Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

It's one of our favorite holidays and Adrian and I are getting busy getting the house decorated for Halloween to scare the neighborhood kids. The saying goes, "Trick or Treat" and most kids don't get a trick anymore, so we are planning to change it up a bit! Adrian always dresses up in black and wears a spooky mask, I dress up and pass out the candy, and our house is decked out with fog machines, black lights, strobe lights, fake body parts, bones, and scary animated decorations.
This year was a bit different as I was unable to wear my usual witch costume, so I decided to be a "pregnant" skeleton! Abbie needed to participate and I saw this adorable t-shirt decal on Ebay. I wore my comfy black lounge pants, bought a black t-shirt and ironed on the decal, and then painted my face like a skeleton. It was super cute!! I wore this costume to work, during the Halloween weekend, and of course on Halloween night! Next year, Abbie can dress up as something herself!