Thursday, May 26, 2011

lost another pound in the waist O line

mon 23rd 

 cardio      10min     and loved it

  friday night arms    10 min      and all i can say is ouchhhhhh

and total body 2     10 min       didnt like it cuz i cant get used to those dang resistance bands lol

but i got an amazing workout b4 work

tues 24th

 core cardio   10 min    loved it

lower body    10 min      great workout  but there are alot of squats and my poor butt still hurts 2 days later

abs   10 mins too long lol
  hate abs but its well worth it

wed 25th

upper body  10 min    shoulders were burning

cardio intervals 10 min  crazy a$$ workout  legs are killin me

abs ( not again lol)   getting a lil better at it though

thurs 26th  today

did  power 90  fat burner   40 mins    loved it
best part was the yoga combined with cardio

so another pound is gone and i am now sitting at 202  getting closer o onederland


had sweaty pics but cant figure out how to get them onto this new computer sooooo may be awhile b4 i do pics again lol

hope everyone is making great choices and having a great day

peace out cub scoutzzzzzzzzzz

Sunday, May 22, 2011

i'm a rockstar baby!!! ~203~

may 21st 

woke up way to early for the weekend  7:30 to be exact
made breakfast
then made kale chips

then cut lil mans hair
did laundry
now im drinking some green tea
and thinking about doing some sort of workout

we have a b day party today and i still have to make pasta salad
started painting my nails crazy colors today is watermelon green

workout today was
plyo 10 mins   ouch

here is sweaty pics from plyo

core cardio 10 min  amazing wokrout the reaching skaters i definately felt

total body 10 min  didnt like at all  gonna take soem time to get used to resistance bands

and abs 10 min  only got 9 mins done  it was way to hard for my abs

and more sweaty pics when i was all done

may 22nd 

weighed in at 203 today
that is 8 pounds lost in 7 days

im a rockstar baby

thats like biggest loser style 


went to see
and sherry today

i was a busy lil girl lol

Hope everyone had a great weekend

Friday, May 20, 2011

4 pounds in 4 days = 204

may 16th

 did zumba 20 mins
went to see granny
I'm exhausted n ate 2 much today

may 17th

listened to the radio and ran for 1.3 miles with the wii fit   took about 10 mins

burnt 170 cals

trying to make a comeback and do something and change my eating again which is hard working around food all day

trying to get workouts in b4 work but its hard

it sucked running at 7 at night after a long day

may 18th

 before work did 15 dancing with stars mambo mix

I'm exhausted didn't sleep well last night

going to see granny again

at 7 night i did Pilates for 20 mins   uggghhhh

i was sweating and sore as all hell 
i have no balance so it was horrid

may 19th

 had to go to work early so no  morning workout

lost 4 pounds in 4 days

now I'm at 204  cant wait to get to onderland again and fit in my clothes lol

calculated how much i walk at work today
it 2.12 miles  6531 steps and 250 cals

I'm going to log it everyday now

did biggest loser wii  core hard   30 mins  230 cals

the a fitness challenge for an extra 100 cals

with my walking added to a whopping 580 cals baby

may 20th

zumba flat abs 20 mins

walked 1.10 miles @ work
3509 steps
130 cals
but i left an hour Early for a Dr appt

going to do Jillian wii fitness ultimatum 09 tonight with Lil man

then on Saturday i have a birthday party and Sunday i am relaxing

Have a great weekend guys!!!!

make  smart choices
and try for 10000 steps baby

Sunday, May 15, 2011

starting new

been stressed lately
had walking pneumonia and ear infections
April autism month so it was kinda stressful
and i switched jobs
lots going on
but I'm ready to start new and have a great summer trying

joined a challenge today to lose 20 pounds by July 16th
cant wait to win lol

i have gained alot and need to lose the weight
my starting weight 211
at the end i will be at least 190 again

wish me luck