Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sick!!!!! 178

so i am back up to 178
oh well its a pound
it will be gone again soon

its from the day i took off lol
i dunno
i am soooo sick
head cold cough
so i havent felt like working out but i have
i only stopped one day and started again

so heres the schedule
hope everyone else is still doing well

monday ---- sooooooooo sick no workout

tuesday --- still sick but did cardio max level 1 (couldnt do much cuz i couldnt breathe)
then took the little one out and bounced on the trampoline for over an hour which actually cleared out all the junk in my nose and chest but workoing out didnt lol

wed------ biggest loser powersculpt dvd
15 min of abs
danced off an extra 200 calories
and over 2 hours on the trampoline with my little man
and 1 mile walk
all i can say is ouch

thursday (today)--------  no more trouble zones dvd
biked 28 mins 165 cals 6.50 miles
was inspired while listening to destinys child lose my breath song
i am telling you when that song is on i move faster lol
just thought id tell ya guys in case you want to add it to your music workout playlist thingy or whatever you listen to

and over an hour on the trampoline with the little guy

have a happy healthy active thursday yall

Saturday, April 17, 2010


hope everyone has been doing well
i love all the comments you guys leave me they keep me going
even though i only get to check them once in awhile anymore

so here i am to update my workouts
and tell you i now weigh in at 177
which is just amazing 2 more pounds gone forever

THURSDAY- 4/8-   no more trouble zones dvd
          bike 32 mins 7.88 miles -200 cals
          walked 1 mile
          trampolined 1 hour

FRIDAY- biggest loser wii game
                   hard 30 mins
                130 cals or so
 and an extra ab and some sculpting for 10 mins

SATURDAY- went on the trampoline for over 2 hours with my little man


MONDAY-  biggest loser workout high intestity cardio , strength and sculpt, and bootcamp and cooldown around 1 hour 30 min workout

TUESDAY- 30 day shred dvd  level 2 and 3
biked 35 mins 8.45 miles 215 calories

WED- my little man and i were sick with a bad head cold and cough
that i still have but i only took a day off of workouts
my head wont let me rest when i am sick and  lazy
my body just wants to move i guess
 i dunno i need to learn to take at easy when i get a cold
i will learn someday that i wont gain back 100 pounds in a day lol
its the fear that makes me move

THURS- was still sick but couldnt take it just had to get moving soooooo

 i biked 64 mins 15.05 miles 385 cals and did ab and a sculpt routine for 20 mins
all this at night after my little man went to bed
cant believe what i accomplished that day

FRIDAY- no more trouble zones dvd
biked 40 mins 260 cals and 10 miles

and now its saturday and i am taking at easy with family for the day

Hope Everyone has a HAPPY HEALTHY ACTIVE weekend

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

energizer bunny - 179!!!

Just wanted to say HELLO & post my workouts for the last couple days
while i am at a computer again
thanks for all the great  comments guys
hope you all had a great easter as well

MONDAY  -  last chance workout dvd all levels
TUESDAY- 30 DAY SHRED DVD levels 1 and 2
biked 30 mins
7 miles
185 cals

and a one mile walk

so im extremely exhausted and sore  by 6 pm then
anyone have suggestions on how to get more energy so i can at least last till 8 pm LOL

WED -  (today) actually not exhausted or sore amazingly and it already past 6 pm yea LOL

biggest loser cardio max dvd
biked 34 mins
7.88 miles
201 cals

10 min abs (5 mins weighted abs)

1 mile walk
hit my 10000 steps by 6pm

and accomplished doing laundry ,dishes, taking my son to the park, and writing out 50 invitations to my sis bridal shower

im like the energizer bunny
just keep going and going

have a happy healthy active wednesday guys

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Hope the easter bunny was as kind to you as it was to me
i lost another pound
which puts me in the 17ssssss

179 to be exact
19 more pounds to goal weight but i'll probably just add a new goal weight
160 always sounded good but we shall see when i get there
i havent been 179 in probably 10 years so im excited
and of course wearing a skirt for the first time in years like i promised
i took pics for u guys
last years easter
and this year

well gotta go take granny out for easter dinner
miss u guys
have a great happy healthy active easter everyone