Monday, September 21, 2009

Our home!

Ok, so hear is whats going on with us. (this is Jess BTW) We should close on our house if everything goes as planned on Friday Sept 25, 2009. We are just so excited! I feel like I am in a dream! We feel so extremely blessed!

We started looking for houses in January, have made many many offers, all to no success. However the whole time we prayed that if it was the right thing that it would work out. And it didnt for a long time, because of sometimes silly things like our fax with the offer, for some reason didnt reach the recipient even though everything on our side indicated that it had. Or things like cash offers and short sales with unmodivated home owers. It seemed to be just one thing after another. Then we started looking in Coolidge were houses are cheaper, because housing prices stated to go up. And a couple offers later we were finally accepted! YAhoo! Everything seems to be just falling into place. If we would have gotten house back in January I woul have never been so gratefull as I am now. We feel SO blessed. I am just so grateful! It says in the scriptures that if we pay our tithing that the windows of heaven will be opened "and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to recieve it " ( see Malachi3:10). Although I know that I have been greatly blessed my whole life, never before in my life have I felt like the blessings have been so great that there is not room enough to recieve them.