I cannot believe Aiden is 5 years old! We had a Monkey bizness party for him today with all his friends from preschool. He had so much fun with his friends, and it was so nice because all I had to do was make a cake and bring the kid! They took care of everything at Monkey Bizness! It was wonderful! :) He was so nice to everyone too and took the time to look at each one of his friends and tell them thank you for his present.
Aiden is such a sweetheart. He loves preschool and has so many friends. He loves to sing! He is always singing some song or anyother and he loves to learn! He just learned how to spell his first name and is now showing everyone! He is such a little adult sometimes and reminds US, his parents, about the rules! He tells us when we forget our seatbelt, or if we don't do something the exact way I told him how to do things. He definitely keeps US in line! HAHA! He is so sympathetic to others feelings. When I'm sad he will come up to me and give me a hug and ask me what is wrong. Then he will say "I'm sorry, it's ok" As he gives me a hug.
We love our Aiden so much! Happy birthday sweetie! :)