Wednesday, February 8, 2012

going up uP UP and away 209

so i decided i was going to eat for the last couple days and unfortunatly gained most of the weight back

yesterday my workout was
biggest loser calorie knockout curcuit # 1  &2

juiced up some

brussel sprouts
green beans
and a banana

juice # 2


brussel sprouts

stomach has been killing me for the last 2 days
i am guessing from actually eating
but i dont know

didnt want to get out of bed this morning or exercise or go to work
but i did all of the above

workout was

jillian michaels 6 week 6 pack  level 1

im sooooo tired of being fat

i think im just goign to repeat the motto

i deserve the best everytime i want to eat soemthing bad or not exercise and maybe it will help

or why not me  why cant i accomplis h my dream

just gonna keep sayings like that in mind when i want to give up

Monday, February 6, 2012

zumba and biggest loser 207

so my workouts today were biggest loser at home challenge cardio phase 2
and zumba with my friend sherry
we just got finished with about 35 mins worth of the zumba mix dvd
hearts racing
sweats pouring
legs r burning
feeling great

so i am weighin in at 207 because i gained 2 pounds from
eating chinese friday yesterday and today

and i havent been juicing like i should be

i am goin to get refocused and start juicing again tomorrow

i actually at ice cream chinese adn 4 pretzels today
so disgusted with myself cuz i am just sabotaging my great job i did 4   10 days

i need to make changes in my life and stick to them

i need to quit smoking once and 4 all
and i need to quit drinking once every weekend
like i have been doing for the last couple months

i am having a real problem doing it
cuz i have alot of basically peer pressure

but i want it more than ever so

im going to do this not try
im going to do it

Sunday, February 5, 2012

eating at 205

so i didnt stick to plan saturday
and i ate again
another bag of dumbass chips lol
and 4 pretzels
and i had 2 drinks while i was out

is wrong with me anymore
i was doing so great
and then i have to get in my own way and sabotage myself as usual

also mixed up


it was ok

i did dance to 4 or 5 songs last night so maybe i burnt off some of those extra calories


i woke up actually feeling great
and ready for the day

suprised i didnt gain alot of weight

been sitting at 205 for a couple days
which is fine by me

danced for about 30 mins

helped lil man with homework
he is too cute he had to write #s up tp 30
he did amazing

did some dishes ,laundry , and cleaning around the house

hope every1 is having a great weekend as well

some interesting websites i visited yesterday were

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 11 ~ 205~ with a side of chinese

so i had so much fun last night

we went out for chinese

and it was the first time i have eaten actual food in 10 days

and i ate a smaller portion that i normally would have and was full for hours

i might still be full lol

but it was good and i didnt even gain any weight like i thought i would sticking at 205 still
which is fine with me

then we went to see the movie contraband

i didnt like it at all but hubby did and it was his bday so that all that counts

woke up this morning feelin great
glad its the weekend

made a great juice mix

brussel sprouts
half a pepper
mandarin oranges
and some black beans for added protein

tasted as good as the mixes usually do

i had a email from eat this not that this morning and it talked about soda and diet soda and how horrible it is for you

i know i have to stop drinking it

i did for the first 5 days of this juicing thing but i kept having such bad what i called no caffiene headaches adn i went back to drinking at least a glass a day

but i think im going to try to stop again after reading this  heres some things i clipped out for you guys

in diet soda
aspartame, which raised blood glucose levels, that caused the weight gain; when your liver encounters too much glucose, the excess is converted to body fat.

In 2011, the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest petitioned the Food and Drug Administration to ban the artificial caramel coloring used to make Coke, Pepsi, and other colas brown. The reason: Two contaminants in the coloring, 2-methylimidazole and 4-methylimidazole, have been found to cause cancer in animals, a threat the group says is unnecessary, considering that the coloring is purely cosmetic. According to California's strict Proposition 65 list of chemicals known to cause cancer, just 16 micrograms per person per day of 4-methylimidazole is enough to pose a cancer threat, and most popular brown colas, both diet and regular, contain 200 micrograms per 20-ounce bottle.

Dentists have a name for the condition they see in kids who drink too much Mountain Dew. They wind up with a "Mountain Dew Mouth," full of cavities caused by the drink's excessive sugar levels. "Mountain Dew Mind" may be the next medical condition that gets named after the stuff. An ingredient called brominated vegetable oil, or BVO, added to prevent the flavoring from separating from the drink, is an industrial chemical used as a flame retardant in plastics. Also found in other citrus-based soft drinks and sports drinks, the chemical has been known to cause memory loss and nerve disorders when consumed in large quantities. Researchers also suspect that, like brominated flame retardants used in furniture foam, the chemical builds up in body fat, possibly causing behavioral problems, infertility, and lesions on heart muscles over time

Take a look at the ingredients list for any soda and chances are most of those ingredients are derived from corn. As much as 88 percent of the corn grown in the U.S. is genetically modified to resist toxic pesticides or engineered to create pesticides within the plant itself. Thanks to lax government safety regulations, and tight corporate control over who gets to test these proprietary seeds, there are no human studies that can prove or disprove whether these crops are safe. Independent scientists have found that, in animals, genetically modified crops, or GMOs, are linked to digestive tract damage, accelerated aging, and even infertility. By drinking soda, you're taking part in the biggest science experiment on the planet.

very scary  huh   
what are some of your favorite things that you had to give up on your weight loss journey???????
has anyone  ever tried shaun t's rocking body dvd?????????

Friday, February 3, 2012

Dreadful day 10 ~ 205

so i ate chips yesterday like half a bag of jalepeno chips
i felt like crap afterwards
really full
guess i was craving carbs real bad or maybe just food and picked a bad thing

i gained 2 pounds from it

so maybe i will never do it again

but im guessing i will

i got up this morning and moved on

 kept juicing

kept exercising

ill get to my goal some day just hate when i pick up a bag of chips and binge
its disgusting

my workout today was jackie warners 30 day fast start

im excited about going out for hubbys bday tonight

dont really know what we are doing  or if we are really going out at all or just curling up with a movie

whatever it is
i need this break from reality sooo much

if we do go out i hope i can manage to not overeat

since just putting food back into my stomach will make me gain a couple pounds

im kinda nervous about it

i felt so crappy yesterday after actually eating cuz i had been juicing for so long

well  i guess i'll write about it all tomorow


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hit my 10 POUND goal in just 9 DAYS

im so excited

 now weighing in at 203  hitting that 10 pound goal for the 10 day detox and hit it on day 9 wohooooo

i think about a pant size smaller which is amazing cant wait to see what i look like in a month

i cant believe it at all the last time i weighed in at 203 was  june 27th to be exact  7 months ago
thats just crazy that i have been ranging from 220-205  for the last 7 months  and in 9 days i went from 213 to 203 just been juicing

im never hungry i think i was hungrier on weight watchers than juicing for some reason

my workout today was jillian michaels ripped in 30    week 1

i made a great tasting mix today

brussle sprouts
and a


overall great day 
work was ok couldnt wait to get out of there but not horrible like some days lol

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

204 and feeling great!!!!!!!

i cant believe how much better  i feel just putting fruits and veggies in my body by juicing
its amazing

today i blended

1 apple
and kidney beans for some extra protein

tasted amazing

day 8 and 9 pounds lost

2 more days till i am done with the 10 day detox and then i'll have to see what i want to do maybe incorprate a meal in once a day and juice the rest

what do you guys think??????

cant wait to watch the end of biggest loser tonight 

it was a great day today hope everyone else had a great one too

oh yea and i got a great workout in this morning jillian style lol