Tuesday, December 28, 2010

ChRiStMaS PiCs & uPdaTeSSSS!!!! 203

im weighing in at 203
yuck but thats what you get when you eat too much fudge at christmas
thanks sher!!!!

ne hooooooo

i have been zumba ing like crazy i love it

12/27 did 40 mins of zumba
and 20 mins of wii active 2 (that game is hard lol my heart rate was at 150 for awhile at one point lol)

today 12/28  zumba ed for an hour

love it

so that all thats been new here i love my new games

hopefully i will be back in onederland soon

here are some of my christmas pics
i remembered my camera today everyone clap lmao

lil man making his gluten free casein free chocolate chip christmas cookies

lil man decorating the tree

fifi and hallie in their sweaters

our lovely outside christmas lights
mickey mouse and reindeer

my new tinkerbell dad got me after the tree fell over and cracked my last tinkerbell
the old one was green
i love this new red chrismtasy one
bottom pic you can see the old green tink

my destroyed tree

my new tree at chrismas

our fence decorated outside

me and lil man decorating the tree
cant ya tell im back in the 200s

lil man in his new buzz lightyear jammies
and our poor dying tree lol
and way too many toys

Hope everyone had a great holiday

Thursday, December 23, 2010

A CrAzY mOnTH ~198

Its been a crazy month..........
i have been sick
and then i got some nerve damage in my hand
dont have a clue how but its not going to last forever the doc says so its ok

ive been working alot
but i love my new job
im a lunch lady and i love it
cuz i love kids

hope everyone is having a great holiday season

i know i have to get some pics up here soon of our tree and lights outside
but i of course forgot my camera today :-(

i havent lost any more weight but i havent gained i have stayed at 198
 i had gone back up to 210 but im back down thankfully
i dont exercise right now
but i do walk over 2 miles at work a day i wore my pedometer the other day LMAO!
and i just tryto stay healthy and active
i mean it seems to work i lost the 10 pounds i had gained back

and i feel great except for having a bad cold

lil man is sick again too
on antibiotics once again
when isnt he on them
but he is happy
and cant wait for santa
and watching happy feet as we speak

well ......


Sunday, November 28, 2010

EvEry DaY iS A nEw dAy ~~~ WE R onLy hUMaN!!!

i loved that show its so inspirational
who else thought so?
it shows you also that you can mess up but you can get it back again
everyday is a new day

i wondered where shay was though
and how she is doing

hope she is doing great she was so inspirational to me last year


ne hooooooooooooooo

im here still

putting up christmas things and christmas shopping

crazy it really does get earlier and earlier every year that we start doing all these things lol

its not even december
but i need christmas to come and fast
maybe it will cheer everyone around here up a little
everyone seems so depressed

hope everyone had a great thanksgiving

mine was good

it was fun that night playing the wii till like 1am lol
we wiied it out with just dance and karaoke all night long

these past couple days have been good
and fun

i want rihannas new cd so bad
i am listening to it online right now
but i dont have online at all at home
so i want the cd
cuz i love that song whats my name lol
and P!NKS raise your glass
love it

whats the dealo?????
dirty little freaks
raise your glass
raise your glass

thats what ive been doing too much of lately
too many calories

oh wellllllllllllll

well i'll leave ya guys with some pics
peace outzzzzzzzzzz

little mans christmas sheets he just had to have and give a set to gram too lol

got out my cozy blanket for the couch

lil mans door jingly reindeer

lil mans new slippers and pjs
he is obssessed with   how to train your dragon stuff  and   toy story stuff

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

HaPPy :)

im still here
im not so stressed anymore
which is crazy cuz im working now and kinda busy
but i think i had too much time on my hands to get stressed while being a stay at home mom and now i dont which is good for me
i went to lil mans school for a thanksgiving feast today
it was very cute
he sang soooo nicely and danced with all the little girls lol
heres some pics
he is the one in the blue holding the teachers hand and dancing with 2 other lil girls

and here he is sitting and eating snack with the twins kayden and zayden
they are just too cute with their little headbands on

ne hooooooooooooooooooo
im just here
happy and content
going to start working out again this week while im off of work
and just enjoy the week

hope everyone has a great thanksgiving
make some good choices guys

Friday, November 19, 2010

StiLL hErE

Im still alive I promise
just have a bad cold right now
so i've been trying to sleep it off

I have a job now
im so excited and i think now that there is a plan for where my life is going that i'll be feeling better and be back on the road to weight loss again and not so stressed

yeah yeah yeah!!!!!

so wish me luck

hope everyone has a great fun healthy active  weekend

Thursday, November 11, 2010

just want to be normal

so my headline today says it all
i just want to be normal
i just want to feel comfortable in my skin my clothes
thats all
i dont feel comfortable
im over 200 pounds again  203 to be exact
i think about it constantly and its driving me soooooooooooooo nuts that im actually still gaining weight called stress weight
i dunnnnnoooooooo what to do anymore

yesterday i biked 4 miles and run 2.5 miles
burnt about 300 calories

and got stressed out and ate 1600 calories in one sitting
with ice cream


someone just come smack me
cuz im stupid and a failure
and that failure word keeps going through my brain about 15 times a day
everytime i cry

i feel like a failure right now in every aspect of my life

i need this feeling to go away and i dont know how to get it to go away

and my treadmill died lol
it didnt stop me from running that day but it died


hope everyones doing soooooo much better than me right now
i wouldnt wish this feeling i have on my worst enemy

Monday, November 8, 2010

203 still

not much going on here


im have such anxiety and am so stressed and its over such little stuff that i  know will be fine but for some reason i think about the stuff all the time and its efffecting my weight and whole life
its crazy people
ne hoooo

Erica told me to do the question game sooooooooo
here goes

1. What is your favorite thing about the holiday season?

seeing family

2. What is your top 5 favorite artists of all time?



Ja Rule

Jay Z


3. Who are the inspirations in your life?

my lil man inspires me everyday
he is such a fighter
he has autism
and fights everyday just to be a typical kid
he tries and tries to do what the other kids are doing and tries his hardest to interact with people
and he is doing sooooo well

i love him soooooooo much

he is such a great kid

4. What is one thing you wish you would have known when you were younger?

i wish i would have been smarter and not put on this weight
i wish i could not have such bad anxiety over stupid things and put on weight

so im tagging

once upon a time in the land of cheese and sukist

follow me down

one day at a time

and real fat

to do these 4 questions as well


so for lil mans b day we went to the aquarium
and had a blast

heres some pics

most of my family who went that day looking at the seals  left to right
bro in law
lil man on ground lol
my dad
mom in law
only missing me and my mom and hubsters in the pic and they were over holding our spots for the penguin feeding

sorry shark trying to eat MY sis lol

calebsters and lil man

the boys with their animal noses
lil man wanted a shark
and caleb wanted a turtle nose

lil man and the penguins

me lil man and megaleana
i look way to fat for words there but oh well
i weigh 15 more pounds than i did last year when we were there

loved the sign (birds poop every 15 mins how long have you been standing under this tree)  it was a priceless pic of grandma and lil man they had grossed out looks on their faces

this was when we first walked in
he was soaked playing in the sting ray pettting area

caleb did this to himself to hold his head up while he was sleeping on the way home
it was too funny but i did fix it the right way after i took the pic of course

lets all make good choices and have a great week

Friday, November 5, 2010

203 yikessssss



and here are some pics from halloween and his 5th birthday

here is my friends son J

my friends son A

granny and lil man

my mom my friends daughter A my friends the witch

my friends son E in woody costume
my friend and I
im in the wig and skull shirt my son said i was a rock star lol

lil man ,A ,and A,
 me and my friends in the witch costume
lil mans b day
me and lil man making a wish

lil man and fif fi they are too cute in the morning

cake i decided to make cuz i could make it gluten and dairy free for him

then in crumbles

but it came out ok
looks like the olden day mickey lol

his candles 5 and 1 to grow on

and the cake after the party
musta been good lol

Saturday, October 30, 2010

202 ~ thanks for all the prayers

thanks for all the prayers guys
it must have helped
because the infection seems to be getting better

he still isnt allowed to go back to school for a week but at least he is feeling better now
and not screaming all the time

it was scary for awhile here


im back up to    202
i hate being stressed
i mean a 4 pound gain
cuz of comfort food
just smack me now

i dunno even know when i will get a chance to exercise to burn it off again

oh well i am just living day to day and happy my family is happy and healthy right now


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

SCARED and exhausted ~ 198

lost another pound which is awesome
its been crazy and busy and scary so i think thats why

they had put my son on steriods for his hives and i guess it caused his immune system to go out of whack
and now he has a big puss filled ball of infection of his body and they are testing him for mrsa

its really scary here

and to think yesterday he was  fine
now he has a fever and is sick

it just hit out of nowhere and grew and grew

its was weird

yesterday we made cookies for his class for halloween

he made spiders it was cute

like the smiles on the spiders
and how toward the end the whole spider was orange lol

i think he did a great job its too bad he isnt going to the party at school because he has more doc appts
poor kid

he had sooooo much fun
happy go lucky most of the day

and around 5 or 6
he just got sooooo sick

we have been in out of the doctors they are waiting for results

so if anybody prays out here in blogland please pray for him right now so that this goes away soon and he will be ok
cuz i am scared