Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

We've had a great Halloween season this year. This year we had 4 opportunities to dress up, and Grace has LOVED every second of it.

Grace told me about a month before Halloween that she wanted to be a ballerina. I was actually surprised that she understood what Halloween meant, and that she got to dress up as anything she wanted. Also that she never changed her mind about what she wanted to be...except for saying a few times that she wanted to be a ballerina princess.

My neighbor, Alicia, gave me a pumpkin costume for Lilly, but it was a little too small, and then I found this cupcake costume at Old Navy, and I couldn't resist! I mean, just look at that cherry on top! Don't you just want to eat her?
This is Grace's new favorite smile whenever I pull out the camera. Hope you love it because I don't see it going away any time soon!

My sweet little cupcake

My excited little ballerina...seriously, even though this was our 3rd time dressing up, I couldn't get her to hold still!

This was taken at our ward's trunk-or-treat. I invited our neighbor, Alicia, and her kids. Her husband was on call that night, and not able to make it, but we had a great time. I'll give you a rundown of everyone and their costumes starting in the front row from left to right.
Front: Riley-Bunny, Romey-black cat, Peter-Elmo, Grace-ballerina
Back: Alicia-a bunch of grapes. Me-my sign says, "Barbie: 5 years and 2 kids later" Lilly-Cupcake Sam- his sign says "Ken: 5 years later"

We really had a great Halloween this year. Grace is already trying to decide what she wants to be next year...and so is Sam.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sharing is Caring

even if it's just your yogurt!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Cheetah Girl Flashback

You may or may not remember THIS post of Grace wearing this outfit. There wasn't much to it, just a few pictures. But she was so adorable right?
October, 18 2009

Well, I put Lilly in the same outfit and new I had to do a enjoy!

October 28, 2011
And yes, Lilly is walking! only a few steps at a time, but she is. I will get it on video soon and put it on just hold your horses, Mom, it's coming.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Cheap Mom Trick part 2

It's Sunday after noon and my girls just woke up from their nap, and they are feeling a little bit needy and hanging all over me. I on the other hand was really trying to get some bread made for our Sunday dinner, so I thought to myself, "Self, this is a perfect opportunity to implement a 'Cheap Mom Trick'" (and yes, I always speak to myself this way) "You have gathered a pretty large mental list of them over the last year(mostly from this blog), and hardly ever put them to use." So here's what I's pretty intricate, so pay attention.

I gave Grace a spray bottle filled with water, the one I use when I do my girls' hair every morning, and a kitchen towel. Showed her how much fun it was to spray a table and then wipe it off. She thought it was awesome.
And Lilly was content to hang out on the sidelines and be a spectator.

Then Grace found this Spackle spatula thingy that is actually a friends that I still need to return, and she decided that she need to smack the puddle with it. It was a little too noisy, so I made her stop, but after I snapped a shot of her getting her aggression out.
When she got bored of the table I introduced to the front of my dishwasher!

This tricked entertained her for about 15 solid minutes. And made my house a little cleaner! Win, win!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


She knows she looks good!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Meet Super Model Grace.

As I went to get some pictures off my camera one day, I discovered these shots. I didn't take them, which leads me to believe that Sam did. So, excuse the messy mess in the background, when sam plays with the girls...he PLAYS with the girls...but he does a pretty good job of cleaning up afterwards, and even if he doesn't, I don't care because I know the girls have so much fun with him.

Anyways, back to the main topic...Grace. Grace LOVES to dress up, she does it almost every single day, and has to get pretty creative because we don't have a lot to choose from...I'm working on that. I guess this is what she picked for that evening. enjoy...I sure did.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Lilly's true love.

Remember this picture? It's from back in May. Lilly loved this play french fry so much then she would go the ends of the earth for it. (which in her world at the time, wiggling under the exersaucer was quite a feet.)
Well, her heart has never changed. She still loved that french fry, and seems to always find it out of our whole bucket-o-toys.
Isn't she so cute?? I might be a little bias, but I really do think she is adorable!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

What a Handful!

I got to stay in Boise for 2 extra weeks after Sam went home. I thought it was going to be so fun and relaxing...boy was I wrong! Not about the fun part, just the relaxing part. This little girl likes to keep me on my toes. The thing is, she is so quiet while she is doing crazy stuff like this, that I don't even have any warning. I just hear her celebrating after she accomplishes her dare devil goal. I really hope I won't have more pictures like this to share in the future, but I have a horrible feeling I will. I just pray Lilly doesn't have an emergency room visit in her near future.