Sunday, May 14, 2017

Willow Sage

Mckenzie had her baby! I was so excited to be apart of her birth. What an amazing experience. She is SO dang cute. I love her so much. 
Willow Sage Anderson 
March 18, 2017

Cuddles with my GIRLS

Oh how I want to always remember these moments. The everyday moments are what its all about. 
March 21, 2017

Jadyns Spring Pictures

MARCH Highlights

* Dance with my Beehives. I LOVE it when I get to go to the youth dances. :)
*Throughout the re-doing of our house, Brandon has tried to involve the kids in helping in whatever ways they could. He is so patient and so good at teaching them, and they LOVE to be his helper. Here Jadyn is helping him install our master closet. 
*Kennedy wanted rollerblades SO bad. She had to work hard for those things, but she did it. I was proud of her. 
* Jadyns first attempt at running away from home. Oh how this made me laugh. Quincy was trying to follow her to bring her back. 
* The girls started swimming lessons this month. They are doing awesome! I was completely shocked at how Quincy took to them. I thought it was going to be a repeat of Kennedy but she LOVES them and is a little fish. 

Beach Trail

There is an awesome beach trail in San Clemente that I have really been enjoying lately. The girls like to ride their bikes and I usually push Quinny in the stroller unless she wants to push her baby haha We walk to the pier, swing on the swings, play in the sand and then walk back. Some days we go to the most darling cafe and get a muffin afterwards. We have seen dolphins and whales. Once I literally booked it with Jadyn to get to the pier at the same time the dolphins would be crossing it (the things you do for your kids) we barely missed them but still got to see them pretty close up. The beauty of the trail and the ocean never gets old. I just love it. 
March 8, 2017

Humble Hilo

Kennedy was asked by a company called Humble Hilo to model for them. Here are some of the pictures. She just looks so innocent and cute. Oh I love her. I always joke that I could have a whole wall of just Kennedy pictures because she photographs so well. 
February 28, 2017

Book of Mormon

We finished the Book of Mormon as a family!!! That night I was putting Kennedy to bed and Brandon was putting Quincy to bed and then we met in Jadyns room to say goodnight to her. She said, "I wrote in my journal, do you want to read it?" Of course we did! I hope she always asks if I want to read her journal. haha I read it and thought my heart was going to burst. It was the sweetest thing. This is what she wrote.

Translation: I just finished the Book of Mormon. Prayed and asked Jesus if the Book of Mormon was true and I felt happy when I prayed.

Her cute writing with her cute little picture of her holding the Book of Mormon. Oh I just died. So sweet.  February 19, 2017