Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Baby news

Ok, so I am sure that anyone who reads this already knows, but Barron and I are going to have a baby! yay, it is kind of wierd to think that we will have a kid but at the same time way exciting! I am 3 months along and not really showing. I have come to find out that the only reason I seem to be showing is because the baby is pushing all my guts/organs and everything upward, thus i thought i was showing- but it is not baby it is guts and organs.
We did get to hear it's little heart beat wich was SO MUCH cooler than i ever thought it would be! Oh, and according to the baby book i have, at thirteen weeks (thats were i am either now or in a couple of days) the baby is supposed to be 3inches long. Cool Huh?