Sunday, June 29, 2014

School Projects

I thought I had posted this one about Luke's science project. He made aluminum foil boats and filled them with pennies one by one to see which floated the best. His hypothesis was that the triangle boat would float the best.

Here he is making one of his boats.
 The beginning. 
 By far, the winner was the square boat. It held more than twice as many pennies as the rest.
 Here is his finished poster. He did a very good job.
 The school also had a Reading Fair. Anneke and Marcus both participated. Anneke chose to share Rapunzel's Revenge by Shannon Hale. We spent an hour braiding that hair. I think it turned out really cute. (I saved the braid, but now I am not sure what to do with it.)
 Marcus decided to participate last minute, so we reused Luke's board from his science fair project. Marcus shared The Inventor's Secret by Chad Morris.
The classes had categories to vote on, but we never heard the outcome. They had a good time working on it anyway. I love the idea of a Reading Fair!

Friday, June 27, 2014


I have a bunch of photos to post for all interested parties. We have been busy getting ready for the move, but have done several other things as well.

When you have 3 brooms, cleaning is more fun.
 Washing the car is a favorite past time of our family.
 Water fights usually result.
 Sunset Park in a new Ariel swimsuit. (It was literally the only suit we could find to fit her.)
 Anneke on the rocks.
 Marcus and Andy at the splash pad.
 Luke has been wearing the same swimsuit for 3 years.
 My girls
These were taken the last Friday in May. Getting ready for Summer. (Several more posts to come.)

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Everything is awesome

For the choir trip the kids were able to go to Legoland. Marcus had the camera. He took many shots of the Lego all over. Not many of them included him. 
 Our friends went with their kids and they got this shot of the school group.
Marco got a bunch of mini Las Vegas. 
 Darth Vader
 The only shot there is of Anneke.
 He thought these were hilarious.
 From the Lego movie
 Star Wars mini land
Our friend is going to email me some more photos. They had a fun day. Their money management skills could use some work. Also, they do mini figure trading like Disneyland does pin trading. Marcus was miffed that Anneke didn't trade a single one of hers. He sold a mini figure to earn money for their dinner. I sent money with them AND food. Pretty much all the food came home untouched. It doesn't bother me, I find it funny. More peaches and string cheese for me.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Ready to go

The title just means we are ready. I feel like we are just waiting around. I pack a few things here and there, and then inevitably I need something. After YW Camp we will begin packing in earnest.

I tried to post this from my phone. It didn't work so well. I am not very tech savvy. It did load the pictures I wanted, but not the video. The video is too big for me to email from my phone I am trying to figure out how to get it off to share. Marcus had an air band for the talent show last week. His group of friends is awesome to watch. I know at least Bella would appreciate it.

The little girl I watched until a month ago is moving next week. Her mom was nice enough to bring Audrey and her new sister, Lena, to visit one last time. (I have more photos on the camera I will post later.) This is Luke holding Lena. Anneke kind of hogged her. I didn't get a turn.
Shortly after the above picture was taken Luke lost another tooth. 
This is Anneke's make-up for the talent show. She sang Kryptonite with her class.
I told her the song came out when I was in high school and I never dressed like this. She just laughed at me.
Andy is older and possibly wiser. I made him a caramel cheesecake. It was pretty good. (I probably should not experiment with new recipes for special occasions.)
It has been a while, so I thought I would post this and hopefully catch up later. It is the last week of school, so things are busy here. Marcus and Anneke are scrambling to get last minute assignments done.
P.S. Just found out that I am pretty much camp director for girls camp in 2 weeks. I am a bit overwhelmed and terrified. Pray for me.