Hello Everybody!
Pearl here. Dad is way behind on
things, and probably never would have gotten to writing the
update. So I’m just gonna do it. Between work and church he
stays super bored busy.
I’m 3 ½ now. Almost 4. And still super
cute! Mom & Dad call me a monster, but I know they really mean a
princess. I go to pre-school already, and am doing my best to learn
the alphabet. More than pre-school, I love my dance class and I am
mom's little partner in crime. I like to keep mom on her toes and making
sure her heart is in tip top condition, I do this by running away and hiding
from her at stores. I think it's so funny, but she hasn't found the humor
in the situation yet...
Grace and Lilly are taking a tumbling class, but they also get to take
piano lessons! Lucky. As soon as I can reach the keys,
I’m going to take piano lessons as well.
Grace spends most of her days doing boring homework. 3rd graders
get so much homework, it is crazy! Grace got baptized this year the day
before we ate a huge turkey dinner. I was mad that I didn't get to go
swimming as well, but they gave me a lot of cookies afterwards, and I got to
play with Uncle Kurt, so that made up for it.
Lilly is in 1st grade and gets homework as well, I think.
It doesn't take her as long to do it, so she has more time to play with
me. We love to play "mom and dad" together, or “Big teenage
sisters”, or “Mom and lost cute puppy Mom found on the street”, or “Movie star
and really cute fluffy kitty” or barbies, or matching games….you know, the
usual. We also like to color, but when we color on each other mom gets mad, so
we try to save that for when she isn't looking.
When mom has time to take a break from whatever she does all day she
likes to have dance parties with all us girls in the kitchen. Our
favorite song right now is "Shut up and Dance". Sometimes mom
makes us dance to her favorite songs when she was in high school. She is
so weird.
My favorite thing this year was going to the Outer Banks in North
Carolina. We got to catch crabs on the beach, collect sea shells,
and play in the waves! It was so much fun. My whole family
abandoned me in February and
left me but it was with some really fun friends so I wasn’t too mad about
it. Mom and Dad, Grace and Lilly all went to Disney World for a week. I
still don't understand why I didn't get to go, but I had fun with my friend
Molly. I just keep trying to grow big so I can go next time.
Mom and Dad are the same. Really boring! Mom is
always doing yoga or making quilts, and dad is always doing bishop or work
stuff. When Daddy has free time he like to take one of us girls on a date,
but Mommy gets the most dates. I don't think that's fair, but what can I
do, I'm only 3 1/2.
That’s enough about us. Merry Christmas! And
come visit us! I love to jump on our house
guest in their bed bright and early so they know that I am awake and ready
to play.
· Pearl