot WeisgarberEthnomusicology 12, no. 3 1968 313-344
The Interaction of Orality and Literacy in Structuring Syamisen Music. In The Oral and the Literate in Music, edited by Yoshihiko Tokumaru and Osamu Yamaguchi

Tokumaru YoshihikoTokyo: Academia Music 1986 110-129
The Japanese Shakuhachi

William C. Rorick
1979 59 English
The Japanese Shakuhachi and Some Comparisons with Several Vertical Flutes of Southeast Asia; In Asian Musics in an Asian Perspective, edited by Koizumi Fumio, Tokumaru Yoshihiko and Yamaguchi Osamu

Richard EmmertTokyo: Heibonsha 1977 115-124
The Kinko Ryu Honkyoku: A Compilation & Translation.

John SingerUnpublished Paper 1988

The Kinko-Ryu and its San Koten Honkyoku

右心Master of Arts, University of British Columbia 1977 294 English
The Kowata Suigetsu Collection of the San'in in Syakuhati Dozyo. In Historical Sources of Musicological Interest: Japan and Europe: Catalogue. (With Seyama, Toru)

月溪恒子Osaka: Belgium Flanders Exchange Center 1990 8-16
The Oral and the Literate in Music. (Edited with Osamu Yamaguchi)

Tokumaru YoshihikoTokyo: Academia Music 1986

The Shakuhachi - A Mini Thesis

Jonathan Wayne Crick

69 English
The Shakuhachi and the Kinko Ryu Notation

Donald Paul BergerAsian Music 1, no. 2 1969 15, 32-57
The Shakuhachi Honkyoku as a Mahayana Buddhist Esoteric Practice

Bruce HuebnerMaster of Arts, University of California, Santa Barbara 1989

The Shakuhachi of Jin Nyodo: A Collection of Classical Honkyoku. John Tedford Translator

上参郷 祐康The Japanese Music Society
77 English
The Shakuhachi: A Manual for Learning. (With Yuko Kamisango)

クリストファー遙盟Tokyo: Ongaku no Tomo Sha 1988

The Shakuhachi: Aesthetics of a Single Tone

クリストファー遙盟Japan Quarterly 31, no. 2 1984 214-217
The Shakuhachi: The Instrument and its Music, Change and Diversification. (Edited with Toru Seyama and Satoshi Shimura)

月溪恒子Contemporary Music Review 8, no. 2. Pages 103-129 1994 58 English
The Single Tone - A Personal Journey into Shakuhachi Music

クリストファー遙盟Printed Matter Press 2005 167 English
The Sound of Enlightenment (John Kaizan Neptune)

Michael Soumei Coxall

30 English
The Sound of the Empty Bell: Zen Shakuhachi Playing: An Examination of Philosophy and Performance Practice

Karen Anke BraunMaster of Arts, University of York 1992

The Traditional Music of Japan

岸辺成雄Tokyo: Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai 1969

The World of a Single Sound: Basic Structure of the Music of the Japanese Flute Shakuhachi. (With Gerald Bennett)

Andreas Fuyu GutzwillerMusica Asiatica 6 1991 36-59
Toru Takemitsu

Wolfgang LaadeIndo Asia 12, no. 1 1970

Toward an Understanding of the Dynamics at Work in Koto Music. In European Studies on Japan, edited by Charles Dunn and Ian Nish

Peter AckermannTenterden, Kent: Norbury 1979 212-219
Tozan ryu shakuhachi doyo kayo kyokushu [Anthology of Children's Songs for Tozan School Shakuhachi]. (Edited)

Suzuki TeizanTokyo: Kyorakusha 1985

Tozan-ryu: An Innovation of the Shakuhachi Tradition from Fuke-shu to Secularism (First half)

Takahashi TonePh.D, Florida State University 1990 187 English
Tozan-ryu: An Innovation of the Shakuhachi Tradition from Fuke-shu to Secularism (Second half)

Takahashi TonePh.D, Florida State University 1990 194 English
Tozanryu shakuhachi tsukai [Commentary on the Shakuhachi of the Tozan School]

平松 應山Osaka: Maekawa Aimyo? 1924

Transmission and Recomposition in Japanese Min'yô: The case of "Aiya Bushi"

Gerald Groemer

78 English
Transmusicality: Mastering a Music from Another Culture

Bruno DeschênesCroatian Musicological Society 2022 162 English
Tsuzoka shakuhachi koza kan'i no shakuhachi ..

藤田 俊一Nihon Ongaku
Tsuzoka shakuhachi koza kisoku ho no ..

藤田 俊一Nihon Ongaku
Tsuzoka shakuhachi koza kisoku no ... (II)

藤田 俊一Nihon Ongaku
Tsuzoka shakuhachi koza meiso

藤田 俊一Nihon Ongaku
Tsuzoku shakuhachi kogiroku

藤田 俊一Nihon Ongaku
Tsuzoku shakuhachi koza

藤田 俊一Nihon Ongaku
Western Influences on Japanese Music

Tanabe HideoAsian Pacific Quarterly 7, no. 4 1976 17-22
Yearning For The Bell: A Study of Transmission in the Shakuhachi Honkyoku Tradition

皇保Doctorate Dissertation, University of Sydney 1993

Zenshu no shomondai [Various Questions Concerning the Zen Sects]. (Edited)

今枝愛真Tokyo: Yuzankaku 1979

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