Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Oh, sharing fruit with Owen.

You might want to blow this one up. He's citrus-y.


Oh, sharing fruit with Dad.

Big Bath

It's official. Charlie is a big boy and can have the whole tub. More room for toys this way!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Anatomy of a Sleepy Charlie

First comes the pleading look "rescue me, Mom! I swear I'm not tired!"

Next, uncontrollably droopy eyes.

Here's the yawn 'n' wipe, a classic.

Finally, ear pulling. At this point I had to tickle his feet to keep him awake until we got out of the car.


This is Charlie's first time swimming. He loved it! He spent two hours just hanging in the pool, content to be carried around up to his neck.

He did this for a long time with Krista. Just laid back, like a regular beach bum.


He just discovered the plasticy, shiny part of his shirt and is gripping it like crazy.

This is why they stopped making cassettes.

Pretty proud of his shoe escapades.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Here's Charlie. He saw me taking his picture and scurried over. Because he's fast like lightning I almost didn't get the picture taken.

He stands up to grab the camera and falls down. Sad Charlie.

A kiss from Mom makes it all better.

Now who's a happy baby?

And we can all play again.


Why would you play IN the jumperoo when you can play OUT of it?

Checking out where the dog goes...

Pulling all the books off his shelf. Not to read, just because he wanted them all down. (And see the retro collection of videos from my childhood? And the clothes that need to go in a tub in the closet?)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Watching Owen

Whenever it's nice and I'm taking Owen out, I leave the door open and Charlie crawls over from whatever he was playing with and watches us. He loves to just sit there and see us and the sunshine. He even brought Owen his toy!


They're so long!

Favorite Games

This is his absolute favorite by-himself game. He crawls down the hallway, stands up, pulls the shoes off the shoe container, plays with them then throws them on the floor, and bangs his hands on the container like a drum. It's what he was doing while I downloaded the picture.


Here he's looking out the window. There were some teenagers playing catch outside and he was enthralled.

Well, he loves to stand. And I guess the zoo got in the way. He can push himself up into standing as long as he has something grab when he gets up, so I assume he crawled onto the zoo, pushed up from the animals and then balanced on the wall. It's hard to say for sure...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Lots to say

And what is Charlie saying? "Read my dad's blog!"

Fast like Lightning

Look at him go!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Here you can see Charlie's third tooth. It's top left. He looks so silly with the bottom two incisors and the top canine. Actually, since I took this picture a few days ago, his top two incisors have broken through and we can see the top right canine coming.

Charlie standing on his zoo. He will pull, push, or drag himself up on anything. It doesn't seem more convenient for playing, but that's what he wants.

Charlie eats yogurt. He opens his mouth, but not long enough to get the whole spoon in, just the tip. The rest goes everywhere! (You can see the start of those incisors in this one.)