Thursday, May 5, 2016

Roll Call!!

Hey Blogland!! Good Morning! it's been since November 2014 since my last post.... :/ Sending out a "Roll Call" to my blog friends... Who's out there?...I would love to hear from y'all! thanks!!!!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Found it!!!

I'm thrilled!! After months of trying to log in to my blogs...I've found my password written down! Happy happy happy!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

May try this blog thing again... Is it still fun??

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011


As I've already stated....It's been a loooooooong time since I've been a part of BLOG LAND....PLEASE HELP ME....I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to know of any blogs that are die hard primitive and Colonial fans...especially if there are lots of pics!! I love the "eye candy"!!!lol...soooooo please help me out!! I'm also wondering about my buddies from the Creative Home Keeping Forum....where are y'all????

Catching Up......

It's been soooo long,I hardly know where to begin!!
One exciting thing that happened for "Backwoods Country Primitives" was to have one of our custom pieces featured in the March 2011 issue of Country Sampler!!
The lovely home of my customer/friend,Deb Schumm was featured in this issue and much to our delight...the Cannery Cabinet we made her!! It's on pg.38 upper left picture if you wanna take a peek! haa haa...Even though our blog is mentioned in the back on pg.148 middle column in teeeeeeeeeny tiny letters under(Blue Dry Sink In Buttery)BACKWOODS PRIMITIVES is a HUGE honor none the less!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Lil' Prim Home Make-over!!

This is just a sample pic of what we've worked on since last Fall....