Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Heather posted her resolutions, so I will post some of mine. This is so I have a public record and accountability. If you have any suggestions on how to accomplish them, please chime in.
  1. Find a work out program and do it at 6am, 5 days a week. (I did this in Boulder and it was awesome, but the opportunity is not the same here.)
  2. To go along with the previous resolution - No food after 8pm. That is when I tend to break out the sweets and unhealthy stuff.
  3. Write in my journal daily. (I used to do this and then started blogging and it replaced it. That was unintentional however.)
  4. I have a hard time remembering personal morning prayer. Maybe if I succeed with the workout time (instead of a baby waking me up) I can remember to pray.
  5. Be better at saving money.
  6. Type up my favorite recipes for family cookbook.
  7. Have a cleaning schedule and stick to it.
  8. At least 50% Visiting Teaching. (I am not good at remembering. I was doing great before the ward split.)


Cari said...

Wii Fit! I know tons of people who have started doing it. They say that it is fun, easy to access (it's in your house), and really works. I know I want one! I don't have any advice for the rest, though, because that's almost all stuff that I need to do, too. Carl, however, reads his Bible and has his prayer time every morning while he takes a bath - and he NEVER misses it. While he might be embarrassed and upset at me for telling you, it's a sure fire way to make sure you get in your morning prayer time!

Cari said...

Oh, and you can print your blog pages, put them in a binder, and use them as your journal - that's what I'm doing. Love you!

M.S. said...

I love the idea of working out and morning prayers. I did that as a goal last year. I did good... for a while. I also tied in personal scripture study. I think my problem was the sun came up a lot later... and I wanted to stay in bed until I HAD TO GET UP. But you have inspired me!