Wednesday, June 29, 2011

i treasure

moments like this 

Whenever she falls asleep in my arms I seriously give her a million kisses and I don't want to put her in bed. I sit there and just look at her, and rub her soft skin, and look at her pretty face, and kiss her Kiss her KISS HER! I have to take in these moments because one day she won't fit in my arms anymore. :( 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

videos videos videos

for those family members that don't get to see her every day these are for you... enjoy :)

jadyn walking from Crystal Beazer on Vimeo.

walking with the car from Crystal Beazer on Vimeo.

putting hair in jadyn from Crystal Beazer on Vimeo.

picking up a carrot from Crystal Beazer on Vimeo.

chasing jadyn from Crystal Beazer on Vimeo.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

to grandma's house we go

Yesterday we went to Palm Springs to visit my Grandma and Grandpa. I was dreading the 2 hour drive with Jadyn but she was actually really really good. She was great the whole day but on the drive home is when she 
had had it, and I don't blame her. We were all ready to get home and out of the car. The visit was wonderful, its heartbreaking to see my Grandma in the condition she is in, but she was doing a lot better, she was even talking to us! When it was time to go, I didn't want to leave her. I kept giving her lots and lots of hugs. It's so sweet how much she loves my Grandpa, and my Grandpa has been so wonderful and patient to my Grandma during this time. The sweetest part of the day was when my mom first came in and said hi to my Grandma and her face literally lite up and she whispered mar, mar. mar MARILYN! She was soo happy and she remembered my mom. If my mom left her sight to use the bathroom or something she always asked where is marilyn. So sweet. I love my Grandma and Grandpa so much! 

A funny little thing she has been doing lately. 

Untitled from Crystal Beazer on Vimeo.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

mama dada

Yesterday she was saying mama mama mom a good part of the day and I told Brandon that night but I don't think he believed me. This morning he heard it for himself and was freaking out. He was a little sad that she wasn't saying dada. Today we visited him at work and she was in his arms and said dadadadadadada. I think it pretty much melted his heart. Oh how we love this girl.  

 Whenever she is trying to see around something this is what she does, or if someone is in her way

Friday, June 10, 2011

9 months

My baby is 9 months old today and it makes me just want to cry. She needs to STOP GROWING and stay my little baby. So far this is probably my favorite stage. She is so much fun and cracks me up every day. I just really can't believe how big shes getting. She loves to be outside- whenever she knows we are going outside she gets really excited. She is getting her first tooth and she took her first 2 steps a couple days ago- but we haven't made any progress since then- which is fine with me! 

One of these days she'll grow some hair :) 
 She's such a good helper!


This is how Jadyn goes down the stairs...

Its probably not the best way to get down but she can do it. 

She loves going up the stairs as well... and let me tell you she can take off.  I can't leave this girl for one minute before she's halfway up the stairs. 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Memorial Day

We had a fun day on Monday. It started with a lot of work... then finished up with a lot of fun. Work Hard.. Play hard! In the morning we cleaned our store Bowl of Heaven then cleaned the garage. After that we went rollerblading around the lake, and then spent the rest of the day by the pool! 

 It's so crazy to me that she is standing! She is clapping, waving, walking with her little car. It's just crazy. I'm trying to put off walking for a little while longer because I love this crawling stage. She is getting into everything and she is so curious! I love that about her, she is very aware of everything and always SO HAPPY. Oh and she is sleeping through the night now! Can I get a hallelujah? 

and she loves her daddy