Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My seven year old!

I have a 7 year old! Indulge me while reminisce.

I was told by two doctors that I would most likely not have my own child. That was really hard. I cried a lot and then accepted that I would probably end up adopting and that was okay. Then my sister, Heather, made me take a pregnancy test on May 25, 2000. It was positive and I was angry at her. My world was turning upside down. Andy was upset that he wasn't the first to know. After all of the initial scared feelings, though, I was thrilled.

My pregnancy was not too bad. My sisters thought I was trying to kill my child because I wouldn't eat a lot. (When they got pregnant, they understood.) My mom went with me to my first appointment and we heard the heart beat. My mom also fed us for a lot of my pregnancy.

There was a scare where the baby's heart kept skipping beats. This was before we had cell phones. I had walked to the doctor and was by myself. They told me that after my ultra sound if they still were concerned they would run tests. I cried. I had no one to talk to. I was so worried. I wasn't supposed to have a child, I just knew it. Obviously, it was not a big deal, though.

I didn't find out the sex of the baby. I wanted to be surprised. However, I knew he was a boy. Everyone told me that you can't know that, but I did. I have known with each of my children. Andy gave me a blessing that said basically my baby was a choice spirit and he needs to come down NOW for a reason.

Before we got married Andy and I chose 4 boy names and 4 girl names. We chose Marcus Andrew because in Andy's family a son has the dad's name as a middle name. Marcus was because of the initials MAB, it is from Romeo and Juliet. If the baby was a girl the name would have been Bailey Ann. My maiden name and the middle name covers A LOT of family members. We have used none of the other names, Christian Logan, Keith Dirk and Gabriel Robert for boys. Girls were Erica Lyn, Paige Nicole and Amy Susan.
I look so young in that picture! Andy's beard is pretty scary too. That is me in labor. My water broke and I finally decided to go to the hospital when I started bleeding. I had no epidural and after my water breaking at 3:00pm on Sunday, January 13th, I went to the hospital at 9:00pm. (My dad was upset that I labored on the Sabbath.) I was started on pitocin to induce labor at 1:00am and I had Marcus Andrew at 7:21am on Monday January 14th.
He was more than 2 weeks early. My due date was January 25th or 29th, depending on who you asked.
Marcus was too long. We couldn't button the bottom, that is why Andy's hand is there.
Marcus loves to make people laugh. (age 6)
He is a great big brother. (almost 6)
He loves science and exploring. (age 5)
He is happy most of the time. (age 4)
He loves to learn. (His kindergarten class on his last day of school.)
He loves family. (age 5 with Great Grandpa Bahlmann)
Happy 7th Birthday Marcus Andrew. Thanks for choosing my family.


Marisa said...

Happy memories, Heidi! :) And wow, you DO look way young in that first picture!

M.S. said...

He does have a wonderful spirit! I'm so glad I can see him grow up over the internet!

Cari said...

Can I tell you how much my heart hurts to not be there to celebrate with him. Give him all of our love, and tell him that his Aunt Cari misses him and can't wait to see him. Happy Birthday!

Raspberry said...

And now you have 3! Wow! Good job.

Andy said...

Man, who's that scary lookin' guy you're with? Oh, wait, that's me.
I'm very aware of the issues that come with being a firstborn. I have to say that Marcus is about as good as an eldest child can get. I still think he should be about three feet tall talking about skesenets (skeletons) and efedunts (elephants). He's not supposed to be this old.
Oh well, we just have to hang on and enjoy the boy while we have him.

pambelina said...

You do realize that Erica Lynn is my Erica, right? I think that's pretty funny that you liked that name.