Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Dress

We made it to sunrise service this morning, but as is now obvious from this picture, poor Lucy had a fever by the time we got home and, it turns out, an ear infection. She still enjoyed dancing to the music at  church.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Secret Agents

Our Kiwi Crate this month had us create disguises. Here's Jamie:

And Charlie:

Lucy's New Swimsuit

Lucy gives a mini fashion show in her new suit

Friday, March 29, 2013



We went to the children's museum one morning. One favorite activity was the big water table. Lucy was afraid she'd be left out, so she shrieked periodically so no one would forget her.

Jamie built with blocks

Lucy discovered she was too big for the little kids' area

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Playing Outside

Here are some pictures Grandma Patti took of the kids playing outside.

Digging in the dirt
 Going down the slide, all by herself
 Cars vroom outside too
 Filling up with gas
 Biggest boy in the swing

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Camping Fun

 Charlie was happy to wear ear protection and watch the shooting. 

Even Lucy didn't mind.

 Jamie only wore them a second and stayed in the car.
 Here they're getting ready to camp.

 Charlie, firing his first gun. How big is he?
 and both boys, riding the 4 wheeler with Dad

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Step Stool

If it's against the counter, Lucy can climb both steps of the stool.

 First she pulls herself up. Since her hands aren't free, she bites the straw of the cup.

And, up, grabbing the counter

Oh yeah, I'm big stuff.

But she thinks she should climb still further and won't keep both feet on the wood. Fortunately, it's too high.

You can file that under "things that make Mama nervous."

Monday, March 18, 2013

Outside Fun

We went to Justin's parents' for the weekend and the kids had a great time running around.

Jamie was ready to hop up on the 4 wheeler

 Then he wanted to climb the stairs

 And Lucy had to join him. She showed no hesitation that they were steep or had no back.

They played up in the attic of the garage

 Even Owen hopped up the stairs.

But here you can see Justin had to carry Owen back down them.
 Once they turned on the 4 wheeler engine, Jamie wanted off.

 Once the rides started, he regained interest

 Then Grandma got out the tractor and they took turns riding the tractor and 4 wheeler
And then, if you can believe it, my camera battery died and I documented no more of the trip, even though Charlie shot a gun and they went camping.

Monday, March 11, 2013


Both boys get an Apple device to play the bubble game.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday Morning Fun with Lucy

First she tried on the sunglasses

Then she fed herself applesauce.