Donnerstag, 30. November 2023

 Moritzburg hunting castle

Det var interesse for slottet vi gikk til forrige uke. Vi liker å være der fordi det på den ene siden er innebygd i et vakkert landskap og på den andre siden er det like ved. Hertug Moritz lot bygge en jakthytte på dette stedet i 1542, som August den sterke, kurfyrst av Sachsen, lot M. Pöppelmann gjøre om til et praktfullt barokkpalass fra 1723 og utover. Det ligger i et omfattende dam- og parklandskap.

For eksempel ble slottet valgt som ramme for klassisk eventyret «Tre hasselnøtter til Askepott» og det er for tiden en utstilling om det på slottet.

Vi ble fanget i et kraftig regnskyll som gjorde oss gjennomvåte... men vi klarte en fantastisk, lang tur rundt slottet... etterpå hurtig hjemme.

There was interest in the water castle we walked to last week. We like being there because, on the one hand, it is embedded in a lovely landscape and, on the other hand, it is close by. Duke Moritz had a hunting residence built on this site in 1542, which August the Strong, Elector of Saxony, had M. Pöppelmann convert into a magnificent baroque palace from 1723 onwards. It is located in an extensive pond and park landscape.

For example, the castle was chosen as the setting for the fairy tale “Three Hazelnuts for Cinderella” and there is currently an exhibition about it in the castle.

We didn't time it well and were caught in a heavy downpour, which soaked us... but we managed a wonderful, extensive walk around the castle.

Kjære Oddi, forrige uke det var grøntområde :-))

We had the biggest rain shower of the day and really had to laugh afterwards because we neglected to look at the precipitation radar... lots of sun that day too :-))) There's no reason to be regret, we had plenty Have fun and a wonderful cake at home :-))


for alle snøelskere - for all snow lovers

I love it.

The Advent wreath is ready, the Christmas stars - inside and outside - are set up... it will be wonderful when they shine from the weekend onwards. 

A big hug for all of you.

En glad klem til deg fra Viola.

Sonntag, 26. November 2023

Da er den - There it is.

...og jeg tok straks en fantastisk tur i skogen.

...I immediately took a wonderful walk into this wonderful fairytale snow transformation.

Kort tid før tok jeg disse bildene av min nye skulderveske, du kan også se luen fra nest til siste innlegg :-))


Shortly before, I took these photos of my new fanny bag - and the hat from the previous post can also be seen :-)))

The feeder house is set up, but I always put a few grains outside on the table by the window, the tits don't mind coming so close.

There was also a tour around the Moritzburg hunting lodge.

Do you like castles?

Greetings to you near and far.

Glade hilsener til deg.

Hug from Viola

Samstag, 18. November 2023

Hilsen deg - Greetings to you


I love the autumn walks. I like being outside and then I look forward to cooking something nice or working on my sewing machine...

Jeg elsker høstturene. Jeg liker å være ute og etterpå gleder jeg meg til å lage noe fint hjemme.

Yes, the last roses are still in the garden, as soon as frost is announced I will cut them off. However, they last much better outdoors than indoors in a vase.

Castle garden this morning

Castle garden this morning

the rose from my garden

... and then the bird feeder is set up.

...og så setter jeg også opp fuglemateren.

Kohlmeise - Great tit 

 Happy weekend - god helg :-)))

Hug from Viola

Samstag, 11. November 2023

Kjenner du Langos?

Do you know Langos?

Langos er en gjærdeig som bakes i fett og deretter toppes med rømme, hvitløk og ost eller skinke. Den spises varm. Retten kommer fra Ungarn. Og er nå veldig populær i alle store markeder her.

 It is a yeast flatbread topped with sour cream and cheese. The dish comes from Hungary and is now offered at almost all major markets... it can also be found at every Christmas market these days.

The dough is fried in fat and served warm... I practiced it myself at the request of a loved one.

And that's the healthy food... wholemeal sourdough rolls, some with nuts and almonds. I really like it

...and my walks too.

This year we have wonderful foliage coloring late and for a long time.


This beautiful dog looked at me over the fence without barking... I thanked him with a photo :-))

I sewed this hat for myself to match the colors of autumn... the shield of the hat is made of brown leather.

I love hats :-)) and I'm happy that I managed to sew some myself.

Greetings to all of you.

I wish you a wonderful time.

Klem fra Viola
