Remember the beginning of my last post? It applies here as well.
Anneke is very enthusiastic and confident. She told us she wanted to be in volleyball, soccer and cheerleading. We made her choose one. (Marcus is in soccer, but they haven't had any games yet.) For 2 months she has been playing volleyball. She loves it and according to her she is the best. Even better than her dad. (He loves volleyball. It is his preferred player sport.) Let's just say she is a smidge over confident.
She rarely touches the ball and serves over the net about 2 out of every 5 tries. (Does this sound familiar? I played that way, too.) Today she did get 3 points for her team, but they always get creamed.
{Side note: Because her school is a charter school the league uses them. That means they "let" our girls play. It also means that the other teams have fancy uniforms (with their names on them) and actual coaches that show up to the games. Oh, Anneke has had a different coach at the games every week, including her own dad last week. Kinda drives me crazy.}
Trying to serve:She is number 10
Some of her team and actual coach.
Andy and I are patiently working with her and teaching her. She is improving every week. Someday the games may not be too painful to watch.