Sunday, June 3, 2018


Losing some weight
Accomplished 135 miles for the month of May
And including the kids in workouts more
Our favorite is the ball you throw and whatever your right thumb lands on you do

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Staying busy

So yesterday I did 16000   steps
Today I ended up with 10000
Been staying busy whether it be walking/jogging/running or 80 day obsession
Today I started phase 3
And boy was it rough
But I am losing weight
If only I can get my ice cream addiction under controlπŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Saturday, May 5, 2018


I have been sick but still very active
Trying to get over bronchitis
I did my 5k on the 29th didn't come in last all while having  bronchitis
I have Been walking up a storm for a children's hospital around here for a fundraiser I have to walk/jog/run  62 miles in May I am on 26miles  so far
I also joined a group that meets every Saturday to weigh in and hold us autism mommas accountable to taking care of ourselves
Today hubby and I went on a nature trail for fun for the first time in awhile
Family activity days are now a thing when he has off work

Also ran a 5k for fun early this morning

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Cough cough go away

Cardio and a cough/cold don't mix so well
But I'm not going to give up πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
Can't believe I'm sick again 😴😴😴
I just had this a couple weeks ago 😱😱😱

Monday, April 23, 2018

Day 43


WORKED then WALKED AFTER WORK FOR 20 minutes with a co worker
Then walked a nature trail with my little one and went to park 
Then came home and did 80 day obsession day 43 AAA
It was a good sunny day 
Can't complain 
and saw a cute birds nest on the nature walk 😁🌞🐦