Monday, December 28, 2015

More matching

We also have matching jammies

Lucy gets Nora situated

Matching outfits

Grandma got the girls matching outfits for Christmas. They love them.

The boys were wearing matching Christmas ninja turtle sweatshirts too

Here's everybody! (Click on pic)

Friday, December 25, 2015


Nora got her crackers. They turned out to be bizarrely rancid, but she clung to them as HERS anyhow
Then she moved on to an apple. She was pleased to see her presents but let Charlie unwrap them. 

Lucy's got a pile of presents and an apple

Jamie's glad it's Christmas

Charlie's blurry because he's so excited 

Tessa got to eat her fingers and get a book about Tessa 
Then she got a stuffed lion and she LOVES it

Lucy got some new Jammies and was glad to put them on. We watched Home Alone and they all enjoyed it.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas pictures

Here's Tessa on her first Christmas.

Here are all my pretty red-clad girls
And Owen

And everybody. This was apparently the best we could do.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Top: today bottom: the week Tessa was born

Aren't they both big??

Sunday, December 20, 2015


We went to Grapevine again for the light show and after we walked around we found it was cancelled! Technical difficulties, it seems. So we watched a snowman show.

And Tessa enjoyed the ergo ride

Thursday, December 17, 2015


Lucy's got 'em. She likes the pink and feels very special because her brothers want them too, but she keeps trying to look at me from under them.

Monday, December 14, 2015


I took these a couple weeks ago and forgot about them

Click on them the last two are on the far side!

Silly faces!

Monday, December 7, 2015


Lucy says she is a dinosaur and is going to eat me, since dinosaurs eat people. 

It was St Nicholas' Day. Shoes were filled.

Tessa nursed

Nora discovered she can fit in the Bumbo

She can even make it recline

Sunday, December 6, 2015


She's been laughing for awhile, but she stops when I turn on the camera. We finally got some giggles tonight because kissing her tummy or tickling her makes her laugh.

Thursday, December 3, 2015


We were making gingerbread and Tessa wanted to watch. She's so big!

Mmm yummy fingers 

She's so pretty 

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Tessa's flower

Tessa went to Mass in her jammies, so I dressed it up with a flower. 

She admired herself in the camera

Such a pretty baby

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Monday, November 23, 2015


A toy that's fun for everyone 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Tessa's Day, 3 months

I documented Tessa's day today

Tessa's Day 3 Months November 18-19,2015
7:00 nursed to sleep, put in rock n play
7:40 awake and nurses/diaper changed/cuddles/smiles and back to bed (twice)
8:00 asleep for night
12am nurses
3:00 nurses, comes to bed with mom (possibly nursed again sometime?)
7:00 nurses, back to rock n play
9:55 up for the day, nurses, gets dressed, helps kids with school, stretches on mat
10:45 nurses
10:55 laid down awake in crib for nap, few minutes of noises and success! Naptime
11:50 up from nap, nurses, goes to Chick fil A and is very well behaved
1:20 nursing and napping with mom (usually sleeps after I get up, but not today!)
3:40 up, held by everyone, tummy time
4:40 nurses
4:50 laid down in crib awake, few minutes of noises and success again! Naptime
5:40 up, nurses, sits/lays/bounces
7:00 nursing
7:15 still nursing
7:30 change diaper, nurse some more
7:45 for the love of all things holy, still nursing (this has never happened before)
7:55 in rock n play, asleep for the night

I looked for previous baby documentation, and found Lucy's, which was coincidentally also done at 3 months, 5 days

Lucy's Day
 Jan. 23-24, 2012 (3 mo)

6:30pm nurse and to bed in bouncer
4am nurse
5:30 nurse
7:15 awake, nurse, hang out
8:10 nurse and lay down in bouncer
8:35 asleep for nap
9:05 awake, nurse, go on walk in stroller
10:00 nurse, nap with Mom
10:45 awake, nurse, playtime
11:45 nurse, nap in bouncer
12:30 awake, nurse, watch star, hang out, listen to books with boys
1:30 nurse, nap in bouncer swaddled
5:00 awake, nurse, be cuddled
5:45 bath and naked time
6:15 nurse
6:30 bed

There are a couple very big differences - Lucy has a routine bedtime and was down for many hours, and Tessa does not. At all. BUT - the sleeping until 10am is pretty fantastic. She usually wakes up a little and looks around for awhile and goes back to sleep. They both cling to tiny naps, though.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Sunday, November 15, 2015


It's all videos around here! Here's Nora, "holdy bayy Tess-a"

That thing she says at the end is "hold her head up"

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Tummy Time

it was nice while it lasted

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Today [updated with video!]

The I documented our day for Instagram

Lucy wants to wear two shirts and no pants
Jamie spent a lot of the day crying
Tessa's up!
I nursed her and she's happy
Charlie reads to her. He loves to hold her.

This is Charlie's first reading of this story. He wanted me to video it. He's really making progress. It's pretty hard to hear the second half, thanks Lucy.

Jamie wants to write himself in science
We had a long morning so we went to the library and McDonald's 
Where Tessa had an unauthorized nap
And doesn't want to sleep with me
Charlie got a picture of us reading 

And Nora showed us a trick we didn't know she could do