california and roosevelt lake.
A couple of days ago my family and I went to California. It was so much fun! Alexa and I got to see the Hollywood Walk of Fame for the first time and it was so cool!! We also went sight seeing and stuff and we saw where they film the American Idol Finale!! haha. There was also people filming TLC's 10 Years Younger! It was awesome because Alexa and I got to stand by the little box that's on the show lol. We also went to the Santa Monica, CA Pier and that was so much fun! Ofcourse Alexa had to go on the roller coasters haha. (: Later that day we went to the Cheese Cake Factory and it was soooo YUMMY!! The next day we drove to Venice Beach, CA and shopped around. My Mom, Alexa and I all scored on some really cute suitcases that we were very excited to try out at the Airport haha. When we got home to AZ the next day we took a little boat trip to Roosevelt Lake. We had a blast and I got to bring my friends Wilsynn and Quinton. Denee' tryed wakeboarding for the first time and she did really good!! Jayda is now in love with Quinton and it is hilarious! She never took her eyes off of him lol! So far my summer has been great and I can't wait till Girls Camp! :)