Wednesday, November 25, 2009

its going to be a good day

i have alot to do today
but i think its going to be a good day
i just wanted to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone because i  have no idea when i will be online again after today
today i am going to do the jillian michaels dvd  when i get a chance probably this afternoon sometime
and then i am not going to workout again till saturday yay!!!
taking a break maybe it will actually do my body some good
ill try to stay active but i am going to relax this holiday at the same time and not worry about how or where  i am going to get a workout in or if it good enough im just going to relax :)
instead maybe if its not too freezing i can go to the park with my neice or something and run around and we all know black friday shopping will be an exercise in itself  lol

well i hope you all have a happy thanksgiving
wish me luck on keeping the weight off during the holiday lol

oh yayayayayay!!!!!!  i just weighed myself because i was feeling skinny lol
after breakfast and all and it said
drum roll please
187  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   lost another pound in a couple days yea baby lol

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


i think i have a migraine today the right side of my face is hurting
but it not horrible so in a couple minutes i will be working out to the biggest loser bootcamp dvd
i am still around 188 - 189 but someday it will go down more
so i am not focusing on it because my clothes get looser everyday and fit better and i am healthier and thats what matters

i just got done with level 1 of the bootcamp and this is getting way to easy for me i am afraid this is why i am not losing any weight anymore

i will finish the dvd today but what should i do so that i can still lose weight if these dvds are getting to easy right now

the jillian ones kick my butt shoudl i just ge more of those and go from there

i dunno what to do but i want to continue to push myself

what else can i add on on to these dvds to get an extra workout


Monday, November 23, 2009


i have 10 mins before mr. mick gets here to blog about the weekend
were do i start i am 188 again yay!!!!!
i feel great
i didnt do any exercise saturday
we went grocery shopping instead
and then sunday i did jillian michaels no more trouble zones again
i love that i can do the whole thing and not give up its taken me awhile to get to this point and i love it

so all i can say is life is good right now

hopefully i never go back to 190s and i just keep going down and keep working out like i have been and


so this weeks schedule is
monday ---- Biggest loser cardio
tues bl bootcamp
wed -jillians no more trouble zones

thurs off
fri off
sat ???  probably jillians or bl workout dvd
sun i might rest again and then start the week mon -fri again

we will see how it goes i am not looking forward to working out in bout an hour
i have to do something to get motivated lol
i could fall asleep sitting here


its the end of the day now and i had a good day got in that cardio workout and did good with my nutrition and water and such and such

Friday, November 20, 2009

CaRbY DaY!!!!!

i think i was a carb o holic yesterday lol
i ate almost 80% carbs it said
i guess i am not losing weight this week

but todays a new day

still at around 190 yuck!!!!

i went through all my old clothes and put them in those bags that you vacuum air out of
love them they are great

i got all my 26-20 clothes into a jumbo bag and they are packed away for good

i cant wait to be a 16 ive been waiting a long time it seems like

i am looking to thanksgiving but in a way not
i am terrified to go off my workout plan for a couple days
i know i will not be able to lose and what if i gain again
i dont want to gain ~ but at least i get to see my family
i figure i will workout today not tomorrow workout sun mon tues wed and then have off thurs fri and hopefully workout again sat take off sun and then ill be back on schedule sort of

wish me luck


its been a long day already and its only 1:30 i am goin to sart working out in a couple mins
im doing jillians no more trouble zones
hopefully i am not to wimpy today and get through the whole thing
my fingers are crossed cuz i already feel tired today


I finished the jillian workout
i am sooooooo proud of myself everytime i finish it because it is not easy for me at all
but it is looking like it is getting easier because i dont have to take as many breaks i only took 3 that lasted a couple seconds and rewind the dvd and continued it was great

i feel on top of the world right now lol
cant wait to do it again sunday

now i need to go shower off all this sweat

like bob and jillian say
get a good sweat in  everyday its all you have to do to maintain and or lose weight

peace out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'm back

so the computer was broken for awhile but i am  back

this weekend i took at easy
i raked again but i didnt do any specific exercise i just tried to stay active
we went shopping at an outlet mall and walked for awhile

monday was back to work and i can already feel it and its only thursday my muscles are killing me mostly in my legs

monday i did jillians no more trouble zones

tuesday was biggest loser cardio dvd

wed was BL bootcamp

and today will be BL powersculpt

im exhausted today but oh well
the scale is telling me i need to keep up with my workouts cuz i weigh 191
up 3 pounds
disgusting isnt it
i do everything right
i eat right i workout
the only thing was i didnt workout sunday like i usually do
i dunno

i just have to keep at it and hope i will drop weight

i mean i used to be a tight size 26 and now i am a loose 18
so if anything i am doing great i just doesnt feel like it
i still see the size 26 dont ask me why
it must be the loose skin
i dont think i am ever going to feel great about myself again because of the loose skin

well we will see how today goes cuz i dont even want to move right now lol


just finished the powersculpt and feeling sore but great
now its time to make lunch for everyone

Friday, November 13, 2009


last night i was proud of myself i did an hour on the bike again
went 8 .3 miles and burnt 210 calories added to the fact that i already worked out during the day
im amazed that i dont mind the bike at all if i am listening to music or watching tv i could ride the bike  for hours it seems like but an hour is really enough i think every night
what do you guys think

hopefully i get i work out in today my little one is sick so i dont know

ill probably blog again in a couple days i have alot to do today and dont have a computer until monday
cross your fingers and wish me luck so i stay on track lol

i must be a blogging addict now because i just came back to say
gum is the best thing anyone ever invented
i am having such cravings for anything sweet right now
i put in a piece of gum and im good for awhile
thank goodness
craving crisis avoided lol


its finally 3 and i am getting to work out
i am doin the biggest loser POWERSCULPT  today all levels
then i think i may take the weekend off of working out
its just getting to be too much for my body and the sad thing is i stepped on the scale and it said 190 again today so i dunno i havent done a thing wrong
i wish i had ate some cheese fries for that 190 lol
i dunno hope fully i can regroup after the weekend
i am depressed right now :(

Thursday, November 12, 2009

biggest loser

so i did the biggest loser BOOTCAMP dvd level one  so far today and i need a couple min break so i am blogging lol while sweats pouring off of me yuck
i still cant believe i am 188 i hope it never goes back up
and i cant believe these workouts get easier and easier every day i remember when i couldnt go past level one now i am planning on doing level 2 in a minute and level 3 and then of course my favorite
SQUIRMS deadly but they work lol


i just finished level 2 bootcamp
all i have to say is ouch
my arms are killing me and i still have level 3 to do today
i keep tellin my self 10 more mins thats it cuz thats how long level  3 is just 10 mins
when your doin it you feel like your goin to be in pain forever but really it only last an hour or so after the workout then you have a full great day ahead of yourelf
i gotta keep this mantra cuz i dont wanna leave this computer right now


i finished level 3 bout a half an hour ago
and i feel great actually no longer sore
see what im saying you are sore for about an hour then its gone
love it

now im making my granny lunch and watching her eat mac and cheese uuuuggghhh!!!
just kidding i dont really care
i eat and i like what i eat
so far i have had weight control oatmeal
and as a mid day snack string cheese
and soon i am goin to have lunch also
either a boca burger or a fat free hot dog and maybe some fat free chips
as a snack later ill either have yogurt or applesauce
see i am never hungry even
bored but never hungry lol

180s baby!!!!

i am now 188 i havent been in the 180s in 7 or 8 years
it feels amazing
yesterday was veterans day so i had a great vacation day but i still worked out for an hour with the biggest loser WORKOUT dvd
i did high intesity workout ,sculpt, and bootcamp which was around and hour maybe longer
then my hubby came home later that night  and i went on the bike
i spent 45 mins biking last night i never knew i could lol
i biked 9 miles it said and burnt 230 calories i am amazed at what i can accomplish right now
i wasnt even hurting afterwards
i thought for sure id have to take today off because my legs would be killing but thats not the case
that 180 by christmas seems possible right now

everyone always said diet exercise and alot of water
and the pounds will come off
i added the lots of water and they are flying off easier than the whole last year was

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


waiting for my gram to sit still for a couple mins so i can work out lol
shes been all over today so i dont know if i am goin to be able to work out today
i have one hour left to do so so lets cross our fingers

i got on the scale and still weighed 190 today so i am exstatic
no gain yay

i cant believe it
i hope i can get to 180  or so by christmas


so she finally is sitting and putting her feet up and i got through level one of biggest loser CARDIO dvd
i am going to do level 2 but i need a min to relax lol

and then i am goin to do a couple mins of squirms which are great for your core
and bicep curls to keep up my strength
lord knows i need it so i can pick up 40 pounds every 10 mins lol ( J )


so i finally finished my workout and am getting lunch ready
i am so exhausted hopefully that will go away after eating
i cant wait though for the biggest loser tonight i love that show

Monday, November 9, 2009

day 6

I am trying to get my ticker at the top of the page to work today but it wont budge
i keep putting in my weight and it wont go to 75 for some reason

then i thought i would get a new one but that wont work either
so i give up for now

and mick decided to cancel today so needless to say this day isnt starting out very well


ok i got a new ticker and i like it much better
it seems to work better and its easier

i have already drank 3 glasses of water by 10

and ill be exercising shortly

at least the days getting a little better


I worked out to the jillian michaels NO MORE TROUBLE ZONES today
i did the whole 50 min workout

it is honestly torture just so everyone knows
i actually cried while working out today  lol  but i didnt throw up
and  i will be the NEXT BIGGEST LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
75 pounds and counting
bob harper and jillian michaels  really do work they are no joke
you just cant be afraid to cry or throw up some days
and be exhausted for an hour or so afterwards

i drank only water again so far today
i guess i kicked the diet pepsi max habit yay!!!

gotta go take a shower i feel disgusting

peace out lol

Sunday, November 8, 2009

day 5

i missed day 4
becausee i threw a party
it went great
thanks everyone for everything

but now its sunday and i step on the scale and yippeeeeee it says i weigh 190
i guess that standing all day does wonders lol

today my exercise was raking leaves for bout 45 mins

and tomorrow starts the biggest loser workouts again

the drinking water all day  is going great actually and i have no less energy then i did when i was drinking soooooo much diet pepsi max

i swear by only drinking water (and no sodas or ice tea or anything else) because it really does help you lose weigh quicker

i strive to drink about 100 ounces a day and i feel great

now i think im goin to make acorn soup with my neice lol

it almost 8 pm and my mom and i decided to workout together
let me tell you it was 25 mins of hell

we did the biggest loser WORKOUT dvd i believe its the first one ever made
my friend heather just gave it me the other day to try
and i watched it that night  and thought it was really easy looking
but i have to tell you either i was just tired to night or the first 25 mins is really hard
 it just doesnt look hard
i dunno but my butts killing me

raking and working out in one day
i dunno if im goin to be able to walk tomorrow lol

i still stuck to only water today 100 ounces

my goal is to be 187 by next friday we shall see

wish me luck :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Day 3

day 2 went well and i drank only water again all day
probably 100 ounces or so

its goin to be a long day today i have alot to do before because i am throwing a party

so lots of cleaning and shopping

i am going to exercise today

the biggest loser BOOTCAMP DVD LEVEL 1 AND 2

i lost two pounds this week

i am now 193

next week my goal is to be 190 by friday

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day 2

so i am very angry today
so i am goin to make it work for me and put it all into my workouts
i did the BIGGEST LOSER CARDIO DVD level 1 and 2
and i am goin to do some strenth for 15-20 mins instead of the 3rd level cuz i just dotn like that 3rd level one i feel like im doin nothing when i do it

i dunno
i got through my first day of only drinking water
i didnt even miss the diet soda really

im on my 4th glass for today and its only 11 so ill reach my goal again of 100 ounces a day

my scale actually said i was 194 today yea i pound off from that 5 pound gain

well gotta go finish working out for the next 20 mins

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


today i worked out to jillian michaels NO MORE TROUBLE ZONES DVD
i did 30 mins usually i finish the whole thing but i just couldnt after taking 4 days off
i felt like i was goin to throw up
i plan on doin something else for 15 more mins
like dance or run or something

its amazing how a couple days can really throw you off track

i have already gotten in 4   12 ounce cups of water

and my diet is back on track

hopefully i can lose the 5 pounds i put on these last couple days in a couple of days

i will weigh in on fridays here





starting over

hi my name is bee
i was once 265 pounds
and through biggest loser workout dvds and diet i have lost 75 pounds in the last year
i am starting this weighing  about 195 today because i took a break the last 4 days and ate and ate and drank and drank because i got depressed
i was depressed because i had reached a plateu for a month or so

but now i have decided i need to do this i need to get down to 140 by next year
my goal is to get to 140 and be healthy enogh to try to have another baby

so i am back on track as of today and this blog should help me stay on track and i will be able to track everything i am doin and weigh in every week

wish me luck