Friday, April 29, 2016

Lucy's project

Lucy's godmother sent her a little craft - we colored some charms and then baked them- they shrunk and we put them on a bracelet. Lucy was entranced, and I had fun too :)


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Jamie's Birthday

He's  six!

James has been planning his bid day since last year. We started by going to 7am Mass, like he wanted. He had told the priest we were going to come, and when we did Father brought him to the front at the end and everyone sang Happy Birthday. It was very sweet.

We opened presents and he was Superman after that.

We already got the coveted balloon. It's almost as big as him.

We had pancakes and bacon for breakfast, met Miss Lisa at chick fil a for lunch, and watched How to Train Your Dragon while eating hot dogs, sweet potato fries, and Cheetos for supper.

Then we had angel food cake with whipped cream and berries and ice cream

Happy birthday, James Henry Junkel!

St. Michael

Jamie keeps St Michael and his guardian angel working overtime

Monday, April 25, 2016

Pushing up

It took long enough but here she is

She rocks back and forth 

Sunday, April 24, 2016


As his birthday activity, Jamie wanted to go swimming. We all had a good time. I was swimming so I didn't get pictures except this one of Tessa and her super adorable swimsuit. Bad picture, cute baby

Thursday, April 21, 2016


Tessa loves her some food, especially blackberries

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Fireman reading

Through the bullhorn, as one does

Monday, April 18, 2016


Nora picked her bow because it matches 

For when "I see pitture a nory" is demanded

Tessa's diaper does too

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Big car

While the older kids go to faith formation I often take Nora and Tessa to the library. Today Nora played with Legos and build a big car she was very proud of

Monday, April 11, 2016

Hummus licker

Who would lick the hummus off carrots and put them back in the communal bag? 

She's sawwy

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Anna braids

We mixed it up and did Anna braids this afternoon. Still hair in the face, but cute

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tessa Tuesday

Tessa enjoys pulling Owen's fur 

He finds benefit it too

She just started food a few weeks ago, but in the last few days she has taken off. She ate a lot of pasta tonight, with sauce and sausage and cheese

Water fun

It's 88 degrees so they got out the water guns, then the hose, then the sprinkler.

This is a holy water fountain, I'm told

Wet jumping, all the rage

Sunday, April 3, 2016


Nora is sharing the monsters with Tessa