Tuesday, October 16, 2012

fell off the wagon 233

so i fell off the juicing wagon and got run over a thousand times

i have been working out i have done shaun t's rocking body and biggest loser wii games with lil man

but food wise uuuggghhh

dont know y i do this to myself i was doing amazing and then i put starchy white crappy food in my mouth

i actually gained all the weight back

but im not giving up

just going to go back to watching what i eat and continue the exercise cuz i am really out of shape again

and hope that i can end the rocktober beach body cahllenge in some sort of megative number even if it is just -1 pound instead of +9 like it is right now ....yuck how embarrasing
what happened to my motivation i decided i hate to sweat at all anymore i used to lose to sweat and workout

wish i could get the old me back just dont really know how im back to lazy me that i was 3 years ago when i had to start exercising because i was sooooo out of shape well here i am again but in no mood to sweat it out
 hmmmmmm weird

somebody just slap me

Friday, October 5, 2012

so i was feeling really horrible this morning as u can tell in my other post so i decided that lil man and i should go on a walk and we walked baout 5 miles and now i feel soooooooooooooo much better .....getting outside in the fresh air helped alot :-)

help 227

feeling disgusted ....fighting with hubby ......stepped on scale up a pound 227....uuuuggghhh.....no tgif here today :-/
time for a drink but that isnt going to actually help my weight soooo ...ooooo well .....
maybe go workout see if i feel better

any ideas on what to do  when feeling this crappy that is actually healthy ????????????

Thursday, October 4, 2012

morning delight ~ day 16

made my normal everyday morning delight
apple banana and spinach

feeling great

still at 226

just going to stay active and healthy today

eat lots of fruits and veggies

and smile alot

did some zumba for a 653 calorie burn

actually excited about this joureny instead of  annoyed at the changes i have to make i actually like the changes
thats a first even when i lost the 65 pounds i wasnt loving it
now i am loving a healthy lifestyle maybe i will actually reach my goal of 150 pounds some day
wouldnt that just be amazing
havent weighed that since high school lol

hope everyone has a great day

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

really appreciate all the comments guys it is keeping me accountable and motivated
zumba today burnt 596 cals ....and i was so happy afterwards ...love zumba ...wonder y i ever stopped doing it everyday

day 15 ~ 226

15 days loss of 14 pounds this is crazy and amazing
i feel amazing
fruits and veggies are the way to go!!!! a lil meat here and there but absolutely no processed junk 

nothing has ever worked this amazingly 4 me

on day 3 of jillian michaels body revolution today too

cant wait to get back to onderland and if i keep this up i might actually be there in 30 days
30 days isnt that a crazy thought

it is for me this would have taken 3-4 months usually

even when i was losing weight it would be 5 pounds a month not 15 this is so great
im so excited about life now
since i am feeling better from eating better

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

day 14

starting to workout again

i have jillian body revolution phase 1 day 2 today

i have been doing great on the juicing (2 meals a day)  and healthy eating (2 non juice items a day but still fruits or vegggies or maybe some days some sort of meat)

the pounds are just falling off and im feeling amazing

next saturday i will post another weigh in pic and every saturday so i can be accountable and satudays are easier ciz i thats when i weight in for the  rocktober challenge
so my first rocktober challenge pic was 233
i am hoping this week for it to say 226 .....that will be 7 pounds in 7 days like i have been doing this whole time abround a pound a day ......unless i mess up somehwere along the way  it should say that

hope everyone is doing well ....lets keep making great choices :-)

Monday, October 1, 2012

that was sooooo me today after my jillian michaels body revolution phase 1 day 1
going to actually try to do it all till the finish this time around lol now that i have the eating down pat again maybe i can get the workouts down pat again that is until i win this rocktober contest lol and get turbofire ....(wishing,crossingfingers,hoping,praying) ill try my darndest

day 13 of 30 still going strong

have been doing really great with the healthy eating .....kinda starting to be a lifestyle ....i wake up i think weres my juice lol

anyway did great at the fair as well they actually had a juice stand so i got me some dinner there lol

doing zumba here and there most days for some exercise

i dont know i just dont feel like jumping back into crazy hour a day workouts but i should

i know thta when i workout i get hungrier too for junk so i guess maybe thats y im afraid to start working out really hard again

i dunno

but i think im going to watch me some walking dead and then figure out if i will do some jillian or zumba